On the Seven Towers

Chapter 762 Solution

An hour ago, Peng Ziyi and Guo Qian returned to Hewan New City together. Also arriving with them were Minister of Human Resources Mo Lanxin, Minister of Land and Resources Zhang Sicheng, and Minister of Education Li Mingde who set out with Guo Qian to inspect.

Although the main task of Guo Qian's inspection team is to stabilize the situation and calm people's hearts after the fall of Heimuguan, they also have many other tasks to perform at the same time, such as mobilizing for war, publicizing military service policies, and attracting more local young people to join the guard. military; such as inspecting the appointment of local cadres, the staffing of the government, and the participation of local people in politics and management; such as inspecting the development status of local natural resources and subsequent development plans, and the development of education work in various places, Local school construction, school-age children's enrollment and adult literacy work.

These tasks are all complicated, so it takes a lot of time to actually do them. They left for more than ten days.

Peng Ziyi was not on the same road as them, but two days ago he brought several people and a captive Hall to find Guo Qian's team, reported to him the latest evidence collected here, and then returned to the river with them. Bay New Town.

A convoy drove into a main road in Hewan New City. The leader was a small crystal car, with Peng Ziyi sitting in the driver's seat and Guo Qian sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

Currently, the various types of crystal cars produced by crystal car factories are severely limited by processing capabilities. They are far inferior to cars in terms of comfort and beauty, and they are also not as fast as cars.

But the current two major advantages of the crystal car are energy and magic circles: magic crystal is a more efficient and cleaner energy source, so a small piece of crystal can drive the crystal car for a long distance. The volume and weight of the crystal It is also much smaller than gasoline and diesel, so the endurance of crystal cars is much stronger than that of cars. Several crystal cars on this trip did not replenish any crystals in the middle, and only used the reserve crystals carried on the car to complete the entire journey. .

In addition, many remote towns have not built decent roads. If it is an ordinary vehicle, it will definitely be very difficult or even difficult to travel. However, the weight reduction and floating array on the crystal car can easily move forward in these places.

Peng Ziyi held the cowhide steering wheel in his hand, turned to the left, and turned a corner.

I saw a neat group of soldiers crossing the intersection.

"The boys are in good spirits." Guo Qian said from the side.

Peng Ziyi said: "Well, this batch of recruits have received literacy and basic education, and they should be better than the soldiers recruited last year."

Guo Qian agreed: "Yes, just like what we saw when we went to the countryside this time, everyone has hope for their future life and approves of many of our policies."

"However, Principal Guo, this attitude and confidence is still very fragile and may be changed at any time due to one or two things. We must make them be of one mind with us, just like the soldiers who came from the slave camp before, and are truly willing to fight for Our fight is something that requires perseverance.”

"That's right."

"If they know that some of us just treat them as tools, slaves, or treat them like other lords, or even worse, consuming their lives to complete those productions, then why do they believe what we say? Those high-end things? Instead of one thing in front of you and another thing behind your back?”

Guo Qian said: "I know, I know."

He paused for a while, until Peng Ziyi drove another block before he said: "So, I still hope to investigate and deal with it secretly to minimize the impact of this matter."

Peng Ziyi stared ahead and said, "Maybe because we are from two generations, I have different views on how to process information.

There are speculators like the Chang Lin Group within us who have done such things, and we cannot hide them. At least those slave workers who were released from the sweatshops still remember these things. If we keep covering it up, it will make people think that we have more problems.

Some people may even think that we are covering up other people's crimes, and some people may think that this is just a mutual attack between political opponents. It will be impossible to explain the matter clearly and gain their trust at that time. .

On the contrary, if we let them know the details of these things, know how we try and convict people, and know the harsh attitude that most of us and the top committee officials use to crack down on things that infringe on citizens' rights, then we can truly calm people's hearts. . "

Guo Qian held his chin with his hand and said: "Xiao Peng, people's hearts are too complicated. Maybe you think my approach is not transparent enough, but what I want is to control things to the smallest possible extent. This time If you follow me and take a look, you will find that most of the people under our jurisdiction are medieval peasants with very simple ideas and little knowledge. It is even difficult for these people to understand more complex policies.

What happens when you force something into their faces that they don’t understand and don’t want to understand? With their limited experience, will they really understand what you want to do? Is their thinking ability able to understand the cause and effect without deviation? Or will it be easy to fall into your own misunderstanding or the instigation of people with ulterior motives? "

Guo Qian sighed and said: "I know your original intention is very good, but when dealing with tens of millions of people, we should be more cautious, especially when we are walking on thin ice, right?"

Peng Ziyi did not give in easily. He said, "Principal Peng, I think no one will be stupid when it comes to their own interests. What we do is actually a kind of education. As you said, they are all people with relatively simple thoughts. It is a good opportunity to tell them our understanding. Let them think about the problem like us, rather than letting them hear some gossip and think about it themselves."

"Haha, it's a good thing for young people to have some persistent ideas, but we can discuss the final solution. The first thing to do is to control those people. I don't know if Chang Lin has heard any news."

"This... This operation still involves many people. If we want to keep it secret so that no one knows, I'm afraid..." Peng Ziyi was halfway through his speech when two people appeared on the road ahead, standing on the road and waving at them, signaling them to stop the car.

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