On the Seven Towers

Chapter 723 Face to face confrontation

Late at night, Zhang Hong had just returned to his room when there was a knock on the door. His heart tightened. It was definitely not a small matter to knock on his door at this time.

He had also heard about the investigation of Tang Feng and others in the past two days. He originally thought that Jiang Yitian was more interested in suppressing Xiao Chen and would make some noise on Xiao Chen's side, but he didn't expect that the deputy director of the Intelligence Department was calm. It was Tang Feng who was always restless and kept staring at him.

In this situation, it was impossible not to panic. Zhang Hong had the idea of ​​escaping more than once. He simply ran to the imperial people. As a high-level wizard who mastered many new magic technologies, he believed that the imperial people would value him, but that trace of fluke still made him stay. Maybe Tang Feng couldn't find any decisive evidence? After all, he was still doing it secretly.

But the sudden knock on the door tonight gave him a very ominous premonition.

The increasingly loud and rapid thumping sound was like a thump on his heart, making him sweat.

He took out a random teleportation scroll from his storage ring and placed it on his desk, gently covering it with a file bag. After thinking for a while, he took out a crystal grenade and placed it on a corner of the table near the door, and then blocked it with a pair of shoes. After making these preparations, he went to open the door.

There were actually several people outside, led by Tang Feng, followed by Xiao Chen, Catalina, Roger and Evelyn.

Zhang Hong looked at them and pretended to be unhappy and said, "It's so late, what else do you have to do?"

Tang Feng said, "After a few days of investigation, we found some key evidence, some of which need you to explain."

Zhang Hong frowned and said, "It's almost eleven o'clock now, I just finished a meeting, is it necessary for you to talk about your things tonight?"

Tang Feng said, "I'm afraid it's necessary."

After saying this, he didn't wait for Zhang Hong to respond, pushed him away, and walked directly into the door. Roger and Evelyn behind him rushed in immediately, one guarding the window, the other guarding the door, each occupying a position, looking at Zhang Hong with great vigilance.

Then Xiao Chen walked into the room, patted Zhang Hong on the shoulder and said: "Don't be nervous. Now is a good opportunity for you to explain. Let's talk about what happened that day together."

Xiao Chen's strength was much greater than Zhang Hong's. With a little force in his arms, he clamped him into the room and pressed him on the chair. Xiao Chen winked at Katarina, who stood beside Zhang Hong, playing with a dagger in her hand, staring at him firmly.

Zhang Hong was forced to sit down, and said indignantly: "Hey, what do you guys want to do? What does this kind of bandit behavior mean?"

Tang Feng took out a stack of reports and said: "In the past few days, we have collected evidence from our own people, collected intelligence from the imperial people, and even studied the formation of Heimuguan, and consulted Master Ikasa. Just to figure out one question: what did you do on the day when Heimuguan fell?"

Zhang Hong said coldly: "What I did, I have explained to you and Minister Jiang."

"But that's just a lie." Tang Feng patted the stack of papers in his hand and said, "Anything you do will leave traces. Don't think you can do something without being noticed. There are always eyes watching you, and even if there are no eyes, there is the Spirit Eye Tower that can see what you did in the past."

Tang Feng said: "Now I give you one last chance to surrender."

Zhang Hong lowered his head and said nothing.

Tang Feng sneered, "In that case, let me tell you what you did. I don't know when, the Imperials caught you with a handle. I guess this handle is enough to ruin your reputation, and then you had to agree to their request to teleport people into Heimuguan.

After dinner that day, you found a house located in the blind spot of magic fluctuation monitoring and let an Imperial commando teleport in. Along the way, you cooperated with them to kill the patrol team and attack the north gate, and then left the Imperial team. They gave you a new task to stop Suero's reinforcements.

On the way, you first met Cheng Jing who went to the communication room to report the situation. You told him that you would replace him to report the situation and asked him to quickly gather the guard squad to support the battle at the north gate. But in fact, you didn't report at all, but delayed time.

Then you met Go to find Shi Hao's Shen Yuan, and then kill her together with the Imperials who were monitoring you.

Finally, you felt that you had delayed enough time, so you came to the communication room and started communicating with Suero, but then secretly added two lines to the teleportation array and destroyed the teleportation array.

When you were sure that Suero's reinforcements could not come, you started to play the role of a hero again. Organize everyone to retreat and cover everyone, but I think you should have a tacit understanding with the Imperials on these things. Otherwise, why didn't you see many Imperials on the route you arranged, and the last attack was only the Beast Legion, and you easily won with a little contact?

I think the Imperials are still going to support you and help you gain more power within us, right? "

"You are really good at telling stories." Zhang Hong raised his head, his forehead was full of sweat, and anyone could see that his current nervous state was abnormal.

"Story?!" Tang Feng's voice suddenly became high-pitched, and he threw the reports in his hand in front of Zhang Hong, "Open your dog eyes and see clearly! I have a lot of them in my hand, and each one is evidence to nail you. The testimonies of the survivors of the guard squad, the testimonies of the patrol members, the logs of the communication room and the transmission room left by Wu Qi, Lorenzo's assessment of your ability and the appraisal report of the Black Wood Pass formation, Master Ikasa's conclusions on past observations, every piece of evidence is saying one thing: you are a traitor! You f*cking told me this is a story? From the patrol team and the mage squad that were annihilated in the attack, to Shi Hao, Liu Xiang and those who died in the north gate, to all those who sacrificed because of your despicable actions, they are all watching from heaven! You f*cking told me this is a story? You have the guts to say the word "story" again!"

When Tang Feng said this, his eyes were full of red bloodshot, and when he finally mentioned the sacrifice, his voice choked up. This sudden burst of momentum frightened Zhang Hong. He leaned against the back of the seat, his body trembling, his eyes dodging left and right.

Tang Feng grabbed Zhang Hong's collar and said word by word: "I'll ask you one last time, do you admit that you did these things? Say it!"

Zhang Hong grabbed the other's hand with both hands, but he was at an absolute disadvantage in momentum and could not break free from the other's control. He seemed to be burned by the other's gaze, and tilted his head and said: "I... admit it."

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