On the Seven Towers

Chapter 801 Meeting with the Baron

"Who are you?" The warriors of the Warriors looked at Xiao Chen.

"I just happened to pass by here and took a rest in the tavern." Xiao Chen said, "I was just chatting with everyone just now."

"Yes. Joey, the stranger, did not do anything inappropriate. He just sat down to eat something and chatted casually." The tavern owner defended Xiao Chen.

"Yes, he is a trustworthy person. I am so old and have seen many people. I can tell them apart." Father Anlock also said.

"Yes, it's just an interesting visitor. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?" The blacksmith also started to interrupt.

The militia soldiers here obviously did not have much deterrence in front of others. Everyone in the tavern made excuses for Xiao Chen, which made the two soldiers hesitate and didn't know how to deal with this matter.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "It seems that the current situation is very simple. You want to report to the baron and have an explanation. I also want to talk to the baron. Why don't you lead the way and let me meet the baron. I just came from outside with very important information about the plague."

"Plague? Information? You mean those empires in Heimuguan..." A soldier just said half a sentence, and was stopped by Joey with a look.

Joey said: "This is the best, you come with me. Lord Baron will not embarrass others casually."


Baron Paragus's house is in the north of the town. It doesn't look too big. It's just a two-story house.

I heard from Father Anlock that this is just the old house of the original baron's family, but the original large baron's mansion was sold to a businessman by the baron's father to pay off debts. Although Baron Pargus has redeemed the baron's mansion now, he has not moved in.

After reporting, Joey handed Xiao Chen to the servant who came to the door to greet him. Xiao Chen followed the servant inside, observing the decorations in the house as he walked.

Since it was an old house, there were naturally many things handed down from earlier times. Xiao Chen had some guesses about the origin of this family, which made him observe the house very carefully.

The ancestors of the owner of this house had many magicians and warriors. There were magic staffs, armor and weapons decorated on both sides of the corridor from the front hall to the reception room.

Most of the styles of magic staffs, weapons and armor were similar to the popular styles on the mainland, but some of them were very special. Xiao Chen saw a sword on the wall. Unlike most of the long sword guards in this world, which were simple geometric shapes, its guard was a cloud, the scabbard was straight and slender, and there were also cloud patterns on it, and a wisp of sword tassel was hung at the end of the hilt. The long sword here looked very old, and it was a Chinese sword that looked like 80% of it. Xiao Chen suppressed his curiosity and continued to walk forward with the servant. When he came to the door of the reception room, he saw another painting. Although this painting was painted on the canvas commonly used by local people and used local pigments, the content was a very rare landscape. The landscape painting painted with local pigments looked a bit weird, and the painter's brushwork seemed a bit naive. But the ethereal feeling unique to Chinese painting was fully expressed in this painting. Whether it was the mountains or the water, they were all drawn with a few simple strokes. He glanced at the inscriptions on it, and the signatures were all Buguike.

Xiao Chen walked forward and found that there were more than one such paintings, which seemed out of place in an old house.

He was now basically certain that among the past owners of this house, there must have been a time traveler from China. I don't know when and how he came here, but it looks like a lonely person.

Walking into the reception room, Xiao Chen met the current owner here, Baron Paragus.

The baron looked to be in his sixties, not tall, but looked very strong. He was wearing a linen suit, standing in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back, watching Xiao Chen walk into the living room. There was a young man next to him who looked very similar to him, probably his son Avadia.

Xiao Chen looked at the father and son, trying to find traces of Chinese ancestry on their faces, but he didn't find any obvious features. They both had dark brown hair, one pair of gray eyes and one pair of purple eyes, but the color of their skin was somewhat similar to Xiao Chen's own.

"Are you the one who wants to give me the plague report?" Baron Paragus said coldly, "I'm afraid your identity is not simple? Are you from the Tower of China?"

Xiao Chen's hand brushed across his face and restored his original appearance. Black hair and black eyes, with a hint of friendly smile: "Let me reintroduce myself, the great magician from the Tower of China, Xiao Chen."

"Great magician?" Xiao Chen's answer was beyond the expectations of the two people opposite. Baron Paragus was obviously startled, and his body unconsciously changed his posture, not as arrogant as before.

No matter how the other party guards against and dislikes the people of the Chinese Tower, they cannot ignore a great magician. As the most powerful magician under the Saint, a magician like Xiao Chen, as long as he is given time, the power of one person is enough to destroy the entire town.

Baron Paragus, who is only a mid-level warrior, and his low-level son Avadia, may not be able to hold out for two minutes in front of the great magician.

"Would a great magician sneak into a town like ours like this?" Avadia looked at Xiao Chen with suspicion.

Xiao Chen stood there and released part of his mental power. The Baron and his son suddenly felt that the man in front of them suddenly gave them a huge sense of oppression, as if a person had turned into a dragon and could crush them anytime and anywhere.

"Please put away your power, Master Xiao Chen. We didn't know your identity in advance, and it was a bit rude to ask you to come and talk." Baron Paragus said.

"I have no intention of showing off my strength, but just proving my strength to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles." Xiao Chen said.

"I don't know what your purpose is in coming to my town?" Paragus asked.

Xiao Chen said: "I originally came to inform you that the imperial people in Heimuguan sent many patients infected with the plague to infiltrate the nearby villages and towns, hoping to use the plague to eliminate our manpower.

Our people have informed you of this news before, but you did not give us any feedback. So naturally someone needs to come and take a look. And it is convenient for me to act alone, and if I encounter an enemy, I have enough combat power, so I took this job.

Your side is already the fifth village I have visited. The previous four villages made different choices, and naturally there were different results."

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