On the Seven Towers

Chapter 643 Reality Possibility

Alvita, a small town north of Greenwood City, is the fiefdom of Ruth's husband, Baron Suarez. Baron Suarez died a year ago, and Ruth was also sentenced by the Chinese, so the town was controlled by Amigo, Baron Suarez's cousin. However, even without Ruth's help, after the Chinese came here with their army, they easily captured the town. Now that the war has begun, they don't need to talk about blood, inheritance, and status.

The people who captured this town were the Third Regiment of the Guards led by Li Tianrui, accompanied by masters such as Luo Ling, Anal, and Glade. When Amigo saw the army coming, he surrendered without hesitation. Although he spent a year here, his foundation was too shallow and there were not many knights who obeyed his orders. Therefore, he did not resist at all. thoughts.

Li Tianrui requisitioned the original Baron Mansion as the headquarters of the regiment. Luo Ling and others naturally live here. In an office, sitting opposite Luo Ling and Intelligence Department agent Li Ze was the acting lord Amigo.

"Are you sure that the person asking you about Ackley and Julio is from the Shadow Group of the Nature Temple?" Luo Ling asked.

"That's right. Your Excellency Luo Ling, they also found out through inquiries from others. However, the intermediary has a close relationship with me and reminded me not to annoy them and to stay away from their affairs." Amigo said.

Luo Ling asked: "What kind of person did you meet last?"

"It was a man in black. He didn't tell me his name, but he gave me a nickname. He said his name was Archer in Black."

"Archer in black? That's true. What did he ask you?" Luo Ling asked.

"They probably asked me about Ruth and her family, especially topics like the personalities of Ackley and Julio. But I'm fairly familiar with Ackley and the others, because when my cousin was here, I often hunt with Ackley, but I’m not very familiar with Julio. I’ve only met him a few times at noble gatherings.”

"Has he ever cared about the relationship between Ackley and Julio?" Luo Ling asked.

"Yes. The main thing is to ask Ackley if he cares about Julio and if he cares about him," Amigo said.

Luo Ling said: "I understand, thank you for the information. Go ahead."

"I'm always at your disposal," Amigo said.

After Amigo leaves,

Li Ze said: "This matter is basically certain. We have checked several aspects of information and they can basically confirm each other."

"Then we should let Ackley know." Luo Ling said. She asked the orderly to find Ackley and said that she had important things to discuss with him.

Ackley refused to join the Guard after his last loyalty test. After he was released from prison, he was assigned to the Hewan Engineering Construction Company as a person with special talents. Since he was unwilling to use his fighting spirit to fight, let him use his fighting spirit to work. A warrior like him, who has already stepped into the high-level at the peak of the intermediate level, has much greater strength and speed than ordinary people whether he is setting up a camp or building a bridge. One person can hold up more than four or five ordinary workers on the construction site.

However, when the school fully participated in the war, considering that there would be repair and expansion work after attacking the city, the River Bend Engineering Construction Company also sent two teams to follow the two armies on the North Road and South Road respectively.

When Ackley came to Luo Ling's temporary office, he was still wearing work clothes and had a lot of mud on his body. He raised his eyes and glanced at Luo Ling and another young man he didn't know in the room, and asked: "Your Excellency Luo Ling, what do you want to see me for?"

Luo Ling said: "It has been a while since you last participated in the loyalty test. We then conducted some tests. In these tests, we discovered some strange phenomena that seemed to be related to the memory beads. related to some characteristics.”

Ackley listened quietly, maybe because he had a premonition that it was related to his test, he frowned slightly.

"We found that in the Memory Pearl, the things experienced by the test subjects were not just illusions or dreams, but had a certain connection with things in the real world. Some future scenes and events that the subjects encountered during the test actually turned out to be... It really happened in reality.

Such incidents are rare, and only three or four have been identified so far. Moreover, the performance of real events is not exactly the same as that in the fantasy, and the ending is also different, but we can still distinguish it clearly, because what happened is absolutely impossible for the subjects to think of in advance. "

Ackley said: "You would ask me to say this, presumably something similar to what I encountered in the test happened in reality?"

Luo Ling said: "Yes, we found out that there is a group of men in black who are plotting against your brother Julio. The leader of them is called the 'Archer in Black'."

Ackley's hands were suddenly on the edge of the table, and his teeth were clenched on his lower lip, causing blood stains all of a sudden. "Archers in black? The organization that kidnapped my brother in exchange for information, actually exists? Why?" It will be like this!”

Luo Ling said: "We consulted a mage who has deep knowledge of space. He suspected that the sacred artifact of the Pearl of Memory might be able to detect information about parallel worlds, and then bring it into the created world as material for weaving dreams. , that is to say, it is very possible that what you see is exactly what happened or is happening in another world.”

"That means everything could be like the dream I experienced. Will Julio really die?" Ackley said.

"It depends on how we do it. I called you here for this. I'll give you a chance to join the army and save Julio." Luo Ling looked at Ackley and said.

Ackley said in a deep voice: "In my fantasy, I met the black archer in the training camp. According to the time comparison, it should have exceeded the time when the black archer found me.

However, in the fantasy, I passed the test and was released immediately, but in this world I was locked up for a while. Those who want to get intelligence will not have any expectations for a person in prison, so they have not taken any action. Now that I have been released from prison, I have started to get involved in engineering construction. They may not be interested in this intelligence. Only now that I have started to stay with the army, I have entered their sight."

"It's a reasonable analysis, but they have already started to act." Li Ze took out a few photos from a file bag, "Rodman is also a soldier who passed the loyalty test. He was inexplicably killed outside the recruit camp before. We had no clue at the time, but now it seems that he may be your replacement."

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