On the Seven Towers

Chapter 568: Dilemma of the Gods

Hearing the other party describe the powerful gods as pitiful creatures, everyone present felt a sense of absurdity.

Their reactions were obviously not beyond the prophet's expectations. She said: "It sounds incredible, right? Then do you know what gods are?"

It was the same question again. The chief priest of the capital, Roland, asked Xiao Chen a similar question once, and the short-lived queen of the elves, the super saint Dahni, asked him once, and now the genuine god in front of him actually asked him. And this time, facing the gods themselves, Xiao Chen found it particularly difficult to answer. He pondered for a while and said: "I think it's the difference in energy levels. You are much better at mastering and mobilizing energy than I am. But your way of thinking is quite similar to ours, at least there is no communication barrier between us."

"Yes, energy. But in my opinion, it's not a question of how much energy there is, but a question of my relationship with energy. If you humans are lives that control energy, gods are lives that are dominated by energy. Have you heard Ikasa explain the difference between magic and divine power? This is all correct, but more importantly, there is The gods, who are made of divine power, have a huge desire for energy. This desire is not the kind of desire that you humans like to become stronger. It is the desire of a hungry beast in the wilderness to find food, and the desire of a drug addict in that world to have drugs. Every god has this instinctive desire to obtain more magic power to strengthen his body. Let himself go on the road of becoming a stronger energy body and never return. "

The people present found that the prophet used the words of their world skillfully, but they didn't know whether the other party had peeped into their memories like the book spirit, or obtained this knowledge from somewhere else.

"Isn't strengthening yourself a way of evolution?" Ye Zi asked.

"If an individual puts most of his energy into strengthening his body, how much energy will he spend on understanding the nature of the world and changing the way the world works? In nature, those who pursue physical strength are stupid beasts. They hope to evolve strong bodies and sharp teeth and claws, and then live in this world in a daze. And what God pursues is so similar to a wild boar. Isn't it ironic?" The prophet pointed to his head, "Real intelligent life uses this to make itself stronger, and the source of strength is the understanding of the world."

"Then don't you gods think and invent?" Xiao Chen asked.

The prophet said: "Of course, I am not saying that we are real beasts. But as you said, our way of thinking is very similar to yours, which determines that if we want to achieve something, there must be a society and a whole as our foundation. There must be enough companions to work with us.

There are many gifted scholars and inventors in human history, and no one has not completed his creation on the basis of the entire human society. People always learn from each other, promote, inspire and compete. This requires many people to contribute their wisdom and wisdom, and requires generations of hard work to accumulate.

But how many gods are there? Since... The God of Nature, the God of War, the God of Death, the God of Wisdom and me. Each god has limited talents and interests. How many people are needed to find a person who likes to study? How many of them can become truly great scholars? There may not be one among tens of thousands of people, right? But we are only five gods. In fact, none of us is interested in exploring the world.

The God of Nature likes to plant flowers and plants, cultivate monsters and subspecies. The world tree is a mutant plant he created, and the elves are the gardeners he uses to cultivate plants.

The God of War likes to fight and watch humans attack cities and destroy countries. Those war angels were originally cultivated by him. To lead humans to attack each other. He once asked these war angels to join different countries and then start wars until only one country was left.

The fun of the God of Death is to modulate human souls. He uses the souls of the dead or the living to create various illusions. Whether it is the Dream Tower or the Spirit Tower, or the inheritance of those necromancers, they all have an inexplicable relationship with him.

The God of Wisdom always finds fun in human conspiracies and intrigues. Court struggles are his favorite drama. He even sends incarnations into human society to stir up trouble. In fact, the title of God of Conspiracy should be more in line with what he does.

I am more quiet and like to slowly observe how humans evolve and change in the long river of history, but I basically won't go to the front to influence them, so this is why I am unknown.

We gods have immortal power, but apart from consuming more magic power, we just do these worthless things year after year. The world has not become better because of our existence, how can this kind of life be incorruptible? "

The hobbies of these gods made Xiao Chen and others feel uncomfortable, but they also knew that for such a powerful existence, it is a natural result to use humans as tools and toys. Even if the person in front of him is really as quiet and kind as she said, it is also an unknown thing. Xiao Chen asked: "If you don't like research and other things, why don't you use the power of humans?"

The prophet shook his head and said, "Except for the five of us, the other demigods and saints are far from the same energy level as us. The difference in our needs for new technologies is as great as that of humans and ants. When humans are studying how to destroy a stone with a magic, we can turn the stone into powder with a thought; when we want to fly out of this planet, humans don't know it is round; we want to study the essence of the superposition of divine power to form the body, but humans don't use energy in this way. Even if one day we use them to study the secrets of our bodies, we don't know whether humans will use it to destroy us or transform us.

Even if the computing power of the five of us is stronger than that of ordinary people, what's the use? Without the collision of ideas, we are just the unfathomable dead water of the Five Pools."

"I understand what you mean," Luo Ling said, "In your opinion, only people or gods of equal power will have similar needs and a basis for communication, and only when their number reaches a certain scale can they collide with sparks of thought and stimulate their creativity."

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