On the Seven Towers

Chapter 683 Imperial Envoy

The gate of Heimuguan towards the Empire slowly opened, and an iron bridge stretched across the moat.

At the other end of the moat, there were more than 20 people standing, one of whom was holding a flag with a two-legged flying dragon painted on it, which also proved the identity of the person: Earl John of the Davis family.

Ten people in the group stood in the front, and they were Earl John and his envoys.

Since the last shelling of the camp, the Empire has been sending troops here, but has not launched a real attack. However, according to the careful observation of the mages on the Heimuguan side, the other side has sent personnel to investigate the outpost camp many times, and they must have a certain understanding of the power of the artillery here. Anyone who has seen the miserable state of the outpost camp and knows how much time the people on Heimuguan spent to turn it into this place will definitely seriously consider the consequences before sending troops.

The people who greeted Earl John at the other end of the iron bridge were Shi Hao, the current military commander of Heimuguan, the commander of the second regiment of the Guards, Liu Xiang, the political commissar of the second regiment, Huang Zheng, the commander of the independent battalion, Xiao Chen, the administrative chief of Heimuguan, and Zhang Hong, Roger, Evelyn and other consultants and masters hired by the Guards. And Master Olgas, the former commander of Heimuguan who had defected to the Tower of China. Seeing Earl John coming from the opposite side, Olgas whispered to Shi Hao: "Captain Shi, this is the guy who came over to watch the fun after we bombed the outpost camp, and then was blown away by us. Hehe, with personal experience, he can now be regarded as the one who has the deepest understanding of the power of artillery shells among the imperial nobles." "It would be best if he knows. I don't want to waste time with people who don't understand the situation." Shi Hao said. Earl John was about forty years old, with sharp eyes and a tough demeanor. He was wearing an exquisite steel armor, a cloak behind him, and his hand on the long sword, which was very aristocratic. Behind him, a flag bearer held up the family flag for him, followed by several entourages dressed as noble warriors and a wizard in robes. These people looked very capable and powerful, and they were obviously the elite under his command.

When they walked across the iron bridge and came to the Black Wood Pass, the flag bearer reported a series of titles of Earl John. What kind of guardian of the southern border of the empire, the inheritor of the bloodline of the two-legged flying dragon, the ruler of the Davis family, etc., Shi Hao and Xiao Chen couldn't help laughing.

However, locals such as Earl John and Orgas looked accustomed to it. Obviously, this is a common way of calling names by locals. Such a link actually shows that the other party attaches great importance to this meeting and the specifications are also very high.

After the flag bearer finished announcing his name, Shi Hao simply said, "I am the commander here, Shi Hao, and this is Xiao Chen, the chief executive of Heimuguan. Now we are managing this place together."

Earl John did not care about this light-hearted introduction and explanation, and said, "Sir Shi Hao, I am here on the orders of His Majesty Emperor Alfred to talk to you about Heimuguan and the current war. First of all, I would like to congratulate you, the Tower of China, for taking this checkpoint. You have not communicated with the Purple Eagle Empire yet. I believe we can have a good discussion about the possibility of cooperation between the Empire and the Tower of China in a while."

Shi Hao was a little surprised by the other party's attitude. He originally thought that the other party would at least make a fuss about their previous bombardment of the outpost camp. , but now the other party's attitude seems to be much better than he expected. He said: "Since Mr. John is here and is willing to talk, I welcome him on behalf of the Tower of China."

Earl John nodded and looked at Olgas, "Sir Olgas, I didn't expect that when I saw you again, you had lost control of Blackwood Pass. It's really a pity for me, an old rival."

Olgas smiled and said, "We can't be called old rivals. My old rival has always been the Duke of Stuart. Haha, I hope you can bring good things to your boss for me when you go back this time."

Earl John said with a fake smile: "Of course."


Shi Hao and his party walked into Blackwood Pass with Earl John. Earl John looked around, but didn't see anything new inside the pass, especially the "cannon" he was very concerned about. Although he didn't know what those things looked like, he still had a simple concept in his mind through the descriptions of those black guards, but he didn't see anything similar along the way.

Xiao Chen asked with a smile: "Sir John, what are you looking for? Are you looking for those cannons?"

Earl John was straightforward and nodded and admitted: "Yes, I felt that kind of power when you bombarded our outpost camp that day. So naturally I want to see what kind of thing makes me so embarrassed."

Xiao Chen said: "This is not difficult. If the negotiation goes well, I can arrange for you to see the real appearance of the pneumatic cannon."

"Really? I didn't expect you to be so generous." Earl John said.

"Sometimes recognizing the strength of both sides will be of great help to cooperation. After all, many conflicts come from misunderstandings, don't they?" Xiao Chen pointed to the position above the checkpoint wall and said, "I know that Sir Earl and Orgas have been confronting each other here for many years, and you have always won and lost against each other, but today everything is different. In the last battle, we actually only used two cannons, and now there are more than ten times more cannons on the city wall. You have experienced the feeling of being bombarded by cannons. Think about what it would be like if you add ten times more?"

"Although the last bombardment was quite powerful, I still managed to leave safely despite the explosion. Many times, changes in quantity will not bring about fundamental changes. The Empire also has many forces that you have not seen, but as two forces without any grudges, why do we need to use these forces on each other?" Earl John glanced at Xiao Chen meaningfully and said, "Don't forget our common enemy. That arrogant little girl still occupies your capital."

Xiao Chen asked, "It seems that you are very good at temporarily shelving disputes and looking for common enemies."

"The last battle was a despicable sneak attack and a serious provocation. If we had been prepared, the result would have been very different. We never thought that the Chinese, who had no contact with us, would take the initiative to attack our camp.

Of course we care about the sacrifice of our soldiers, but His Majesty the Emperor is magnanimous. As long as you can meet our requirements, the Empire can not pursue these things."

"What requirements?" Xiao Chen asked.

"It's a very simple request. Just open the Blackwood Pass and let our army enter the heart of the kingdom. We won't cause you any trouble. Our enemy is always the royal family of the Iberian Kingdom."

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