On the Seven Towers

Chapter 768 Magical Girl

Chang Lin, who many people are looking for, is now staying on the roof of a construction site management office. This construction site is almost completed and is waiting for acceptance after a while. Now there is no one inside. From the roof of the construction site management office, you can see the conference room on the third floor of the conference center. Chang Lin holds a telescope brought by the earth in his hand and observes the movement of the conference center from a distance.

From the beginning, Chang Lin was not prepared to personally intervene in the assassination of the imperialists. On the one hand, as long as the opponents of the committee are physically eliminated, he can naturally grasp the position left by Guo Qian. Although after this war, the governance model of the committee must be adjusted, and there will inevitably be a re-election. But Chang Lin has enough confidence to consolidate his position in the next period before the re-election.

He will appear as a savior who cleans up the situation. With nearly half of the committee members dead, he will turn the tide, stabilize the situation of the entire territory, fight against enemies from all sides, and finally bring the Tower of China to a new height.

On the other hand, he also knows that the main purpose of the imperialists is to carry out a decapitation operation. By destroying the ruling institutions here, the Chinese can slow down the pace of the war and provide some buffer time for their army, which has been hit hard by the plague.

If he were there, he would probably be killed by the imperials. He had no trust in the sneaky and fickle guy like Cole. For the empire, it is definitely better to destroy the ruling institutions and let the entire Chinese Tower fall into division and competition, turning it into a chaotic situation than to have someone like him as a successor to stabilize the overall situation and let the committee smoothly transition to the next stage.

However, in Chang Lin's view, this is just the wishful thinking of the imperials. Although the committee holds the highest power, the Chinese war machine operates around the guards. As long as the guards are not fatally hit in this attack, the impact on their war capabilities will be limited.

Whether it is Wang Jiyuan of Suero, Li Tianrui of Green Forest City, or the newly reorganized troops of Hewan New City. The combat effectiveness will not be greatly affected, and there may be some effects of the victory of the army of mourning.

Therefore, Chang Lin did not think that his actions were excessive. He just needed others' help to deal with those people who posed a great threat to him, and it would not have any serious impact on the overall situation.

The earth would continue to rotate without anyone. In other words, the world would also operate normally under the control of Chang Lin.

Chang Lin saw an explosion over there through the telescope, and later it seemed that someone was thrown out of the window. He could not tell who won and who lost. He could not see the casualties of the committee.

After thinking again and again, he decided to wait a while and appear in the right place when the situation became clearer.

He was prepared for the words of the imperial envoy. He had a series of evidence to prove that he had nothing to do with the incident at that time. At that time, as long as they put out a few pieces of evidence, it would be difficult for them to do anything to him. When necessary, he could push the dirty water on the dead parties and he could still get away with it cleanly.

Chang Lin observed for a while and found that after a few minutes, a large number of police and guards began to search around.

He guessed that they were going to catch either him or the important assassin who had escaped.

"It seems that the dog is really desperate, and the committee must have suffered a heavy blow." Chang Lin said to himself, with a sigh in his tone.

"Uncle Chang Lin, who did you call a dog?" Suddenly, the voice of a child came from behind him. Chang Lin was startled by the sudden voice, and even his heart felt a sudden twitch.

He turned around and saw a little girl standing behind him. She was wearing a canvas suspender dress that was popular in Hewan New City recently, with a white shirt inside and a light blue bow on her head. It was the famous Mei Tiantian.

Chang Lin didn't hear any movement, and Mei Tiantian suddenly appeared behind him. He suddenly felt nervous about the little girl. And he didn't tell anyone where he was now. It was hard for him to imagine how Mei Tiantian found him in such a short time.

Chang Lin said, "It's Tiantian, how come you suddenly appear here alone?"

Meitiantian smiled and said, "Just like Uncle Chang, I will sneak to such a place when I don't want others to see me. This is the first time I see an adult besides me hiding here on his own initiative."

Chang Lin didn't know whether the little girl in front of him was telling the truth or a lie, but it sounded strange no matter which one it was.

"Is that a telescope in your hand? Is there anything nice here? Can I take a look?" Meitiantian acted like an ordinary little girl, interested in everything new.

Chang Lin put away the telescope and said, "Tiantian, uncle didn't know you often come here to play, and didn't expect to occupy your place. Then I'll leave, and you continue to play here?"

"No, this is the first time I have guests here, how about we play a game, I'll play a waiter, I'll serve you well, okay?" Meitiantian asked.

"Uncle still has something to do, I'll play with you next time I have a chance." Chang Lin coaxed her a few words and turned away.

"Uncle Changlin doesn't like this kind of game? Then let's change it. How about we play police and thieves?" Mei Tiantian stared at him with her big eyes blinking.

Chang Lin forced a smile and said, "Do you like playing house games so much?"

"Doesn't Uncle Changlin like it too? You adults pretend to be this in front of this person and that in front of that person, and you can't stop playing every day. Look, even now, aren't you playing a role? Well, what should I call it? How about calling it the old uncle who peeks and hurriedly runs away after being discovered?"

Mei Tiantian stared at Chang Lin. Somehow, Chang Lin felt like a huge rock was pressing on his heart. He could confront Xiao Chen, Guo Qian and others without changing his face, but in front of this little girl, he suddenly felt confused.

He decided not to waste time talking to the other party, "Uncle has something else to do, I have to go."

"No, the rules have changed now. I am now a magical girl fighting against evil, and Uncle Chang Lin, you will be the bad guy I catch." Mei Tiantian stretched out a finger and pointed. The sunset seemed brighter at this time. Seven or eight bright light bands appeared from the sky and wrapped around Chang Lin like spirit snakes.

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