On the Seven Towers

Chapter 570 Prologue: Arrow of the North

In the Purple Eagle Empire in the north, the climate in spring, autumn and winter is always colder and drier than that in the Iberian Kingdom in the south. However, in summer, the hot weather here is not inferior to its southern neighbor.

Logically speaking, late summer is not a good season for hunting. First, the weather is hot and hunters suffer; second, the vegetation is lush and prey is hard to find; third, the season is not yet here and the prey is not fat, just like the king in the south who died not long ago, who never went out hunting in the summer sun.

However, His Majesty Emperor Alfred of the Empire is a young man who likes to do things unexpectedly. Not only did he lead his team to this hunting ground in the afternoon sun, but he also brought his Queen Catherine and Prince Bernhard, who had just turned three years old.

The king looks very young. If he were on Earth, he would feel that he was just a college student. He has short dark green hair and a pair of deep and bright eyes like emeralds. His skin is white and pure, and his body is slender, but from his riding movements, it can be seen that his seemingly thin body contains powerful power.

His cousin, Queen Catherine, has almost the same hair and eye color as him, and is a very beautiful woman. And their son Bernhard also inherited this, and is a cute child with bright green eyes.

This appearance comes from the Emerald Dragon bloodline of the current royal family. The Emerald Dragon is the best of the green dragon lineage. It not only has a strong physique, but also is proficient in wind magic. It is a rare holy bloodline on the continent and one of the four holy bloodlines of the Purple Eagle Empire. The so-called holy bloodline is to awaken this bloodline to the extreme, and the inheritor of the bloodline can obtain the power of the holy level. In addition to the Emerald Dragon bloodline, the other three holy bloodlines of the empire are the Hydra bloodline of the Duke of Maple Forest City, the Cyclops bloodline of the Duke of Falling Flag City, and the Purple Winged Condor bloodline of the former royal family that has disappeared for many years.

For many years, in order to maintain the stability and purity of the bloodline, the royal family of the Purple Eagle Empire has been intermarrying within the royal family. The Emerald Dragon is not an easy bloodline to maintain. The previous emperors of the empire did not perform well in terms of blood talent, but when it came to Alfred, he restored a very high blood purity. According to the judgment of Saint Morales of Silent Praise, he might touch the realm of the Saint Rank one day.

Emperor Alfred touched Prince Bernhard's head and said, "Today is an important day for you. You will understand the power of two things. The first is power. That is what I have, and if you are smart enough and strong enough, you may get it one day."

The young Bernhard obviously didn't know what his father was talking about. He was sitting on the saddle in front of his mother and looking around curiously. Although his father looked serious, he couldn't help but smile at him.

The corners of the emperor's mouth couldn't help but move up.

"Your Majesty, is it really necessary to let Bernhard watch this? I don't remember having such a "course" when we were young!" The queen's tone was a little dissatisfied.

"Times are changing, aren't they? Catherine. I said I would give him the best, and I think what I'm going to present to him today is the most valuable gift."

The Queen looked at Bernard, the Duke of Whitefish City, the Prime Minister of the Empire who accompanied them on the hunt. The Duke smiled bitterly and said, "Your Highness Catherine, although Bernhard is young, he is a child with the blood of the Emerald Dragon after all. He is a natural warrior. You don't have to worry too much."

The Emperor pointed at the Duke with his whip and said with a smile, "Bernard is always the most talkative. Bring up our prey."

The so-called prey is four young people, two men and two women. They are wearing tattered clothes, but if you look closely, you will find that the material of the clothes is very good. Only high-ranking nobles can dress like this. They look terrified and trembling, especially the two women, who are already in tears at this moment.

The emperor looked at them, but there was no sympathy on his face. Instead, he said jokingly: "Davis, that greedy fool, always regarded himself as the shield of the empire and deceived us for many years. I didn't expect that in the end he would be a parasite who used gold coins to fight and used human lives to cheat for merit. How could I forgive such a person? Did he think that he could escape my punishment by slashing his neck? Now the punishment he deserves should be taken by you instead."

"But your majesty, we really didn't participate in those transactions with the orcs! Everything was done by my father, and he didn't know anything about it." One of Earl Davis's sons pleaded.

"Yes, your majesty, my father never told us these things, and we are innocent in this matter." One of his daughters also said.

"Innocent?" His Majesty sneered, and his green eyes stared at those people, making them feel uneasy.

"In my eyes, you have enjoyed your father's greed, so you must pay the corresponding price for his greed. Let's get started!"

A knight undid the shackles on the feet of the four young men, whipped them with a whip, and shouted: "Run, run! In three minutes, the hunters will start hunting you. They will kill you without mercy, but if you escape from this forest, you will be free."

When the four heard this, they didn't know whether they were whipped by the whip or moved by freedom, and they ran one after another.

The emperor said to his son: "Look, this is power. As long as you have it, countless people will revolve around you, and you can even easily decide a person's life or death. Now I give you a power, you choose who among the four will be killed first."

The little prince looked at his father with some confusion, but under his father's encouraging eyes, he stretched out his finger and pointed at a woman who was running away.

"Good choice." The emperor took out a bow from the space ring, pulled it to the full, and enchanted the innate wind magic on the arrow.

The young people who were sealed with magic and fighting spirit did not run too far.

As soon as the emperor let go, the arrow wrapped in the wind drew a gray line in the air and pierced directly into the back of the woman's head.

The little daughter of Earl Davis let out a short scream, and then a big hole exploded behind her head, and she fell to the ground silently.

"This is the second point I want to tell you today: the power of force. With this power, the empire can occupy the largest territory on the continent." The emperor then shot two more arrows, and the wind magic gave his arrows an extremely long range. One of the two young men was shot through the chest, and the other had a big hole directly opened in the head.

When the emperor was about to kill the fourth woman, a knight suddenly rushed into the hunting ground and rushed to the king.

The knight whispered in the prime minister's ear for a while. The prime minister showed a look of surprise, and he cast a silent barrier. He said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, this is great news, Qianren Sword Saint is really dead!"

The emperor seemed to have completely forgotten the last prey at this time. He said to the people around him: "The God of Nature is favoring the empire, isn't he? Go back to the palace, our game with the southern girl will start soon."

The hunting team came and went quickly. They hurriedly left the hunting ground and threw the last female prisoner in the wilderness. The woman covered her face and cried bitterly, but not long after, a string of flames rose from her back. The woman rolled and screamed, but was finally burned to ashes in the flames.

Thanks to the book friend Laibei Yongshengzhijiu for the reward

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