On the Seven Towers

Chapter 750 Breaking the Bottom Line

When Chang Lin and Jiang Yitian arrived at Chang Lin's home, they found that Cole was already in the house. He sat on the sofa with his back to the light, crossed his hands on his chin, and looked at them gloomily: "You know you are in big trouble, right? If you had listened to my advice a few days earlier, we would have had more time to prepare. ”

Jiang Yitian ignored his unreasonableness and asked, "What do you know?"

Cole said: "I don't necessarily know less than you. I have two pieces of bad news here."

Chang Lin said: "Tell me and listen."

"The first one is naturally my former subordinate, poor Hall, who was caught by Peng Ziyi. Maybe you don't know that Hall is not his real name. His real name is Hawke. Does Minister Jiang remember it?" Ke You looked at him with a half-smile.


"Two years ago..., during the slave riot caused by Lorenzo, Minister Chiang personally participated in the arrest, but was tricked by a warehouse manager and passed out. However, the warehouse manager was never caught. Yes, do you remember?"

Jiang Yitian's eyes widened and he asked: "You mean the guy who knocked us down with poison didn't die? He changed his name and started doing business with us?"

Cole nodded: "That's him. In order not to be recognized, he slashed his face with an arrow, and then he wore a mask and fucked me. This is a man who can do anything to survive. . Not to mention confessing to you, as long as Peng Ziyi can give him conditions, there is no problem for him to make up stories to frame you."

"Damn it!" Jiang Yitian cursed in a low voice.

"We already know how bad this thing is. What's the other bad news you said?" Chang Lin asked.

Cole's tone became a little heavy: "The other thing is not a problem for your entire group, but it is terrible for you two.

I got news that a plague broke out in Heimuguan. The empire is not sure of the type of plague, but according to what I heard, it is very similar to the black water disease that broke out in Greenwood City.

His Majesty the Emperor is in big trouble. After this news was passed to me, Heimuguan was sealed off.

I learned from other channels that it was probably Luo Ling, Li Tianrui and Wang Jiyuan who were behind this matter. Before the plague broke out, Luo Ling and Li Tianrui went to Suero and participated in a secret operation. Although my people can't find out what the operation was, I guess they were spreading the plague. "

Jiang Yitian said: "If this is true, it is just bad news for your empire people. What does it have to do with us? We should even applaud, right?"

Cole sneered: "Although there was no direct loss to you, and it even weakened the empire's power, this incident also destroyed your previous plan to suppress Xiao Chen and support your own people. Now Suero's hero is Wang Jiyuan, Luo Ling and Li Tianrui. I guess they will not announce the details of the operation, nor will they admit that they created the plague, but anyone with a little bit of brains can detect the connection.

And those committee members who have power will definitely know more details than ordinary people, and maybe many people will appreciate what they do. What impact do you think this will have on your status in the committee?

Using plague to eliminate an army that threatens you and rescue you from the imperial army, how great an achievement do you think this is?

As for those people you arranged, they can only watch from the side. Chairman Chang, it's a pity that the comeback opportunity you were counting on has just disappeared. "

Chang Lin said: "It's true that bad things come in pairs, but that's why I invited you here. I originally didn't want to consider your previous proposal. Because it has crossed my bottom line too much. But today... I found that around Everything is forcing me to give up the bottom line that I have worked hard to insist on, and I find that my remaining options are very limited.”

"I am a spy and a mercenary. Normally I don't think about such problems, as long as I can achieve my goal. Chairman Chang, I am not here to make choices for you, but to assist you in action. As long as... … Just make up your mind.”

"I've thought about it." When Chang Lin said this, it gave people a very difficult feeling, "Do it!"

"No problem! I have enough people here, all masters belonging to the Black Guard. All I need is that you choose the time and place, organize a meeting, and then invite all the people who should be invited to the scene. Your people should cooperate inside and outside. With some help, my guys will get the job done cleanly," Cole said.

"Let's take Xiao Chen's incident as an opportunity. I believe that for the reason of discussing his detention situation, both Guo Qian and Peng Ziyi will be there. Other committee members who are close to them will also come to express their support. This This kind of meeting is not particularly grand, and there won't be too many defenses. You only need to focus on those committee members who have cultivation skills. But similarly, committee members who support me will also be present, and these people cannot be harmed. . Do you have a way to let those people distinguish between ourselves and the enemy during the raid?"

Cole said: "This is not difficult. As long as there are marks on your people, my people can recognize them. For example, you can ask them to wear red things that day. My people only need to see that the color of their clothes and pants meets the requirements. , you don’t even have to tell them what’s going to happen, just leave it to my people.”

Chang Lin said: "What you say makes sense. The fewer people who know about this matter, the better. If they know there will be an attack in advance, it will be difficult not to reveal flaws. Once there are flaws, it may affect subsequent plans."

Cole finally stood up from the sofa. He came to Chang Lin who was standing opposite him, put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Yes, you still need to solve a problem, which is to let our people sneak into the venue.

How about letting my people pretend to be secret envoys from the empire? In this way, they can all have enough reasons to enter the venue, and they can be a little secretive and will not arouse too much suspicion."

Chang Lin was silent for a while, making the atmosphere in the room more depressing. However, he finally said, "Okay. Let's do it."

"Very good!"

Chang Lin said again, "But I also have a request. That is, while the action is in the conference room, you can arrange a few more people for me to go to the Mage Prison and kill the two prisoners there."

"Chairman Chang? You want to kill Xiao Chen and Tang Feng directly?"

"Well, we are using them to delay time, but if the action in the conference room is successful, their existence is unnecessary. If there is no need for something to exist, there is no need to put it in the way."

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