On the Seven Towers

Chapter 685 During the Dinner

This is what diplomatic negotiations are like. Just a moment ago, everyone was so tense and threatening. After the game, you have to maintain your basic demeanor.

Therefore, after a day of negotiation, those people who had just spat began to talk and laugh in the banquet hall again.

Earl John is an excellent negotiator who can turn a page faster than a book. He can shout threats one second and throw out another idea the next. However, his changeability did not disrupt Xiao Chen's rhythm. They still responded to changes in a constant manner and adhered to the principle of not opening the Black Wood Pass.

After being repeatedly rejected, Earl John made a new proposal. He reduced the number of people passing through Blackwood Pass to two detachments of black guards and their entourage, and asked them to cross Blackwood Pass and then head east. Go there to carry out sabotage behind enemy lines and coordinate the war on the Eastern Front.

There are about a hundred people in a detachment of Black Guards, and if you include the entourage, there will be nearly five hundred people.

According to what he said, even if the Chinese did not agree, the Black Guards could easily infiltrate into the kingdom by crossing mountains and ridges. But if the Chinese allow them to transit through Heimuguan, a lot of equipment, supplies and logistics personnel can be transported directly there, and then they can continue to supply the frontline troops. This is not a bad thing for the people of the Kingdom, because this way the Black Guards do not need to loot and destroy the area.

"This is a very fair proposal." Earl John leaned back in his chair, looked at the guests coming and going at the buffet, raised his glass and took a sip and said, "Both His Majesty the Emperor and I hope that there will be a relationship between us. The first step is to take a friendly and cooperative approach.”

Now there is only Xiao Chen sitting on the other side of the small square table of the count. Xiao Chen said: "I have emphasized this afternoon that we do not accept threats. Our regime is not a management method like the kingdom. It is our bounden duty to protect the people. , If a large force appears to rob people, we will definitely encircle and suppress them. "

Earl John chuckled and said: "What are you worried about? Since you are confident of encircling and suppressing them, why do you need to worry about them entering the border? If it is a matter of quantity, we can still discuss..."

At the venue, Earl John's entourage was also talking in twos and threes with other people from China.

Most of the people who came with Earl John were small nobles. Some were responsible for helping him record the contents of the negotiations, some provided him with various information support, and some were his think tanks who often communicated with the Earl in private. The two sides talked about unrelated things, but in their hearts they were trying to spy on each other and find the other side's bottom line.

Chatting with these people made Shi Hao, a Chinese from Earth, very uncomfortable. Most of them were originally soldiers and were not used to doing long-sleeved dances. They had nothing in common with the nobles here, but they were the black men left behind by the kingdom. Officer Muguan is better able to handle this kind of situation. Although the empire and the kingdom belong to two camps, exchanges and intermarriages between nobles are not uncommon. There are also many people whose ancestors come from the same lineage, and they are still distant relatives. Many nobles in the northern part of the kingdom and the southern part of the empire have very similar customs and hobbies. Whether it is horse riding, archery, dancing, or hunting, they can often chat together.

Zhang Hong tried to chat for a few words with a secretary who was born in a minor noble family. The other party kept trying to find common ground with him on the belief in the God of Nature. Zhang Hong felt that the conversation was not conducive and simply found a reason to withdraw.

He was sitting at a table in the corner, eating a plate of pastries with some boredom. In his opinion, the overall life here in Heimuguan is still poor now. If it were not for foreign affairs activities, he would have almost no chance to eat decent food other than military rations. Today, Shi Hao selected masters from various cooking classes to hold a banquet. It was a rare opportunity, so he couldn't help but eat a few more pieces.

Zhang Hong was eating, but he didn't expect that one of Earl John's entourage would come to this corner with a plate and sit next to him.

Zhang Hong looked up and found that the man looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

The attaché looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to this corner. He pulled the chair towards him and whispered: "Your Excellency Zhang Hong, I have something to show you in private, but there are too many senior people in this room. It’s a bit inconvenient, please make arrangements and find a quiet place.”

Zhang Hong stuffed a piece of pastry into his mouth, rubbed his fingers on the tablecloth, and looked at the person in front of him with confusion, "I don't know you, what do you want to tell me in private?"

The visitor smiled and approached Zhang Hong. The small area where they were was a bit dark. He was facing the light, and his facial features were not very clear. He pressed his hand on an amulet around his neck. The amulet lit up slightly, and the man's face actually twisted. His appearance changed in a few seconds. Although the position of his facial features was close to the original, his image was completely changed.

Zhang Hong recognized him at a glance. This man turned out to be the half-elf demon archer Cole. He was once Calanda's subordinate and the intermediary between Baron Goya and Chu Ying. Now he has joined the imperial team. Of course, what's more important is that Cole was once hired by him to go deep into the Temple of War to hunt down those horse thieves.

"Ke, Cole!" Zhang Hong exclaimed, but he covered his mouth in time without attracting the attention of others in the room. He is not stupid, knowing that Cole will appear here, there must be something to rely on.

Cole released his hands from his neck and his face returned to its original appearance. It seemed that the amulet was a very rare disguise prop.

"Do you know that the Ministry of Intelligence and the Ministry of Public Security are looking for you? How dare you show up in our territory?" Zhang Hong said nervously.

"Why wouldn't I dare? As long as no one reports me, who knows I'm Cole?" The ordinary face in front of him showed a smile, "Will Mr. Zhang Hong betray me?"

"What's your relationship with me? What's the point of betraying me!" Zhang Hong threw the plate on the table and wanted to get up and leave this position, but unexpectedly Cole stretched out his hand and pinched his arm.

"You'd better find a reason to take me out of this room now, and then find a secret place for us to have a good talk, otherwise you will regret it." Cole said softly.

Zhang Hong stood up and struggled to break free a few times, but found that the other party was holding him tightly, and he couldn't get rid of it at all. However, he didn't dare to use magic to fight back, which would definitely attract the attention of Xiao Chen and his people.

Seeing that he was unwilling to cooperate, Cole called a name in his ear.

Zhang Hong was still struggling, but now he was frozen in place, his hands and feet shaking uncontrollably.

Because he heard a name he hadn't heard for a long time: Hong Lifeng.

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