On the Seven Towers

Chapter 799: Strange Town

Xiao Chen just used the group charm technique, but with his strength as a great magician, he can already control the power of magic calmly. People around him will no longer be overly charmed and do all kinds of strange behaviors. .

He just controls the other person's good impression of him to the level of trust, so that they feel willing to confide in him when they see him.

Judging from the boss's performance, this magic should be used just right. Although he was still hesitant to speak, he finally spoke.

"Why is there trouble?" Xiao Chen asked.

The shop owner touched his bald head and said, "Because the way Baron Paragus manages the territory is very different from other nobles."

The boss pointed at the plate of grilled intestines in front of Xiao Chen: "Other lords treat their subjects as food that can be chewed and swallowed, but Lord Paragus treats us as this plate. You will He swallows all the food in his stomach and eats nothing, but he protects his plate from being broken or damaged. "

"Because it is a useful tool?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Absolutely. It may be stronger than a tool. After all, Lord Paragus is still willing to listen to us. You have to know that lords like this are very rare. However, what he does is not a good thing in the eyes of other lords. . So Lord Grapas doesn’t allow us to talk about many things. If I didn’t think you were kind and reliable, you wouldn’t say such things to outsiders.”

"No one wants to look like a bad guy when compared with others." A guy dressed as a hunter said next to him. Hearing the tavern owner speak, the others slowly gathered around.

"But those guys are bad guys, the kind of eggs that are so rotten that there is smelly water inside. My wife's brother said that the tax collector in their village used a whip to beat people's backs to pieces when they pressed for debts. I can't wait to use a hammer to smash those The lord was smashed. Such a thing would not happen here with Lord Paragus," said the sturdy blacksmith.

Another middle-aged man who seemed to have some status said: "Not only Baron Paragus, but the Feng Wen family has been running this place for a long time and has always been a good lord. They have never bullied us like other nobles. He doesn't just collect taxes, regardless of our life or death, but Mr. Paragus is the best. For example, Mr. Paragus will lead us all to dig trenches and build dams. You know why we Goyo. The town’s food can be supplied all the way to Suero and is competed by many businessmen? Is it because our water conservancy is better than other towns, so the food produced is naturally large and good. "

The tavern owner said: "Evans is the steward of our caravan, and he has the most knowledge."

The middle-aged man named Evans nodded slightly proudly and continued: "Lord Paragus has arranged a public granary in our town, and part of the food collected in lieu of taxes will be placed in it. If there is a disaster or a family encounters any difficulties, this warehouse will be simple to say, but it has saved many families.”

"There is also the agricultural guild, which is extremely important to us farmers." A man who looked like a farmer said, "Sir Paragus recruited several older farmers to stay in the guild. Although they can’t farm much, they can teach young people how to grow crops. They taught my son how to farm, and he is now a little better than me.”

His son was a young man sitting next to him. He said: "The agricultural guild does more than that. Every year, they leave the seeds of the crops they pick and use them for everyone the next year. And the guild can also borrow money. Give it to those who can’t afford the seeds, so they can have a harvest and pay back the money.”

His father said: "Yes, since the establishment of the agricultural guild, life for those of us farming has been much better."

The craftsman was quite old and looked to be almost sixty years old. He said: "There is also a militia group. If Lord Paragus didn't let us organize a militia group, how could we live such a stable life? Near here There are so many mountains and the roads are so complicated. In the past, bastards like bandits would often come down from the mountains to steal our things and kill our people.

You young people don’t know that when I was a kid, bandits came into the town in groups. If you wanted to save your life, you had to hand over the valuable things at home. Not only the things, but sometimes even women had to be handed over to them. ! But later, Lord Paragus organized a warrior group, and we were no longer afraid of bandits. I remember that we fought for five years at that time, and completely wiped out all the bandits around here. , it used to be that people from outside who came to do business were afraid of being robbed by these people, but since then, the caravan traders have been much safer, and this is how the grain and timber business began. "

Evans said: "You see, this is why people here respect Lord Paragus. Lord never talks empty words, he just does things one by one. Every time he accomplishes something, our Life has become easier. After so many years, everyone’s life has become better. Who would think that he is not a good lord? "

Xiao Chen felt more and more strange as he listened to their descriptions. The things these people did sounded very familiar to him. Even most of the things they did were done by the time travelers themselves, but the names and names were different. But you must not underestimate these seemingly simple things. The emergence of all these practices has a background and reasons in history. The time difference between them is also very large. Xiao Chen feels that he is not the same person at all. , a family can develop naturally.

And this baron seemed to have single-handedly pushed the production methods of this territory forward for hundreds of years. In this world, only Chinese people have done the same thing. Could it be that... this baron is also a time traveler?

Xiao Chen suppressed the shock in his heart and asked, "When did all these changes begin?"

The farmer said: "That must have been when I was very young, maybe more than twenty years ago. At that time, the Baron returned from the royal capital and was ready to start running this territory properly. Even earlier, life here was not easy.

But after the Baron came back, everything seemed to have changed. He was tinkering with new things one by one, and then we followed his lead and experienced obvious benefits. This is how we have been till now. "

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