On the Seven Towers

Chapter 772 Secret Discovery

Xiao Chen has been busy since this afternoon. Under Guo Qian's push, he was quickly appointed as a member of the Imperial Assassin Incident Emergency Handling Committee. Accompanying him to deal with the matter was Mei, who hurried back to the city. Tatron.

They went to check Chang Lin's "body". It was more like a pile of ashes than a corpse. This man, who had gradually gained considerable authority over the committee since time travel, and who repeatedly caused waves within their collective, ended his life simply, without even having to be cremated.

Xiao Chen looked at his ashes and realized that if Chang Lin was really arrested, maybe a battle with him had just begun. With his allies in the committee and his preparations in advance, it was definitely not possible to convict and sentence him. Such an easy thing. Maybe by then, Hebend New City will stage a series of reversal dramas, and even tear the entire team of time travelers apart. Maybe Chang Lin himself doesn't have that kind of energy, but those who are connected to him for various reasons may support him covertly or covertly because of past cooperation, similar positions, or even a feeling of sadness.

And all these possible subsequent troubles were wrapped in the fire by Peng Ziyi and burned away.

Similarly, Peng Ziyi did not leave himself alone and become the focus of criticism. He counterattacked in a death-defying manner, and the final outcome made it impossible for those who wanted to counterattack to find the target.

From this perspective, he sacrificed himself and solved a lot of troubles for those who came after him.

"The burning is really thorough. I'm afraid the soul will be burned out by such burning, right?" Mei said.

"I've checked, but there's no way I can find any traces of the soul. Otherwise, I might be able to find some information using soul interpretation." Xiao Chen said.

"Do you think a lot of information is really a good thing? Will there be more than one person investigating and recording the content? Maybe some people will give different interpretations?" Mei said.


"So maybe you have Peng Ziyi to thank."

Xiao Chen snorted noncommittally, but he felt more and more that these things were done intentionally by Peng Ziyi.

After they inspected the conference center site, Xiao Chen was even more certain of this.

He discovered a secret that chilled his heart but could never be told. Several committee members were burned to death by flames at the scene. However, with the keen perception of the great magician Xiao Chen, he found that the committee members who were burned to death at the scene died from two different magical flames. One naturally came from the imperial black guard. The mage Oni, and the other one are exactly the same as the remaining fluctuations left around Chang Lin, and these are all Chang Lin's overt and covert allies.

It is self-evident by whose hands these people died. In turn, this also shows that the killings of the imperial people are directional. If the survivors are all members of the Chang Lin family, there is no doubt that the new committee will not be able to guarantee the original balance, or even continue the consistent route. Follow-up The work will be mired in quagmire.

At this time, Xiao Chen finally realized that the wrong thing Peng Ziyi said not only killed Chang Lin, but also killed many more people. The revenge he mentioned was not just revenge against Chang Lin, but also the destruction of their entire power.

He looked up at Mei, who was looking thoughtfully at the burnt corpses.

Seeing Xiao Chen's nervous expression, she said: "There are still residual fire magic fluctuations here. I think it should be cleaned up with magic. Otherwise, it will affect your ability to use soul interpretation magic."

Without waiting for Xiao Chen to reply, a circle of light burst out from Mei's hand. After sweeping across the entire room, the different fluctuations just now disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Xiao Chen looking at her blankly, Mei said: "I don't know if what he did then was right or not. But if you don't do it now, it's definitely wrong."

Xiao Chen was silent for a long time and said: "You are right. I will never do what he did, but I also don't want to live up to everything he has to bear."

Mei said: "What kind of things a person will do has a lot to do with what kind of opportunity they are in. Saying such things too confidently will make you appear immature."

Xiao Chen didn't want to continue this topic and said: "Eight committee members died, seven special agents of the Intelligence Department, and nine people were injured, most of them seriously injured. It's hard for me to imagine what it would be like if such news spread. The consequences are almost comparable to the defeat at Heimuguan.”

"Aren't you Chinese very good at looking at issues from both sides? I think this is an opportunity. It's time for a change in this committee." Mei said.

"You mean..."

Mei Yi raised his eyebrows and said: "We outsiders have always had a problem that we don't quite understand. In this world where strength is respected, why are you controlled by a group of old men and women with little strength? And you guys People who are very talented and powerful are playing second fiddle, and are not even members of the committee at all.”

Xiao Chen explained: "These people in these positions are a system left over from our world. No matter what, it stabilized the situation in the first days and is still running well today.

I have always felt that the level of force is not a factor in judging whether a person is a suitable leader. How to handle things and how to lead everyone forward is the key. Just like in this world, kings or city lords are not necessarily powerful people. "

"But if there were a group of strong people leading this organization, stupid things like today would not happen. Have you ever imagined sending a few high-ranking people to assassinate Emperor Alfred? No one has ever thought of this, because that would be suicide." Mei refuted vividly with an example. "If you were holding this meeting here today, would the four imperial assassins have any chance? I guess they wouldn't even have the chance to open the box. But it was your previous choice that made the head of your organization so fragile that it could collapse at the touch of a button."

"It could collapse at the touch of a button..." Xiao Chen looked at the bodies that the staff were carrying out and fell into deep thought.

Mei was not going to let him go, "Besides, isn't there someone who has both military power and leadership? Are you, Luo Ling or Mao Kai's ability to deal with problems poor? Or are masters like me, Gabriel, and Anar not qualified to discuss problems?

Do you still remember who the enemy you will face in the end? Do you think it is really appropriate to let those ordinary people who die at the touch lead this team? Is this responsible or irresponsible to everyone?"

"This..." Xiao Chen had to admit that what Mei said made sense.

"Or are you happy to take over their job after they collapse like we did today?"

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