On the Seven Towers

Chapter 631: The Road to the North

There is a small town called Suances to the north of Suero, which is the only place to pass from Suero to Heimuguan in the north. This town is one day's journey from Heimuguan. It is very important strategically. It is a place that provides supplies to Heimuguan. Normally, supplies arriving from the Royal Capital and Suero are stored here. Once every half month, Count Orgas, the guard of Blackwood Pass, will send a transport team to the town to pick up supplies.

Occupying this position is equivalent to blocking the neck of Heimuguan. In less than a month, Heimuguan will collapse without any attack. Therefore, a force of more than 500 people was stationed in the town.

A week ago, just as Wang Jiyuan led a large group of troops to Suero, an independent battalion led by Huang Zheng went straight to the north and raided this small town.

Huang Zheng chose to approach the town at night and arrived at the camp where the Kingdom's army was stationed outside the town at midnight.

The independent battalion did not have heavy weapons, only twenty-four mortars, but Huang Zheng chose fire element shells in order to achieve the maximum attack effect.

The night attack was launched at two o'clock in the morning. At the most sleepy moment of the soldiers, the sudden shelling completely stunned the entire enemy camp.

Although not many enemies were directly killed by the artillery fire, the fire elemental bombs caused a fire in the barracks, burning not only the materials in the camp. Many soldiers were engulfed by tongues of fire in their sleep, and later caused large-scale riots in the camp.

Noracio, the high-ranking knight who led the team, tried to gather the team, but was attacked by the dark elf ranger Evelyn and the mage class who had already ambushed them, and eventually died under the arrows of the dark elf.

Several groups of remnant soldiers who tried to break out of the camp ran into the infantry company blocking the door. Under the volley of air rifles, they were completely wiped out.

In the early morning, when Huang Zheng led his troops into the camp to clean up the mess, there were only more than a hundred soldiers left alive waiting to surrender.

In the next three or four days, Huang Zheng used guns and gold coins to completely control Suances. The civilians of this era did not have much of a national concept. When he threw out the yellow golden ax, he quickly hired enough people to transform the town and build fortifications suitable for air rifle infantry.

On the fifth day, Xiao Chen followed Shi Hao's second regiment and arrived in this town. Also accompanying him were Luo Jie, Zhang Hong and others. Their mission was to mix with Huang Zheng's team and then go north to capture the black army. Muguan.

Arriving outside the town, Xiao Chen found that this town was completely different from the edge town described in the report. Strong walls had been erected here, trenches had been dug, and sentry towers had been erected. It already looked like a fortress.

Shi Hao said: "This kid Huang Zheng moves very fast."

"Look there." Shi Hao followed Xiao Chen's fingers and looked. Two mages were flying in the air, using magic to build a wall. As they waved their wands, the piles of sand, gravel and soil would be piled up beside them. Under the control, they flew towards a half-built city wall, piled up on the edge of the wall, and then were solidified into a solid stone by their magic.

Shi Hao said: "The class of mages brought out by Huang Zheng specially selected mages who are good at earth magic. It will come in handy this time." Shi Hao said, "This step-by-step method is actually very beneficial. If We are at a disadvantage in the war, and each of these towns can delay the enemy. "

"You are all crow mouths, don't say unlucky words." Zhang Hong said. This time, most of the high-level mages received combat missions. Zhang Hong, who had just been promoted to high-level, had no choice but to go with the army as a magic consultant even though he was unwilling to do so.

"I hope the fight won't be so brutal," Xiao Chen said.

Shi Hao's mission was very tight, so they arrived in the town at noon and held a combat meeting immediately in the afternoon.

Huang Zheng reported the basic situation to Shi Hao and the others: "According to the information fed back to us by the Intelligence Department, Count Olgaz, the guard of Heimuguan, has about two thousand people. He now knows that Suances was killed. We control the news, but until now he has not taken any measures against us.”

"What's your reasoning?" Shi Hao asked.

"I think there are two reasons. The first is that the army of the empire over Heimuguan has begun to gather. The number of Count Orgas's troops is very limited, because since the death of the king, the kingdom has not replenished him. As far as we know, the empire plans to invest at least 30,000 troops here. Although Heimuguan is a natural barrier, he must not dare to encroach in front of an enemy that is fifteen times larger."

"Fifteen times? Such a huge gap? With such a gap in military strength, is it possible for him to hold the Black Screen Pass?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I can't say how long he can guard it. But as long as the military rations are sufficient, I think it should be no problem to delay it for a month or two." Huang Zheng picked up the pen and paper and drew the shape of a level with a few strokes, "Heimu Pass. The location is well chosen, with mountains on both sides, and the mountain pass in the middle is actually very narrow. In other words, the defensive surface on this level is actually very small. It is said that more than 200 people can defend the entire city wall each time.

Moreover, this level is extremely high, almost as high as a twenty-story high-rise building. It is very difficult for ordinary soldiers to climb up. Moreover, this city gate does not lack magic-suppressing formations at all, and the enemy's masters can use many methods. many. "

"No wonder there were only so many people here from the beginning." Xiao Chen said.

"Second, Count Orgas doesn't know our attitude. Our attack on Suances was very sudden. His intelligence ability is limited, and he may not know what we want to do. But I estimate that if we wait a few more days, he will at least send someone to contact us, because the time to collect supplies has come. According to convention, the food in Heimu Pass will only be enough for him to support him for another month. He can't afford to delay."

Shi Hao said: "We can't afford to delay either. I would rather attack the checkpoint with hesitant Kingdom people standing on it than face a group of fierce and vicious Empire people occupying the checkpoint."

Xiao Chen said: "This time I specially brought an old friend of Orgas, Viscount Yosa of Suero City. They have a very good personal relationship. If necessary, Viscount Yosa can go to Heimuguan on our behalf and talk to his old friend about the current situation. Please persuade him to give up resistance and join us."

"It's best to talk." Huang Zheng agreed, "Although we have artillery, a forced attack will destroy Heimuguan itself. It would be best if we can do it without bloodshed.

After discussion, the general plan has been decided. Let Viscount Yosa contact the other party first. If it fails, use force to break through the pass."

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