On the Seven Towers

Chapter 576 Unexpected Threat

Ackley was quickly woken up by someone, and a young man sat opposite him.

Ackley said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I may have been thinking too much recently and am a little tired."

"It's nothing, I often feel sleepy. It's spring now, and I can't wake up from my spring sleep. Let me meet you, my name is Xiao Chen." The man said straight to the point: "Don't think too complicated about the loyalty test. We are just asking some questions. , see what you think. Just answer according to your true situation.”

After Ackley talked with Jenny and confirmed his belief in serving the Chinese, he felt that he had no evil intentions in his heart. He said generously: "Please ask me. I have nothing to hide."

"Very good." Xiao Chen asked some questions about his family background, and then suddenly turned to the part about his father's death, "Do you have hatred towards us? After all, your family members died at the hands of our army, I have to remind you "Excuse me, there's a lie-detection magic working now, and you'd better say what's really on your mind."

"There have been some, but not too strong. A few days ago, someone told me that the bounden duty of nobles is war. If this continues, soldiers will naturally have a clear understanding of the results of war. War is cruel, and it is possible for everyone. Die inside, but this death is not personal.

You have to know that among the nobles of the current kingdom, for one or two thousand years, they are almost constantly changing sides, fighting and killing each other, but at the same time they are marrying each other and becoming allies of various kinds. If every family remembers The hatred of the past, then we will fight forever. "

"But this time, after all, it happened just now. The person who killed your father is among us." Xiao Chen said.

"If he killed my father because of personal matters, I will definitely take revenge. But in the war, it is not his will that leads to this result, it can be said to be the will of the Tower of China. Since you are monitoring my Emotions, then you can know that I am telling the truth.”

"Yes, very good." Xiao Chen then turned the topic to other aspects. Some talked about his past life, some talked about his transformation in prison, and also asked about his views on the governance of Chinese territories.

"I feel that your attitude towards the people is even more different. Saying that you respect them more is just a superficial thing. In fact, you hope that they can all become like blacksmiths, bakers, veterinarians, and A useful person like an experienced farmer.

Then let these skilled craftsmen create a better life for you. This is of course a very good thing, but the key is to have money. It takes money to build a school and hire teachers. If other lords are as rich as you, they can also do this. "

Xiao Chen nodded noncommittally and said, "Then today's test is over. You can go back and wait for the notification."

Ackley was taken out of the room, and after a while his companions who had come with him to take the test also came out of the room.

Most of the people seemed relaxed, and Ackley exchanged a few words with them, as if everyone was being asked the same questions. However, some people said that they were asked several questions repeatedly. Ackley guessed that the lie detector magic was at work. It must be that these guys said things that were against their will, which led to such results.

They were quickly brought back to the camp, and after a few days, Ackley finally received the notice. Among the people they went with, five people passed the examination, but the remaining people did not pass and continued to return to the labor camp to serve their sentences.

Fortunately, Ackley was one of the ones who passed the review. He was assigned to the boot camp and began three months of recruit training.

Although he is an experienced mid-level warrior. However, he still did not understand the tactics used by the Chinese. In order to integrate his power into the Guards' system and play its due role, he still needs to learn a lot of things. From the lowest level of formation and discipline, to the use of pneumatic guns, as well as various tactical actions, squad tactics and more.

The training camp is also on the outskirts of Hewan New City. After training every day, Ackley can walk around the camp. The campground is large and lush with vegetation near the edges.

One day after training, while he was walking on a forest path, an arrow shot at him. Ackley did not dodge because he knew that the arrow was not aimed at his body. The arrow landed one meter in front of him. When he looked carefully, there was a note tied to it.

Ackley looked towards the direction of the arrow. It should be outside the camp. There seemed to be a black shadow flashing past. However, it was definitely too late for him to chase the figure across the wall now.

He picked up the arrow and carefully unfolded the note, only to see it read:

If you are willing to do intelligence trading, come here at this time tomorrow. Any information about the Chinese and the Chinese army can be exchanged for various rewards. To show our sincerity, the arrow head is given to you as a gift.

——Archer in Black

Ackley looked at it and suddenly realized that the arrowhead was a bit heavy. He looked carefully and saw that the arrowhead was actually an amulet engraved with magic patterns.

Although he didn't know exactly what this magic pattern meant, nor what the function of this talisman was, any such magic item was extremely valuable.

Ackley understands that such a reward is definitely not something that ordinary small forces can give.

According to Ackley's previous temperament, he would definitely meet the man alone the next day, find a way to find out his background, or even catch him on the spot. But now his identity made him much more cautious, and his first reaction was to report the matter to his superior, the officer in charge of training.

However, the next day, when he led a team of guards to ambush at this location, preparing to capture the "black archer", he found that no one came as promised.

The team ambushed for a total of two days, but neither caught anyone nor got any new clues.

This matter seemed to have completely passed, until a week later, another arrow shot at him at another location in the camp. This time, the arrow did not shoot at the ground in front of him, but at him, and the arrowhead was replaced with a sharp metal arrowhead.

Ackley avoided the arrow and found that the paper on the arrow this time read:

You have disappointed us, so we decided to change the way we cooperate with you. Now, your brother Julio in Green Forest City is under our control. Come here tomorrow and meet me with the information about the Chinese air gun, otherwise you will receive your brother's head in a few days.

——Black Archer

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