On the Seven Towers

Chapter 599 On the screen

The house Pascoe was talking about was located in the civilian area of ​​the inner city. Most of the people living here were low-level nobles such as knights or some high-level servants who served the nobles. His house is a small one-story house in a remote corner. It fits Xiao Chen's requirement of being hidden and inconspicuous.

Along the way, Xiao Chen didn't ask for much valuable information. After all, Pascoe was just a guard captain under the steward, not a particularly core figure. He didn't know where the city's defense barrier control center was. No one could tell what Marquis Baldini's defense plan was.

"As for experts, there are no master-level guards around the Marquis. After all, Baldini's roots in the aristocratic circle are still relatively young. He was conferred the title of Marquis by the old king four or five years ago. There are not many people available for him. He is the most powerful around him. His guards are two high-level swordsmen from the north, Marco and Marisa brothers. They are twins. I heard that they are good at using two-handed swords. He also hired Primo, a high-level mage from the Tower of Searing Wind. , these three people should be the strongest combatants around him. Apart from these three people, they are middle- and low-level warrior mages. As for whether there are high-level warriors among the nobles he hired to help." After taking Xiao Chen to have a brief look at the house, Pascoe told Xiao Chen all the information he knew about the personnel.

"Let me ask you another question." Xiao Chen took out ten golden axes from his arms, "If I want to contact Marquis Baldini without exposing myself, is there any feasible way?"

"Are you bringing a message to the Marquis?"

"Well, this is an important issue related to the Marquis's own life and death." Xiao Chen emphasized.

"I don't have any good ideas. If you are not prepared to harm the Marquis, then just go to him directly." Pascoe accepted Xiao Chen's ten golden axes and saluted him with satisfaction. left.

Xiao Chen watched the direction he left. After he walked away, he moved a table to the door of the room, then took out a pen and paper from Traveler's Heart, wrote a note and put it on the table, and then moved a chair Sit down and start waiting.

At this time, in Xiao Chen's meditation world, Xiao Chen, Kona, Tasia, Elena and Xiaobai are in Xiao Chen's house by the sea. They are in a circular room with a 360-degree surrounding room. A circle of screens displayed exactly what Xiao Chen perceived as the outside world. This kind of image not only comes from vision and hearing, but also from Xiao Chen's mental power. Therefore, two-fifths of the picture is in color, which comes from Xiao Chen's vision. The rest is like a black and white line drawing, with no color, no light and shadow, but those lines outline the internal structure of things. This is the spirit. The picture formed after the force perceives the world.

This method of sensory reading and display was developed by Xiao Chen and Master Kona. They found ways to collect Xiao Chen's sensory information. Then introduce them into the world of meditation and display them, so that he is really not alone in facing the problem at hand.

There is a small light spot in front of the screen, moving further and further away. That was Pascoe who was marked by Xiao Chen's spiritual power.

In front of the big screen, there is still a small circular screen floating in the air, which shows a rapidly retreating street scene. This is what Xiao Chen saw with the mage's eyes placed on Pascoe.

"Are we just going to wait now? It feels a little passive." Tasia asked.

"After the bait is put down, fishermen should naturally wait patiently. In this environment, there is always nothing wrong with caution." Master Koner said.

"But what if Pascoe really left?" Elena said.

"If we really leave, we can find another way. But I think it's unlikely." Xiao Chen said, "This guy is a scum with no bottom line. He can betray anyone for gold coins. The information I left behind is enough to cause Barr to Marquis Dini attaches great importance to this opportunity to make another fortune by selling information, and I don’t think he will give it up easily.”

"But wouldn't this expose the fact that he secretly let people in?" Tasia asked.

Xiao Chen and Master Kona both laughed. Xiao Chen said: "Who has evidence to say that he brought me in? On the list, I belong to the chef of the fat businessman's family. When someone asked, he only had to push the fat man and everything would be fine. He had already found scapegoats.

Master Kona said: "He can even say that he has long discovered the secret of Fatty sneaking people in. It was his careful observation that discovered what was wrong with Xiao Chen. The purpose of letting people in was to trap Xiao Chen."

"Okay. I understand. When the time comes, no one will believe a businessman's words and pursue these matters. A typical trick of low-level nobles." Tasia said.

"He's here." Xiao Chen pointed at the screen and said. Everyone looked at the small screen and saw Pascoe walking into the city lord's palace. As soon as he entered the city lord's mansion, the screen became shaken and blurred.

Master Kona said: "There are magic circles or props in this house that suppress magic, and the effect of the Mage's Eye is greatly affected."

The figure on the screen became very blurry, and only an outline could be seen roughly, but the other person's facial expression could not be clearly seen. Mage's Eye was originally unable to provide sound, so now it looks like a silent film with corrupted files.

At this time, Xiao Chen, who was sitting in the small house, suddenly opened his eyes. A silvery white light emitted from his eyes, and a magical channel that was difficult to detect with the naked eye was greatly strengthened.

The image reflected in the meditation world and seen by the mage's eyes became clear again, but it never returned to the original clarity.

Master Kona asked: "How effective do you think the power of suppressing magic is in the City Lord's Mansion?"

"This is a magic suppression type magic suppression array, not a mental suppression type. It suppresses about three-quarters of the magic effect." Xiao Chen calculated for a while and came to a conclusion, "With a few of us, if we fight others in the City Lord's Mansion, our strength will be greatly reduced."

In the picture, they saw Pascoe meeting several people in a row. Obviously, the information he found here was valued by the other party. Although it has not been reported to Marquis Baldini, several men who looked very powerful in the picture quickly called four or five people who looked strong and followed Pascoe out of the City Lord's Mansion.

Xiao Chen said: "It seems that the fish has been hooked, and we should be prepared. There are two things to do now. First, contact Marquis Baldini and find out his real thoughts. If things cannot be done, kill him. Second, no matter what he is thinking, whether he will join us or not, we must destroy Suero's defense barrier, so that the initiative is in our hands. We have to do these two things separately. My idea is that Master Kona and Tasia will solve the barrier, and Elena will accompany me to see the Marquis."

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