On the Seven Towers

Chapter 677 Treatment Plan

Luo Ling said: "Currently, according to our capabilities, it is difficult to effectively develop an agent to combat blackwater disease."

Liu Yisheng asked: "Do those alchemical potions used by the vaccine group to eliminate black spot bacteria have any reference value?"

Luo Ling shook her head and said: "Black spot is a terminal disease in this world. Even the medicines passed down from the elves are bactericidal medicines, not therapeutic medicines. They are used to kill bacteria in the environment. No one can withstand the power of that medicine, so we have made no progress yet in making the potion.

But we thought of another entry point. From a certain perspective, the germs of black water disease are easier to deal with than black spot. Black spot is a natural disease, and its germs are not afraid of positive energy. The black water disease germs, after being strengthened by magic, have the weakness of being afraid of positive energy.

There has always been a difficulty in previous research: why is this bacteria so difficult to be eliminated by positive energy even though it is afraid of positive energy? Each disinfection takes ten to twenty minutes, making the human body unable to withstand this kind of energy impact?

However, after my clones died several times, I came to an understanding of the bacteria itself: outside its cell membrane, there is a defensive layer formed by magic. This defense layer can resist the intrusion of positive energy for a long time, allowing the bacteria to survive.

But this defensive layer is not impeccable. After observing its structure, I found that it consists of two relatively flat hemispheres, with a gap between the hemispheres. "

As Luo Ling spoke, she projected an enlarged version of the demonized bacteria in the air. It is like a slightly open clam. These are the two shells that block the positive energy.

Luo Ling said: "I have an idea, what if the spiritual power thread is divided to a very thin level, avoiding the two defense layers, carrying positive energy, and piercing it directly through the gap?

During the recent death, I tried this method on my clone. The results were found to be valid. Once the positive energy is directly penetrated into the bacteria, it has no way to resist the destruction of the positive energy and will die within a few seconds. "

"Can we use this technology to treat patients?" Zheng Yuan asked.

"It's difficult. You know, the germs of black water disease mainly exist in the blood. They flow rapidly with the blood in the blood vessels. Even with my ability, I can catch them while they are flowing, and then pierce them. It is also very difficult to do it with silk thread. I have tried many times, and the success rate of capturing is only about 20 to 30%, and the speed is too slow, and the speed at which I destroy the bacteria is not as fast as the speed at which they divide." Luo Ling said, "So even if I use my mental power to destroy the bacteria, I can't prevent the clone's death."

Zheng Yuandao: "But what you said sounds like the most likely treatment method to be realized now."

Luo Ling said: "Maybe. But I must be looking for a more suitable way."


At four or five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Lichuan's team completed today's patrol, handed over the defense area to the team that came to respond, and walked towards the west gate of Green Forest City. This team is very different from a few days ago. Although there are still thirteen people, five of them have new faces. Five soldiers, including Xu Lilei, fell ill one after another, and one of them has passed away. None of these people fell in the battle, but they all fell in front of the all-pervasive virus.

Lin Lichuan now acts as the captain of the patrol, but recently there have been very few people escaping. Most people have given up their plans to escape after seeing the fate of those people before. Their jobs have become a little easier, at least they don't have to use knives or guns every day.

As they approached the city gate, they encountered a convoy of three carriages. These carriages were tightly sealed and had golden shields on them. Surrounding them were cavalry guards with solemn faces.

"Is this the Melasma patient we found again?" Nelia said while looking at the motorcade.

"For three consecutive days, they have almost evacuated all the patients with black spot disease from the surrounding area," Lin Lichuan said.

"But I heard that they told those patients that their melasma could be cured by coming to Green Forest City." Nelia seemed a little dissatisfied, "But melasma is not afraid of positive energy, and they have not started to treat melasma. Spot disease research. Is this deception?”

"It doesn't matter whether they cheated or not. They won't cure black spot just because they stay in the village." Lin Lichuan found that the dark elves have a sense of justice and explained, "Every time black spot breaks out, there are always some People who can recover on their own are often the relatively strong among the sick. Although there is no real effective treatment after bringing people here, providing them with good food and drink to ensure nutrition and hygiene will improve their health to some extent. Their recovery rate. That’s a good thing for everyone, isn’t it?”

"Okay. It's just that my people are used to speaking clearly. You humans are really different." Nelia said.

"Don't you think this is the interesting thing about us humans?" Lin Lichuan smiled.

After returning to the city, the team disbanded, and Lin Lichuan and Nelia went to the treatment area to visit Xu Lilei. When entering the temporary hospital, Lin Lichuan was attracted by a notice at the door.

"Seek a solution to the demonized bacteria?" He began to carefully read the instructions on the side, which introduced the research results so far. And explained the difficulties encountered in Luo Ling's plan.

There was a shelf next to the notice, on which was placed a model of demonized bacteria.

"Use positive energy to penetrate the gap?" Lin Lichuan stood there and thought for a long time.

Seeing that Lin Lichuan was lost in thought, Nilia did not dare to disturb him, but looked at him quietly with a bit of admiration. She did not think that Lin Lichuan was just a low-level mage and should not be involved in such topics that only middle and high-level mages should be involved in. She now has a blind trust in Lin Lichuan. In the battle a few days ago, the ability he showed could sometimes be described as a miracle. The means that surpassed the imagination of ordinary mages conquered her again and again.

Lin Lichuan stood there for half an hour. When he came to his senses, it was a little dark outside.

"Sorry, I just thought of something, so I started calculating unconsciously." Lin Lichuan said to Nilia.

"Have you figured out a way?" Nilia looked at Lin Lichuan with big eyes flashing.

"I think I've figured it out. I've just done a lot of thought experiments in my mind. According to the way I simulated, it may be possible to accomplish this. But just thinking about it is useless. I need a chance to verify my ideas." Lin Lichuan said.

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