On the Seven Towers

Chapter 607 Bell Tower Meeting

Xiao Chen stood on the top of the bell tower and watched the city guards gathering downstairs. They closed off several roads leading to the bell tower from elsewhere, but didn't get too close. After he left the hut, he waited here for the reaction of Marquis Baldini.

About an hour later, a carriage came from a distance and stopped at the foot of the bell tower. Six people got out of the carriage. Four of them are dressed as warriors, one is a mage, and the last one is the Marquis of Baldini. One of the warriors was carrying two swords, it was Marco from before.

But to Xiao Chen's surprise, the six people discussed for a while below. The Marquis did not choose Marco to follow him up, but asked a middle-aged man in his forties and the mage to accompany him upstairs.

But at this time, Xiao Chen spoke from above: "Marquis Baldini, my note says that you must go upstairs alone. The few guards around you should stay below, otherwise I refuse to continue the conversation."

He stretched out one hand and held a paper roll. The bell tower was about five or six stories high. Looking up from the bottom, people below could see his movements clearly.

"This is a teleportation scroll. If I see someone else coming in, it means you are very insincere. It is more reliable for me to seize the time and destroy the city defense barrier. Then I will teleport away directly."

Marquis Baldini felt that the way the man above spoke seemed familiar, but he had never seen that look before. He said: "I have never seen you, how do I know you are not an assassin?"

"If we can cooperate, I will naturally not hurt you. If you choose to be hostile, there is no need to come up now. If you want to wait for the price, then we can talk about the details. Ha, you don't mind what secrets everyone hears If so, it’s okay to just talk about it.”

After Xiao Chen said this, he quietly waited for the other party's reply. For him, this was the benefit of the bell tower. The bell tower opened the distance between the two parties and gave him enough buffer time. Even if the other party wanted to take any action, he would not hesitate to do so. If you can see it, you have enough time to react in time.

The people below discussed for a while, and Marquis Baldini replied: "As the lord of a city, I must be responsible for the safety of the entire city, and cannot easily enter danger. This has nothing to do with courage, but only responsibility.

Although your request is a bit excessive, I can take a step back now. I will send my deputy Garriott to speak on my behalf. He will go upstairs alone. Garriott is the person I trust most and can make many decisions on my behalf. , even if there is anything uncertain, he can always come down and ask for my opinion.

This is my final bottom line. If you don't agree, then we have nothing to talk about. "

Xiao Chen thought for a while and found that the other party's request was reasonable. If it were him, he would not easily agree to others and go into danger alone.

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for you up there. Don't bring weapons. I hope this is a friendly meeting," he said.

He saw the middle-aged man who had originally planned to accompany the Marquis take off the sword from his side, and then walked up alone.

"I feel that Marquis Baldini's attitude is not very clear." Master Kona's voice came from Xiao Chen's soul.

"I've noticed it too. However, as long as we can confirm his position, it's not in vain. Tasia and the others have found their location and begun to sneak into the city defense center. We are not without the ability to fight back now."

During the conversation between Xiao Chen and Master Kona, footsteps sounded on the spiral staircase downstairs, and the middle-aged man named Garriott walked up the stairs.

The top floor of this bell tower is not small, it is more than ten square meters, and it is a square space. An iron spiral staircase leads up from the middle, forming a circular cavity in the center of the room, with an iron fence around the edge of the cavity.

Xiao Chen held on to the window sill on one side of the clock tower and watched Garriott walk up little by little. From a close distance, this man looks older than from a distance. His skin is rough, and there are many wrinkles on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes, making him look weathered. However, his eyes were very sharp. As soon as he got to the top floor, he looked Xiao Chen up and down, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Patin? That must be a fake name. Your appearance is also fake." Garriott said.

Xiao Chen said: "Mr. Garriott, this is not important, as long as I can represent the Tower of China. I wonder what your attitude is?"

"Well, Patin, or whoever it is. The Marquis of Baldini wants to know what he can gain if he hands the city over to you without resistance?" asked Garriott.

"First of all, he will obtain a corresponding status in the China Tower system. Although he will no longer be a ruler, our management of the land under our rule will require the participation of important local figures in negotiations. He will have His own right to speak. Secondly, his property will be protected to the greatest extent, and we are also willing to provide an additional generous reward. Finally, as the first important official of the kingdom to cooperate with us, he will become a benchmark and a symbol. His reputation will continue to spread throughout the continent as we expand, and will eventually leave his name in history.”

"Is this all you give to a marquis?" Garriott's expression was strange, as if he had heard something funny.

"What Marquis Baldini needs can be stated clearly. These conditions are not undiscussable," Xiao Chen said.

"I heard that there are no nobles in your territory?" Garriott asked.

"That's right."

"No wonder you don't understand what the nobles want." Garriott sighed, "Marquis Baldini, or any other marquis, wants to become a duke, have more territory, more soldiers and more wealth, and then pass these things on to his son, his son's son, and the next generation of descendants. This is what the nobles value most. And what you said, except for wealth, is meaningless to him."

"Is this what you want on behalf of Marquis Baldini?"

"No." Garriott showed a strange smile: "Marquis Baldini doesn't need these. Because what you can't give, we can give!"

Before he finished speaking, his body rushed towards Xiao Chen like a cannonball. When he was in the air, green scales appeared on his arms. These scales started from the upper arm and extended to his palms. The fingers also turned into extremely sharp claws at the top.

Xiao Chen hurriedly flew back to dodge and summoned an ice shield to block in front of him, but the ice shield that looked very thick was shattered by a blow from the claws.

"Imperials!" Master Kona shouted.

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