On the Seven Towers

Chapter 590: Opportunity to Become King

"But does this mean that we have to fight the Purple Eagle Empire and the Kingdom of Iberia at the same time?" Minister of Human Resources Mo Lanxin asked.

"We originally attacked on three fronts in the north and southeast. After allowing the empire to destroy the kingdom's forces in northern Suero, and then to prevent the empire from invading near the Armando River, the forces required will never be as high as capturing and then defending Blackwood. We can’t put our hope in the Imperial people just accepting it. There’s no reason why the wolf won’t eat it if it’s in front of us.”

Wang Jiyuan's words were recognized by many committee members.

Xiao Chen also agreed: "According to me, Suero is a pearl in the west of the kingdom. Countless wealth is concentrated here. You count on the leading general of the empire to rush into the hinterland of the kingdom. Faced with such a full Are the cities of gold coins indifferent? In the eyes of the imperial people, I am afraid that there is no difference between us and other lords in the kingdom. The name of the Chinese cannot stop their greed. "

"So, you mean to form an alliance with Count Carlos?" Chang Lin asked.

"Yes. There are several benefits to forming an alliance." Xiao Chen stretched out his fingers and counted them one by one. "First of all, it can reduce the cost of mutual defense between us and them. Whether we adopt a posture of waiting for the opportunity, or rush in alone The situation will make them uneasy. After forming an alliance, we can at least coordinate our actions with each other and liberate our and their forces.

Secondly, after forming an alliance, we can also borrow their "great righteousness". We are not part of the kingdom's political circles, but Count Carlos is an important one.

The Earl had already mentioned that he wanted to welcome Prince Javier to his place. He must have had the idea of ​​establishing a new king to compete with Queen Laura. Metatron, who is currently overseeing Prince Javier, and Master Gabriel, who is currently overseeing Prince Javier, are opposed to this matter. However, if we form an alliance, even if the prince is not with the earl, he will have enough reason to raise the flag of supporting the king. According to my understanding of the nobles of the kingdom, whether or not Prince Javier is there will make a big difference in the difficulty of the count's attack on the city. "

Xiao Chen glanced at Master Gabriel, who now belongs to the Ministry of Magic, who immediately nodded and said: "According to the tradition of the kingdom's nobles, the lack of Prince Javier's bloodline is directly related to whether what Count Carlos does is to support the king or rebel. This is very different for many nobles who are wavering in the middle.

The reason why May and I are unwilling to send Prince Javier to the Count is because we know very well that establishing a king cannot satisfy the ambitions of the Arias family, nor can it release their resentment for so many years. But if the prince is here, it will be a different situation. Javier doesn't have to be the king, but if his name can help gain more land for the Tower of China and add some strength to the revenge of the Tower of Shining Wings, then there's no harm in using it. "

"Is it okay even if Javier doesn't become king?" Mo Lanxin asked.

Gabriel glanced at her, showing no enthusiasm for her as he did for Xiao Chen. He said in an indifferent tone: "After being here for so long, I have seen so many things that I have never seen before. You are different from any other country in the world. The closer I get to you, the more I can feel the difference between you and me." Beneath this exotic atmosphere is a set of rules with terrifying potential.

Whether it's a kingdom or an empire, the way they operate is really far different from yours, and they are not in the same era in every aspect. I used to think that the power of magic was the most powerful of all powers. However, when I came here and saw all kinds of things connected closely and orderly, erupting with terrifying power, I realized that I was too superficial before. .

I know very well that the future world will either be presented in your way, or it will be destroyed in the hands of the God of Nature. I am afraid that there may not be a place for a king. Javier's identity can be used, but he should live in this city anonymously. "

When Xiao Chen heard Gabriel's words, he felt a little admiration. Although this great magician was usually quiet, he did have extraordinary insight. What Gabriel said had many similarities with Xiao Chen's cognition.

Xiao Chen said: "The sooner this war ends, the better. So if the Earl can use the alliance to quickly deal with those wavering centrists, it will also be a good thing for us."

At this time Luo Ling added: "In addition, the alliance has another advantage. This is that we can take the opportunity to penetrate into the territory of our 'allies', intervene in their economy in the name of funding, slowly change their industrial structure, and let them In the industrial chain, it is tied to our economy. Implementing this process during war will be much faster than promoting this process through commercial trade. We can use this to increase our raw material supply areas and markets.”

"Maybe we should formulate a package aid plan with our allies." Chang Lin nodded repeatedly, seeming to be very interested in Luo Ling's idea.

Even Bai Yicheng said: "If you look at it from this perspective, the alliance is a long-term plan."

Because of Xiao Chen and Luo Ling's analysis, many people saw opportunities on the other side of the matter. For them, in the face of the benefits contained in these opportunities, the risks of forming an alliance were simply not worth mentioning. So many people began to change their stance. Discuss with each other.

"I think your words are much more useful than mine. These people are obviously moved by the immediate interests." Xiao Chen sighed to Luo Ling in the Soul Bridge.

"The most important quality of an excellent politician is to know when and what power to use to mobilize everyone around him. How to use different means such as faith, interests, reputation and responsibility on different people is a big question." Luo Ling said with some pride.

"Politician? Forget it. This is not something I can do." Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, "I am just a little smart, plus I have more information, I can see the problem from different angles. The three words you said are too heavy."

Luo Ling didn't say much, just a chuckle came from the soul.

It took more than two hours for everyone to end this heated discussion. At this time, even many specific implementation opinions had been put forward.

Guo Qian took the opportunity to initiate a vote. As a result, in this meeting, the committee passed the resolution to form a military alliance with Count Carlos and others with a high vote.

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