On the Seven Towers

Chapter 594: Upgrading from a musket to a cannon

The Type 02 standard long sword in the hands of melee infantry is made of high-carbon steel produced by the Chinese. It is not supplemented with flashy and costly elemental arrays, but with a weight control array. According to the operator's thoughts, the weight of the long sword can be increased at any time. A skilled swordsman can activate the array when the potential energy is the highest, greatly increasing the power of the chop. In addition, there is a solid array to increase the durability of the long sword, making its hardness reach 58-60HRC.

The armor is composed of a steel helmet, chest armor, shoulder armor, skirt armor, as well as hand guards and shin guards. The armor is made of hydraulic stamping. Although it is simple, it has enhanced the protection after enchantment, which is not much worse than the general enchanted armor on the market.

The Type 02 air pistol is a shortened version of the Type 01 air rifle, which can load two bullets. Although the power and range are shortened a lot, it strengthens the ability of these warriors to fight at medium distances.

In the Infantry Drill Manual, when defending in formation, the typical fighting method of melee sword and shield soldiers is to throw crystal grenades when the enemy rushes within 150 meters. Within 30 meters, first shoot with a pistol, and then draw the sword to fight.

Xiao Chen and Katarina walked forward for a while and met a team of cavalry. There were not many cavalry in the guard army. The team in front of Xiao Chen had only about 50 people. The equipment of the cavalry was very similar to that of ordinary infantry, except that they replaced their weapons with 02-type lances. The lances were shorter than rifles, but the general structure was similar, and the ammunition and parts were universal. They were also equipped with a melee weapon-a saber, but these cavalry were not used for charging, but were responsible for flank harassment and pursuit from behind. When there were not enough scouts, they would also participate in battlefield blocking.

Behind the cavalry appeared two slowly moving magic crystal trucks. A lot of supplies were piled on the cargo box, but there were some soldiers in military uniforms sitting on both sides of the cargo box. However, these people were not carrying air guns, but magic staffs.

"We are the only ones who treat mages like this." Katarina said, "If other forces dared to treat mages like this and treat them as soldiers, those mages would have rebelled long ago."

"Magicians should not be special. I have said that in the future, more and more people will master magic, and becoming a mage will no longer be a rare thing. There are few mages on this continent, just because education cannot keep up." Xiao Chen smiled, "Do you know how many of the newly enrolled middle school students can do apprentice-level magic?"

Katrina shook her head.

"Fifty percent!" Xiao Chen stretched out a palm, "When they graduate from middle school, this number will increase a lot. Although I don't know how many of them can become low-level mages. But I am optimistic. Cultivating so many mage apprentices shows that our training method is right. You see, so many people can do magic, so what is precious about magicians?"

These mages really don't have a sense of "nobility". They are crowded together with the goods, or meditate, or talk, and they are not uncomfortable at all, let alone pretentious.

The Guards stipulated that low-level mages belonging to the army must form a mage class of ten people and fight in a joint casting method. Mid-level mages will form a team of three to ten people according to conditions. They usually fight in a single casting method. When attacking or encountering a strong enemy, they also fight in a joint casting method. In addition to being equipped with a staff, these mages will also have a 02-type air gun and an extra small kettle containing a potion that stimulates mental power.

Behind the two crystal vehicles are several small crystal trailers towing pneumatic cannons. The small crystal trailer is much smaller than the truck, but more flexible. A gun mount is directly mounted behind the front of the vehicle, and a two-meter-long pneumatic cannon is placed flat on it. Several artillerymen either sit on the gun mount or walk beside the trailer. They can be said to be the lightest-equipped warriors. Except for a 02-type air pistol, they have no other weapons and equipment.

"This cannon is bigger than the previous one." Catalina said.

"This is a 120mm pneumatic cannon. Generally speaking, the larger the caliber, the greater the power." Xiao Chen smiled. "If our plan in Suero City is not going well, then we have to rely on them to break open the gates of the inner city."

In the year after the attack on Alano, the Ministry of Industry launched two new types of pneumatic cannons. One is a reinforced pneumatic cannon with a caliber of 120mm, which is 50% larger than the first type of pneumatic cannon and has a larger caliber. Although it is not as convenient to transport as the first type of pneumatic cannon, it is much more effective when attacking a city. The other is a 60mm caliber mortar. This lightweight cannon is used to fire small elemental shells, and its power is equivalent to a low-level mage's attack. The power of large-scale use cannot be underestimated.

The original type 1 80mm/L25 pneumatic cannon also strengthened the gas tank and rifling, and improved the inflation array, which further accelerated the inflation speed by 30%. In addition, the weight-reducing array that can be turned on and off at any time has achieved a new balance in mobility and power.

Another huge improvement came from the shells. After nearly two years of hard work, the Ministry of Science and Technology finally mastered the formulas of several explosives. Although there is still a gap between them and the high-energy explosives in the original world, after loading them into conventional shells and adding magic circles and crystals, the effect can be taken to a higher level. In addition, with the help of alchemists, absorbing the accumulation of mages from the Tower of Shining Wings and the Kingdom Magic Association, a series of special magic shells have been recently developed.

"I think even if our plan fails, Marquis Baldini of Suero will not be able to hold out for long against this army. After all, he only has a patchwork of city guards, plus some mercenaries and slaves. Although there are many people, the quality is too poor." Catalina said.

"Our main opponent was not him. Suero is just a commercial city after all. However, the imperialists have made up their minds to make a fortune. They will definitely not be easy to deal with." Xiao Chen said as he looked at the army that was constantly moving forward. "Moreover, our team has not been truly tempered. The guards have been expanded on a large scale several times in the past six months, from one battalion to four regiments, with a size of nearly 5,000 people. In this team, the veterans have been seriously diluted. Soldiers who have been on the battlefield have become very few. Wang Jiyuan can't even guarantee that the squad leader of each squad has been on the battlefield once. Some people were just soldiers before, and they became deputy platoon leaders in a blink of an eye before they had time to see blood.

You know very well how big the difference is between mercenaries who have seen blood and those who have not, so it is the same for our guards. If everything goes well, it's fine. Once there is a setback, that's when the real test comes. Weapons and equipment are never the core of a unit, but talents are."

Note: HRC is a unit of hardness. 58-60HRC reaches the level of a modern good knife. 80mm represents the caliber of the gun, that is, the diameter of the muzzle, and L25 represents the gun's multiple caliber, that is, the length of the gun barrel divided by the caliber. Generally speaking, the larger the multiple caliber, the straighter the trajectory and the longer the range.

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