On the Seven Towers

Chapter 681: Crazy Battle and Siege

A wave of 500 troops, led by more than 50 berserkers, slammed hard on the walls of Gronia like a giant fist.

The berserkers ran quickly, howling one after another, and a faint white airflow overflowed from their bodies. Under the influence of this airflow, they entered a violent state, their eyes were red, their expressions were crazy, their veins were bulging, and their muscles were swollen.

The white Qi is not fighting spirit, but a special energy called crazy spirit. It comes from the spirit of the berserkers rather than the body, but it has a stronger strengthening effect than fighting spirit, which can make the berserkers enter a frenzy state. In the frenzy state, their strength, speed, endurance and recovery have been greatly improved, especially these warriors will have a bloodthirsty desire, they are eager to fight, and they are not afraid of death. Such an army is difficult to defeat even if the opponent is equally strong.

But the side effect is that the outburst of madness suppresses the rationality and wisdom of the berserkers, weakening their control over themselves, being dominated by their own emotions, fighting according to instinct, and often only caring about fighting themselves, and it is difficult for them to obey orders and commands.

There are many examples in history where berserkers chased the enemy all the way until they were exhausted and were finally killed by the enemy. There are also cases where berserkers did not vent enough killing intent after killing the enemy, and killed their own friendly forces in madness. Therefore, the army of berserkers is a double-edged sword for any commander. If used well, it is a positive force that can crush withering withered and decayed, and if used badly, it can put their own army into an irreversible situation.

On the collapsed city wall, the rubble was piled up into a slope, and the berserkers jumped and climbed like monkeys, rushing to the gap at a speed far beyond ordinary people.

The guards in the city arranged a formation to meet the attack at the opening. Two rows of more than 20 warriors blocked the opening with swords and shields, and behind them were more than 50 spearmen and archers. They looked very difficult to deal with with swords and spears. But the loose formation of berserkers rushed forward without hesitation.

Under the protection of madness, the berserkers' skin became as hard as a rock, and the swords and spears of the defenders could only leave shallow wounds on them. And even if there were wounds, the berserkers' bodies would quickly stop bleeding and repair the wounds. It was often difficult for four or five warriors to really injure a berserker. It was difficult for the flying arrows to penetrate the berserkers' bodies half an inch. Most of the berserkers in the front row had many arrows stuck in their bodies, but they were still fighting vigorously. These limited injuries not only did not reduce the berserkers' ability to move, but instead stimulated them to generate more madness under the stimulation of pain, gaining greater strength and faster speed, and doubling their combat power.

The berserkers' team suddenly crashed into the defenders' formation, directly knocking the soldiers in the first row off their horses. Then the leading berserkers began to swing their giant swords and axes. These powerful weapons were wielded by these warriors like windmills. The front-line defenders only put up a weak resistance and were completely defeated. Wherever the berserkers' swords and axes went, there were broken arms and limbs, bloody storms.

The enemy officers drove soldiers up from the walls at both ends to block them, but soon the berserkers who followed behind came forward to fight and forced them back.

Several mid-level and low-level Douqi warriors of the enemy had to come out to fight, but the most ordinary berserkers were at least low-level. When they were frantic, their physical fitness was even more overwhelming than that of low-level Douqi warriors. Soon, five or six Douqi warriors were overwhelmed by the outnumbered berserkers. Even the two mid-level warriors were frightened by the berserkers' desperate siege. They tried their best to kill two berserkers and severely injured the other two, but soon more berserkers rushed up with roars, regardless of the death of their companions. Among these people, there were also masters among the berserkers. The two mid-level warriors were besieged by the berserkers from all sides, and soon they were stabbed in the back and lost their fighting power. Then they were chopped into pieces by the crazy berserkers.

This battle took only fifteen minutes. The berserkers had broken through the enemy's line, killed the enemy's masters, and then began to break into the city. There were no more enemies in the gap and the two surrounding walls. There were only the remnants of the defeated soldiers who were scared and ran around.

After the leading berserkers rushed into the city, they still maintained a frenzy state. They did not stop and chased the collapsed enemy separately.

Along the way, they ruthlessly eliminated all creatures that appeared in front of them.

Behind them, 500 ordinary warriors followed and began to charge. They had been keeping a distance from the berserkers before, fearing that these crazy people would suddenly turn around and hack and kill them.

They followed the Berserkers until they finished fighting and jumped off the city wall.

About fifty of these warriors were veterans with sufficient training and experience, and the others were farmers and citizens who had recently joined Serinda's army. Urged and driven by officers and veterans, they climbed up the gap tremblingly and rushed towards the remaining enemies.

Serinda's people did not find any ambushes or traps in the city, so after thirty minutes, she sent out a second team of 1,000 people to consolidate the current victory.

After several officers sent people out of the city to report that the overall situation in the city had been settled, Serinda and Li Jia climbed the city wall under the escort of their personal guards.

At this time, the whole city was filled with thick smoke. Although the war was about to end, the killing was not over. A gust of wind blew from the city, bringing a mixture of blood and burnt smells, as well as screams and wails.

Serinda held the stone on the battlement and said to Li Jia: "See, this is the power of the Berserker. Such warriors fight for us regardless of life and death. If we don't reward them well, how can we live up to their bravery?"

Li Jia saw the battle just now clearly from the Mage's Eye. When watching these Berserkers fighting, the scene of the swords piercing the flesh and blood splashing made even him feel hot.

But thinking that these warriors have now rushed into the city and they are using the same means to treat the civilians in this city, Li Jia felt that he had a sense of suffocation for no reason.

At this time, Serinda said, "Come with me to the City Lord's Mansion. They reported that they have captured the cowardly lord. I want to see his face with my own eyes and then hang him."

"No, I want to walk around this city. See... Is there any fish that have slipped through the net?" Li Jia said.

Serinda looked at him and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and said, "Okay!"

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