On the Seven Towers

Chapter 715 Taking the Initiative

When Evelyn and Roger returned to Xiao Chen's ward, it was already evening. They happened to run into Katarina who was delivering food to Xiao Chen. The two of them scared Katarina who was feeding Xiao Chen, and a spoonful of rice almost went into Xiao Chen's nose.

Roger's face was serious but he didn't show much emotion, but Evelyn was obviously very angry, her whole face was twisted.

Judging from the length of the interrogation, Xiao Chen knew that Jiang Yitian did not simply let them go, and must have asked a lot of questions. He propped himself up from the bed and asked, "Did they embarrass you?"

The dark elf ranger, who was usually dignified and taciturn, couldn't hold back his anger at this time, and sat next to Xiao Chen and said, "I'm very angry!"

She didn't say anything else, glanced at Katarina, and gave Xiao Chen a look.

"It's okay, Katarina, it's okay, she already knows a little about this situation. Tell me, what did he ask?" Xiao Chen asked.

Evelyn looked at him and gritted her teeth and said, "He is not asking questions, but creating them! He didn't ask too many questions about me, but he asked a lot about you. Especially him." Evelyn pointed at Roger.

Roger sat on the other side of the bed, crossed his hands on his chest, and looked down at the ground: "It seems that my imperial bloodline will be a big trouble this time. Although I told all the questions truthfully, Jiang Yitian didn't want to let me go. He will verify my words with what you said, find the most suspicious place, and then magnify it... I have seen a lot of such methods, which are not new in the imperial aristocratic circle."

Xiao Chen moved himself up a little and said to the two sincerely: "I'm sorry. I didn't expect this action to bring you so much trouble."

"You are wrong. How can the problem be with you? If we stay in the city and don't go out, he can still suspect that Roger secretly opened the door, which will make it even more difficult to explain. I learned an idiom before: to add to it "It's easy to find a pretext for a crime, that's what I mean." Evelyn said

Xiao Chen nodded in agreement, "Well, it's obvious. This guy is either looking for a scapegoat, or he's trying to make things difficult for me, or both. But because Roger is my assistant most of the time, this matter is ultimately directed at me."

"They also asked me not to leave the city recently or participate in any actions." Evelyn slammed her fist on the edge of the bed and said angrily, "That's too much. This is the first time I've discovered that sometimes my own people are more annoying than my enemies."

"The same goes for me." Roger said, hugging his arms and leaning against the wall, "But the most important thing is that many of our guards were originally slaves from the empire. Now that they have just lost a battle, people's hearts are unstable, and now they are questioning our loyalty. , I think it will be a big blow to morale. Today they are from the Empire, what about tomorrow? City-state? Elves? Dwarves? In the end, everyone will be disappointed. "

Katrina said: "Yes, how could it be! Sister Kalanda was also from the Empire, but now she thinks she can be a Chinese. "

Xiao Chen patted her hands and said: "You don't have to worry too much about this, they won't be so stupid. Looking at the current situation, the Empire is just a cover, and these movements will only be to deal with individuals. Most of the Imperials will not threaten the interests of these people and are harmless to them. "

Roger said: "When Jiang Yitian asked me today, he accidentally leaked a piece of news in order to confront me. It seems that many things about us were provided to them by Zhang Hong. From what he said, a lot of All the unfavorable speculations against us came from him. "

"I also heard that he said he didn't know our actions and suspected that we had secret actions." Evelin stood up and said indignantly, "Zhang Hong was clearly at the meeting several times, why did he say such things?"

"It's hard to say." Xiao Chen pondered for a moment and said, "We can't wait foolishly, we must do something. Katrina, I heard that Tang Feng is here too, go ask around and ask him to come over. Evelin, go upstairs and find Huang Zheng, his injuries are almost healed, ask him to come down and meet me. We need to discuss this matter carefully."


Tang Feng arrived one step earlier than Huang Zheng. When Katrina just walked out of the temporary hospital gate, she bumped into him who came to visit Xiao Chen.

After everyone arrived, Xiao Chen pointed to the surrounding walls and drew a circle, and said to Huang Zheng: "Old Huang, soundproof it."

While casting a soundproof barrier, Huang Zheng was surprised and said: "You are actually injured to this extent?"

Xiao Chen said: "The great magician cast a very powerful self-destruction magic. It will probably take me several days to recover. But now the key is the investigation team's business."

"Then Director Tang needs more guidance. What did the committee say when you came out?" Huang Zheng asked.

Tang Feng looked quite serious. He said: "The mainstream of the committee is definitely to find out the facts and not let possible loopholes cause greater losses. But there are definitely people who want to take advantage of the fire and make use of the topic.

If Peng Ziyi's work focus was not on collecting intelligence in the empire, he should have come to investigate.

Now that these two people are here, I don't know what Bai Yicheng's attitude is, but Jiang Yitian and Chang Lin are very close, so you have to be careful. However, I can keep an eye on him more or less here.

In the afternoon, he gave me a task to collect information from retreating soldiers. I spent the entire afternoon in the barracks and got a bunch of mixed information. And he himself has come to judge you. "

Xiao Chen said: "Let's check the information at hand."

So everyone told them again the relevant information they knew, including their own views on the Heimuguan incident. After combining the intelligence at hand, the dark fog shrouding this incident seems to have become clearer.

Xiao Chen said: "I think the most effective way to get rid of that guy's entanglement is for us to find out the traitor."

"Do you think my suspicion of Zhang Hong is reasonable? After my last exchange with Wang Jiyuan, I collected some bits and pieces of evidence. Generally speaking, they are consistent with my guesses. It's just that he is injured now. , I haven't had time to do further verification yet," Huang Zheng asked.

Xiao Chen was speechless and thought for a while before saying: "I don't think Zhang Hong has any obvious flaws in other places. It's just that he is so anxious to drag us into the water. There is a possibility that he can take advantage of some people who want to deal with me. He wants me to be his shield. Generally speaking, he is still a timid guy. Even if he has conflicts with me, he usually neither dares nor has the need to use such a direct method, which makes his motives suspicious. stand up.

I feel like we have no better direction at the moment. In this case, it is better to use him as a breakthrough. "

Tang Feng said: "Then I will go and talk to him in the name of the investigation team tomorrow morning. Let's see what we can gain from it. If you can't get involved in this matter, then don't get involved, especially Huang Zheng. The fire has not been burned yet. On you, don’t let it happen first.”

Xiao Chen said: "You can also verify the evidence he mentioned for Huang Zheng. It may be more useful than interrogating Zhang Hong directly."

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