On the Seven Towers

Chapter 705 Searching Behind Enemy Lines

Roger and Evelyn were searching in a forest north of Heimuguan. They were looking for Xiao Chen. They saw the approximate location of Xiao Chen's fall from the sky, but looking at a place deep in the forest from the sky and searching for it from the ground in the woods and bushes were two completely different things.

Evelyn had a ring on her finger. It was Elena's storage ring. After her body was mostly destroyed, she soon couldn't hold on and returned to Xiao Chen's meditation world. She put her equipment into this ring and gave it to Evelyn for safekeeping. "It's a pity that Tashia and Elena have returned to the meditation world. Otherwise, as long as any of them were there, they could easily find Xiao Chen's location."

"I hope we have better luck." Roger looked at a watch on his hand. "It's been an hour. Many mages fell from the sky today. The imperials will definitely send people into the nearby forests to look for those mages. Although few mages fall in this area, , but there is no guarantee that we will not encounter a search team. It is best for us to find Xiao Chen before they enter the forest. "

"If we encounter such a team, what should we do? Should we hide or fight?"

"It is not difficult to defeat them. The imperial people will not leave such things to elite troops, but they will send more than a dozen teams to search each time. If one team is alarmed, it is likely that other teams will hear it, and then it will cause endless trouble. So we hide first."

"It seems that there is a sound." Evelyn suddenly interrupted Roger's words. The dark elf ranger's excellent hearing brought them to an imperial mage who was moaning softly.

"Come and save me." The man shouted immediately when he saw someone approaching.

"Keep your voice down! There may be enemies around." Roger immediately answered in the common language with an imperial accent. He stretched out his hand to stop Evelyn and walked over first.

The mage lit up a ball of light, and when he saw that the person coming over was a soldier of imperial descent, he felt relieved and said, "You are finally here. I am injured in my waist, bleeding, and my leg is broken. Help me."

Roger lifted the mage up with a light lift.

The mage looked at him and said, "Why are you alone, and not wearing standard armor?"

"I am a mercenary recruited by Duke Stuart, doing some battlefield cleaning work." Roger replied.

The mage did not suspect anything, as this was a common practice, and the Duke did recruit mercenaries, and he had seen quite a few in the camp.

"The equipment on you doesn't look like that of an ordinary mercenary."

"Of course, I am a high-level warrior, and my mission is not to save people, but to search for lone enemies." Roger replied.

"That's no wonder." The mage nodded.

Roger approached and asked, "I looked around but didn't find anything. Did anything unusual happen after you fell here? Did you see or hear anything around?"

"I didn't hear anything else." The mage stretched out his hand and pointed to the northeast, "It's in that direction. I heard a sound of falling before. Maybe there are still our companions there, but I shouted a few times and no one answered. I guess that person must have fallen to death."

"Are you sure it's in this direction?" Roger asked again.

"Yes, it's behind those thick trees." The mage said.

"Thank you!" Roger filled his hand with fighting spirit and slapped the mage's head. The unprepared mage's skull was smashed in an instant. He spit out blood and water from his mouth and fell to the ground and died.

Roger took off his storage ring and walked towards the direction pointed by the mage with Evelyn who followed behind him.

"I didn't expect you to kill your former compatriots without hesitation." Evelyn said after taking a look at the corpse on the ground.

"Fellows? Only elves would view their own kind in this way. Well, some Chinese would, but others wouldn't." Roger said.

"Is it different in the eyes of the imperials? Then why do you call yourselves imperials?"

"In the empire and the kingdom, the relationship between people is like a tree. Leaves belong to branches, branches belong to forks, and forks belong to larger branches, layer by layer, until the trunk. Do you think that as a leaf, I am the same as the fork?"

"But you belong to the same tree, don't you?"

"When autumn comes, the leaves have fallen, and the branches are still there. When the branches can't withstand the wind and frost and decay, the trunk is still there. The trunk that can live for a thousand years will not regard the leaves that can't live for less than a year as fellows, and vice versa."

"I didn't expect you to be so literary. What kind of relationship do you hope for between people?"

"I don't know." Roger looked at his feet, "Maybe a piece of grass? At least one grass doesn't look much different from another grass."

They walked for about five minutes, climbed over a small slope, crossed a stream, and finally got behind the big trees. There are many signs of broken branches here, and the grass on the ground has been pressed down a lot.

"Someone has fallen here." Roger said.

"Wait a minute, I found something." Evelyn picked up a ring from the ground, "This is Tasia's ring. Xiao Chen is really here, but it seems that he has left."

"Follow the footprints." Roger said.

Evelyn used her night vision ability to track the marks on the ground, pulled away the branches and walked forward, but after a few steps she retreated.


"This is a trick. The footprints were stepped on twice." Evelyn closed her eyes and listened carefully. Suddenly, she rushed to the left for four or five meters and pushed aside a bush on the ground. Behind her was Xiao Chen's shocked face.

"Xiao Chen!" She pulled Xiao Chen, who was squatting on the ground, out.

Roger noticed that Xiao Chen looked very strange. He was nervous and alert. He asked, "My lord, how are you?"

"My lord?" Xiao Chen looked a little strange. "It seems that you know me? Are you here to find me? Do you keep using this strange name?"

Evelyn let go of him. "What's the matter? Did you hit your head?"

"You, you must be a dark elf. You are Evelyn, right?" Xiao Chen said. He turned to look at Roger. "You..., you look like a swordsman, and there is a faint flash of lightning on your sword. You are Roger, right?"

Roger and Evelyn looked at each other. The man in front of them looked like Xiao Chen. He was clear-headed and logical, but the words he said were very strange.

"I'm Roger, and she's Evelyn. But who are you?" Roger looked at Xiao Chen warily.

Xiao Chen smiled friendly and said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Xiao Chen. A Xiao Chen you don't know."

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