On the Seven Towers

Chapter 596 Attack Plan

Catalina continued: "I heard that the Marquis scattered the city guards, mercenaries and ordinary soldiers among the slaves and mixed them together to form eight or nine teams, and let the more powerful elite knights lead them."

"How can such a team get the fighting power?" Shi Hao asked.

"He used the golden ax to attract the city guards and mercenaries to work hard, and promised freedom to the slaves. However, the most effective methods were swords, guns and whips. Due to poor training performance in the past two days, many people lost their heads. But. No matter how much effort he put in, it was impossible to train them as a whole in such a short period of time.”

Xiao Chen said: "He doesn't need to train them into elites, as long as they can carry out the simplest battles under the threat of swords. Siege warfare is different from field battles. As long as they learn to throw things down from the top of the city, Just a useful soldier."

Catalina said: "That's true. Now these people spend most of their time practicing city defense actions near the city wall. In my opinion, he wants to follow the traditional city defense method and let each team be responsible for a section of the city wall.

However, he didn't know how our cannons fought. Those who stayed on top of the city would definitely die miserably. "

Wang Jiyuan said: "It's useless to just kill people. The key is to break through the city wall. But according to our intelligence, Suero's city wall is very high and thick, and there are many reinforcement formations on it. The last slave rebellion almost broke After the city was built, the nobles in the inner city spent a lot of effort to strengthen the city walls. In addition, the city walls on this continent are generally higher and thicker than the ancient city walls here, so it is not easy to destroy them with cannons. "

Xiao Chen also said: "This does not include the issue of defensive barriers. As the largest city in the west of the kingdom, Suero's defensive barriers should not be much different even if they are not as good as those of the royal capital.

Moreover, this barrier has not been activated for many, many years. Even Master Icasa does not know its details. Whether it is an energy barrier or a physical barrier, or a dual barrier like the Royal Capital, we have no idea. No intelligence. We also don’t know how large the units covered by the barrier itself are, how strong its defense is, and how many crystal stones it has in reserve. In this case, the enemy must be treated with leniency. "

"Maybe it hasn't been used for so many years. That thing has been in disrepair and has been broken for a long time. All your analysis here has turned out to be in vain." Shi Hao said.

"Having said that, before we do anything, it's best to pray for good luck, but expect bad luck." Xiao Chen said seriously, "We can't place our hopes on the fact that our enemies are unlucky."

"Based on the worst-case scenario, this battle will turn into a protracted siege. This will directly affect our plan for Heimuguan. If Suero is not captured, he will be like a nail. Pinned behind us. Not only will our logistics channels be affected, but the enemy can also take advantage of the situation and counterattack us at any time." Wang Jiyuan looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Maybe you are right, you should think of a way to remove the fortress from the inside. Internal breach."

Xiao Chen said: "Although Master Icasa has remained neutral in this war according to the usual style of the Spiritual Eye Tower, in fact he is still on our side. I have contacted him several times before, hoping that He was able to communicate with Marquis Baldini, but the Marquis' attitude was very strange. He did not refuse sternly, but did not give him a chance to talk. "

"Is it just like you said, he feels he's not ready yet?" Shi Hao asked.

Xiao Chen shook his head and said: "I don't know. If Master Casa's road doesn't work, I have to find another way to contact him." Xiao Chen asked Catalina: "Now the merchants from the outer city are here What to do?”

"When the news about us spread, those who could leave naturally left. There were people with families and businesses who couldn't leave. Some wanted to smoothen their connections and hide in the inner city. Some felt that we were starting a business and wouldn't embarrass them, so they continued to stay outside. City, praying that the war will not destroy their family business," Catalina said.

"What do those who want to enter the city usually do?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Naturally, I went to ask the Marquis of Baldini, and the Marquis also gave a price. He only accepted a few types of hard currency, food, magic crystals, or soldiers. If he met the standards, he would naturally be able to enter the city. These things are all done by his butler Ava Lee is taking care of it," Catalina said.

"Is there any way to get on the line with this Avali?"

Catalina nodded.

"It seems we can start from here." Xiao Chen said to Wang Jiyuan, "I will go alone this time."

"How can this be done?" Wang Jiyuan and Catalina said in unison.

Xiao Chen pointed to his head: "I have never been alone."


Xiao Chen and Catalina remounted their horses and headed for Suero, hoping to sneak into the inner city before the large group of people arrived. Also leaving with them was Shi Hao, commander of the Second Regiment, who summoned the cavalry company directly under the Second Regiment. He and Xiao Chen sped towards the outer city of Suero.

Shi Hao's cavalry company has fifty people. The commander of the cavalry company is Leo, a mid-level warrior. There are also four low-level warriors in the company. The goal of their operation was to intercept the fleeing nobles and businessmen. The order given by Wang Jiyuan is that people can leave, but the money and belongings must be left behind. If there is resistance, act cheaply.

"You said it was easy, but you put the problem on my head." Shi Hao said next to Xiao Chen.

"Captain, what's so embarrassing? They've all beaten us, so of course they'll kill us all." Leo was a mercenary after all, and at times like this, he had a ruthless air.

Shi Hao said, "You know nothing! We are the guards, not bandits. In a well-informed place like Suero, killing people at will will have a bad impact. It will increase the difficulty of our future work nearby."

Leo curled his lips, "When the time comes, who will care so much when there are guns and knives?"

Xiao Chen said to Shi Hao, "You are now the chief officer of a unit. You must first be responsible for your own brothers. There is no room for any hesitation at this time. However, didn't you just say that you want to kill the chicken to scare the monkey? If you kill the chicken hard enough, are you afraid that the monkey will not obey?"

Shi Hao nodded and said, "This is the only way. I hope those people are smart enough and don't need me to make a river of blood."

When they came to a fork in the road outside Suero, Shi Hao's team separated from Xiao Chen and went to the east of Suero. From Catalina's intelligence, they learned that the nobles and merchants who escaped were preparing to go east to the capital. Shi Hao was ready to block them on the only way to the east.

Catalina took Xiao Chen to the outer city of Suero, trying to find a way to contact the Marquis's steward Avali.

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