On the Seven Towers

Chapter 810: Experts vs.

Xiao Chen was very happy after learning about the determination of the elves. For an enemy as powerful as the God of Nature, any ally is of great value.

He said: "I don't know how you are going to participate in our action."

Din Ning said: "We originally wanted to act independently, but Master Luo Ling convinced us to let us act together with you."

"Yes, nothing can promote cooperation between two races more than the friendship of comrades." Xiao Chen turned around happily when he heard Luo Ling's voice.

Luo Ling was seen standing behind him, looking at him with a smile. Luo Ling was like him these days, constantly going through battles, but unlike Xiao Chen who felt exhausted, Luo Ling had obviously dressed herself up well. She was wearing a dark pink long-sleeved top with a white The long trousers looked dignified and a bit charming, giving Xiao Chen a bright feeling.

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling have actually been able to communicate through another world, and he is always aware of Luo Ling's progress, but now that he sees her appearing in front of him, he really lets go of a trace of worry in his heart. After all, she does Things are still full of dangers.

"What's wrong? Are you still worried about me?" Luo Ling came up, gently took his arm and said, "Don't worry. Although there is no master like Master Kona among my spiritual attendants, they are all real warriors. , will protect me well. Moreover, after this battle, I am now a master level spiritual attendant."

Several elves greeted Luo Ling one after another, and Luo Ling said: "Don't worry, everyone, I have discussed the integration of elven masters with Commander Wang Jiyuan before, and we have a suitable plan."

Dining said: "That's the best. My people are all brave warriors and don't need special care. Please give us the ones that are tough enough."

Luo Ling said: "You won't be disappointed."


The conference hall was arranged like a desk. Wang Jiyuan stood at the front of the room. Xiao Chen and Luo Ling sat in the first row below. Near them, there were other masters, such as Gabriel, Metatron, There are also high-level battle angels such as Ana'er, and great magicians such as Mao Kai, Liu Yisheng, Gordon, and Lorenzo. After them are more high-level people, such as Huang Zheng, Ye Zi, Evelin, Dining, Maya and others.

But the most eye-catching thing was the middle-aged man sitting next to Luo Ling. He was the great swordsman from the empire and the leader of the Black Guard, Mollet. Next to Molliet was Song Hongyang, the commander of the spiritual attendants. Master Kona on Xiao Chen's side has not yet recovered from the last injury, so only Tasia sat beside him. Since the Spiritual Attendants will also play an important role in this long battle, many wizards in the Tower of Dreams have summoned representatives of the Spiritual Attendants.

Many representatives attending the meeting were filled with emotion when they saw their comrades who had fallen in the battle reappearing in different ways.

Wang Jiyuan's people had all arrived and he said: "The blocking operation that lasted nearly a week was very successful. Although we also made a lot of sacrifices, we have successfully curbed the empire's plan. Now we can finally give Heimuguan the final blow. One hit."

"Based on the intelligence we collected before, plus the news brought by Master Mollet, the leader of the Black Guards who recently defected to us. After this plague, the Empire can still use about 10,000 to 12,000 troops. These Most of them are ordinary soldiers who use cold weapons. Our two regiments are enough to defeat them. However, the difficulty of this battle is that we have to open the gate of Heimu Pass and suppress the troops above the pass under the protection of the enemy's masters.

This cannot be accomplished by relying on ordinary troops. Our masters must first seize the city gate, and then the two main attacking regiments can enter Heimuguan from the city gate and annihilate the enemy forces inside.

So in the final analysis, the key to this siege battle is the battle between masters and masters. "

Xiao Chen asked: "What's the current situation of the enemy's masters?"

Wang Jiyuan said: "Because bloodline warriors need to be mobilized to treat blackwater disease. In addition to the imperial emperor Alfred, the great knight Duke Stuart, the great magicians Gandas, Edel, Avellino, etc. in Blackwood Pass In addition to the five known masters, there are Duke Weber of the Bright Lion bloodline and his two sons Franco and Gram, Count Marcus and her daughter Cynthia of the Golden Dragon bloodline, and Count Duane of the Royal Griffin bloodline. , these six masters who later came to Heimuguan."

Master Gabriel said: "That's nine versus eleven. However, whether it is our Battle Angel, Xiao Chen, Luo Ling or Mao Kai's power, they can suppress those bloodline masters. Although we are two fewer in number, It’s no problem to beat them.”

"No, there are more than nine of us." Luo Ling said, "Mollette will join the battle on our side."

"Oh? As far as I know, his family is still in the empire, right? If his identity is exposed, there will be no trouble." Master Gabriel asked.

Molliet stood up and said: "The original Molliet is dead. He died loyal to the empire. Now I am just an undead. No one has any reason to hate a dead man who became an undead and want to embarrass him. It is even more impossible for my family. The empire will not do anything to my family. If anything happens, my family will not be slaughtered. "

"Well, then how do we know that you won't sacrifice yourself for the empire and cause trouble for us." Gabriel asked again.

"Only those who have died once understand the meaning of life. I have done what I should do for the Empire. I don't owe the Empire anything, and I won't do such a stupid thing.

Besides, you won't put me in the most important position, right? No matter how you arrange us, I will do what I should do!"

Gabriel nodded and agreed with Morlet's statement: "That's ten to eleven."

"Add me." The speaker was the elven mage Di Ning. "When I left the Elven Kingdom before, I had reached the bottleneck of the high-level peak. These days, I have been exchanging magic in your human kingdom and gaining knowledge. I have some different feelings. Three days ago, I broke through the bottleneck and became a great magician."

A burst of congratulations rang out in the room. Xiao Chen said: "You advanced at the right time."

"I can't be too much worse than you." Di Ning said, "If you plan to wait a few days, maybe you will get a second master."

"Maya too?"

"Just a little bit." Maya gestured with her hand.

"Congratulations." Gabriel said, "That's eleven to eleven."

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