On the Seven Towers

Chapter 743 Peeping at Blackwood

Bahria City.

Wang Jiyuan led a group of officers and advisors to stand in a conference room. The curtains of the conference room were drawn up. There were two dynamic pictures on the white wall in front of them, as if they were playing a projected movie.

But this is actually an image projected into reality by Luo Ling and Mao Kai respectively using the meditation world, and the content of the picture is exactly the live scene captured across the city wall of Heimuguan by the mage eyes they each controlled. Due to the plague, the number of mages on duty at Heimu Pass is getting smaller and smaller day by day, which gives the Chinese mages an opportunity to check the situation in the pass from the sky.

Luo Ling explained while projecting the image: "The Mage Eye I control is cut from the mountain in the southwest corner. Until yesterday, there was a mage post here, but no one came here today. That's why the Mage Eye can Sneak in from this angle."

"After all, they have reached the realm of a great magician. It is also the magic of the Mage's Eye. I can't control it from such a distance. Moreover, it is the same projected image. Mine is standard definition, while others are ultra-definition." Huang Zheng said to Li Tianrui.

Li Tianrui laughed and said, "Why are you comparing yourself to people like them? I don't care about great magicians or anything like that. I know best whether I am the material. I will be satisfied if I can reach your level. I still I have to practice more on individual magic and try to play different tricks that suit my own situation.”

This is Wang Jiyuan staring at a corner of the screen and saying: "Go a little northeast, there seems to be a fire over there, there is a lot of smoke."

Luo Ling controlled the mage's eye to fly over there, and saw three fires burning on the ground, with a mage casting positive energy magic next to them. She said: "This should be the disposal of corpses that died of black water disease."

"It looks like there are a lot of them." Wang Jiyuan said.

Luo Ling said: "Based on the size and height of the pile of corpses, they should be burning more than 3,000 corpses at the same time. It is now the ninth day, and judging from the spread of blackwater disease, it should be at the beginning of an outbreak. peak."

"Is this speed normal?" Wang Jiyuan asked.

"They should have used some kind of treatment. Otherwise, more people would have died. But this is what we expected. Because they would have relied on the power of blood to fight the black water disease." Luo Ling looked at it. Glancing at Liu Yisheng, the latter nodded and said: "In other history that I know, the people of the Empire used this to fight against the plague weapons developed by the people of the Kingdom. I guess they are organizing a large number of people to inject inferior blood."

"Is it here?" At this time, Mao Kai's mage eyes happened to be above the big houses. There were many people lining up at the door of the house, preparing to enter the house. At the back door of the house, many people walked out with their arms covered. Most of these people's arms were tied with cloth strips. It seemed that everyone was injured.

Wang Jiyuan walked to the front, leaned close to the screen and said, "Go over and take a look. We want to know what state most of their soldiers are in."

The invisible mage's eye descended slowly, found a window hole and floated into the room. Then everyone saw a magical world blood donation station with a strange style.

Mao Kai tried his best to keep the Mage's Eye as close to the wall as possible, which could somewhat block some of the magic fluctuations it emits. He slowly approached a mage apprentice who was operating it and saw clearly what he was doing. "Sure enough, they are doing it." In this way, blood with certain antibacterial abilities is extracted and then injected into another person's body. It seems that this is how the Imperial people fight the black water disease."

Wang Jiyuan asked Liu Yisheng: "According to what you know, how effective is the imperial people's method of treating the plague?"

Liu Yisheng said: "Generally speaking, it is effective in no more than half of the cases. According to what I have seen, most of the plagues produced by Green Forest City caused about 70 to 80% of the deaths in the southern part of the empire. However, every time the plague produced by Green Forest City The symptoms of the plague are different, so the bloodlines chosen by the Imperial people to deal with them are also different. The exact number this time will be unknown. "

The mage's eyes continued to pass through one room after another. In one room, there was a little girl whose blood essence was extracted. Before the wound was healed, she fainted. Several of her relatives rushed over, but the person in charge of drawing blood The mage apprentice was not surprised and continued to make the blood potion indifferently.

In another room, the beast warrior who had been injected with blood suddenly had his throat stuck. He stood up and stumbled for a few steps before falling to the ground, twitching. Several people around him ran over and tried to help him up, but he twitched a few times, tilted his head and became silent.

The Mage's Eye passed through another room. There was a middle-aged mage with his hands behind his back talking to several apprentices. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the Mage's Eye. Then he stretched out his hand and cast a power grid in the direction of the Mage's Eye. , a string of electric sparks exploded in the field of vision of the Mage's Eye, and then the image dissipated.

Mao Kai said: "We were discovered. The mage was very smart. Instead of using detection magic, he used area magic to directly kill the mage's eye."

"I'm in trouble here too." Luo Ling's mage eyes were observing the soldiers' station. More than half of the soldiers she saw along the way had traces of black water disease on their bodies, and half of these sick soldiers were bedridden. In bed. However, her mage eye accidentally entered the room of a black guard and was sensed by a black guard mage. He cast the magic of detecting invisibility on himself and found the eyes of the mage who was about to escape. He immediately cast magic missiles and chased all the way. This movement attracted the attention of other people in the camp, and more and more mages joined in. , surrounded Luo Ling's Mage Eyes. In the end, the Mage Eyes were piled on a dead end, and were blown up by the magic of the Black Guard mages.

Seeing that the two sub-screens were broken up, Wang Jiyuan said: "Although we were discovered by the enemy, we have learned enough intelligence. I think the time for us to send troops to regain Heimuguan has come soon. Everyone estimates that the blackwater disease will cause the greatest damage." How many days will it take for casualties?”

Luo Ling said: "Judging from the patients in the barracks, even if the infection is partially contained by the blood, there are still a large number of patients, which have reached a point where it is difficult to recover. I estimate that it will take another four or five days to reach the final stage of death." Peak. And people should continue to die in the next week or two.”

Li Tianrui said: "Even if those patients are cured of black water disease, it will take at least two or three weeks for their bodies to recover from their weakness. I know this best."

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