On the Seven Towers

Chapter 689 The Day of Withdrawal

Earl John returned to Heimuguan two days later, bringing the Emperor's intentions.

In the last meeting room, Earl John solemnly said: "His Majesty Emperor Alfred has decided to withdraw his troops from here. The first batch of troops to withdraw was already in action yesterday. However, due to the urgent military situation, we do not have time I wasted time here to complete the signing of the non-aggression treaty. A few days ago, I listened to your introduction about this kind of treaty and found that it is not the same as the common alliances on the mainland. It also involves the issue of third-party forces. "

"Actually, the core of the treaty is very simple, which is not to invade each other's territory and not to intervene in the war started by the other party and a third party." Xiao Chen said.

"For us, any treaty is a sacred thing witnessed by the God of Nature. Therefore, His Majesty the Emperor attaches great importance to this treaty. After all, there is no such precedent on this continent, whether it is formulating terms or negotiating with the senators. It will take a long time to discuss in the academy." When Earl John said this, he seemed very solemn. When he mentioned the God of Nature, people straightened up a little. God's name is very important to people with faith on the mainland. , is a very serious matter, "What your Majesty means is that when this war is completely over, we can have sufficient time to consider all the details before signing this treaty and perfecting the relationship between you and the empire. "

"We understand your choice. Please rest assured that regardless of whether a treaty is concluded or not, we will not take the initiative to stir up trouble." Xiao Chen said.

"That's good." Earl John said: "There is no doubt that you have the advantage in Heimuguan. So the risk of this operation actually lies with the empire. It can be said that we have borne all the possibilities of accidents. . But His Majesty the Emperor believes that you are a group of people with far-sightedness and will not destroy the balance at this time and will not live up to his expectations of you. I hope that this withdrawal will be the beginning of mutual trust between us."

"Of course, we Chinese always mean what we say." Shi Hao said.

"The Empire will always give generous rewards to those who trust it." Earl John said.

Earl John came and went in a hurry. He left Heimuguan within half a day of meeting with Xiao Chen and others.

After Earl John left, Xiao Chen, Huang Zheng, Zhang Hong and Orgas came to Shi Hao's office to discuss the matter.

Xiao Chen said: "What do you think the imperial people mean? They actually compromised so quickly?"

"This thing is indeed a bit strange. I thought they would put forward more conditions, whether it is supplies or items, it is not surprising at all that they ask for us, right? But they actually don't want anything, which makes me very sad. I feel uneasy." Huang Zheng said.

Shi Hao said: "I think their choice is right. From a military point of view, what's the point of spending military rations after staying here? If it were me, I would make such a decision quickly. Master Orgas, What do you think?"

Orgas touched his mustache and said: "I don't think it is necessary to look at this matter from a logistical perspective. The little emperor in the north has been preparing for a new war for a long time. In the past two years The year is good, there has always been a good harvest in the north, and they are not short of food. And even if you Chinese don't bring cannons into Heimu Pass, it won't take ten and a half days to attack this pass. They must have prepared enough. Food and grass will lead to such a personal expedition, so whether they stay here for five days or ten or twenty days is not their ultimate motive for taking action."

"It makes sense." Huang Zheng agreed, "I have read a lot of continental war history. It is normal for many siege battles to last for the first half of a year. What's more, for an ancient pass like Heimuguan, the opponent must have prepared a long-term battle. preparation.”

Zhang Hong didn't speak. He suddenly realized that this was the opportunity that Earl John was talking about. The time he had been waiting for had come. He suddenly felt that his palms were getting cold and his heart was panicking.

However, although he was considered to have a relatively high level of practice among the consultants, he rarely spoke. No one present paid much attention to his silence.

Huang Zheng said: "The biggest possibility is that something happened on the Eastern Front battlefield, which prompted their action."

Orgas sighed and said: "In fact, if there is no civil strife in the kingdom, it is impossible for the Empire to break in. The two dukes on the Eastern Front are relatively powerful, and their troops have fought against the Empire for many years. Elite. And the battle line there is also close to the royal capital. If Queen Laura sends reinforcements to the north, the battle on the eastern front will actually be difficult. "

"But we don't have any information from that side." Huang Zheng said, "It can only be a guess."

"It's a guess." Orgas said, "And there is another guess, that the problem lies in the north. The northern part of the empire borders the orc tribes, and they face greater pressure than our southern part. Although it is not an orc invasion now season, but who knows?

I heard that Saint Celia, the Glacier Walker who guards the northern border, has not shown up for almost two years due to his cultivation. Maybe the orcs will take this opportunity to launch an attack. Therefore, the emperor may have transferred his troops back to the north. "

"As long as the situation is one of these two, then there will be no problem with their actions this time." Xiao Chen touched his chin and thought for a while, and then said: "But is it possible that there is a conspiracy hidden here to deal with us? If it’s against us, what are they doing behind the scenes?”

"Can't you? As long as we hold the checkpoint, it's useless what they do outside." Zhang Hong swallowed and said: "If you are worried, you can go and investigate. As long as they all evacuate, there will be no What trouble."

"You're right." Xiao Chen agreed, "We should go investigate, we can't wait here passively."

Huang Zheng said: "Since more than ten days ago, they have used fog to cover the sky above the camp, and they are actively searching for invisible mage eyes. Every day, we are knocked down by more than a dozen mage eyes, and we are unable to observe them deeply. It’s no longer possible to observe the situation inside the camp with the eyes of a mage, so we can only see it ourselves.”

"I'll go." Xiao Chen said.

"You're kidding, of course I'll send someone there. With our escorts here, why do you want an administrative leader like you to go into battle as a scout?" Shi Hao said.

"Just guard Heimuguan. You all know that I never fight alone. I am most likely to burst into combat power when encountering any situation."

Shi Hao thought about it and it made sense, "If this is the case, your strength is too weak alone, please ask Master Olgas to go with you. He is familiar with the various situations of the Imperial people. You can also bring Roger and Evelin, this will not only be safer, but also provide greater certainty in case of need for combat operations.”

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