On the Seven Towers

Chapter 821 The attack begins

The test firing of the pneumatic cannon has begun, and a dull rumble sounded on the battlefield.

Whenever a cannonball landed on that door, it would cause ripples of magical light. However, the bombardment of these shells did not impact the city gate itself, and was blocked by the shield attached to the gate. I don’t know what technology this ancient shield uses, but it is far more powerful than ordinary city shields. Although it looks very thin, it blocks all attacks.

However, the original purpose of the test-fired shells was not to break the door, but to calibrate the angle of the artillery. It is not difficult to hit a tall door at a distance of more than one kilometer. Soon, the cannons were adjusted to shoot at Zhu Yuan and began to hit the city gate.

Other artillery pieces began to cover the top of the city of Heimuguan, but judging from the situation monitored by the Mage's Eye, there were almost no enemies on the top of the city, and the test firing just now caused almost no casualties to the opponent.

"I originally thought they would rely on their superior strength to send troops to raid us, but I didn't expect it to be such a tactic that can't be retreated." Xiao Chen said looking at Heimuguan opposite.

Wang Jiyuan said: "We can't just look at the number of troops. As long as the commander of the other side has an understanding of the combat effectiveness of our escorts, they will not think that they have a strength advantage. They calculated that the strength of 10,000 troops is as much as our two regiments." I'm afraid it won't do much good to carry out a field battle with a large number of troops. The strength of the soldiers' personal abilities cannot offset the difference in weapons. As long as they are not invulnerable, a frontal attack on the troops equipped with more than 80 pneumatic cannons can only be done with or without. "Back."

"But it's a bit troublesome to do this now. The other party learns very quickly." Xiao Chen said, "I know that I need to use this method to avoid harm. Now I look through the eyes of the mage. There are no people on the top of the city or on the ground. I It is estimated that their troops are hidden in the rooms in the city wall. The opposite side of the city wall is a hypotenuse of the triangle, which is a reverse slope for the ballistic trajectory. It will not be easy to hurt them with cannonballs. "

Wang Jiyuan said: "That's not necessarily true. If the opponent has been huddled in the room, how can they stop our siege team after we blast the city gate? If this is the case, then our purpose of artillery cover will be achieved. I I guess they are now testing the impact point of the artillery shells. In previous battles, our pneumatic cannons mainly used flat-firing methods to fight them. Perhaps in their understanding, the attack trajectory of this pneumatic cannon is the same as that of a large crossbow. Similar. But what they don't know is that the design of our two cannons takes into account the direct fire. When they show up, haha, there will be something good to see. "

"I hope so, let's get started." Xiao Chen flew off the ground and flew to the top of a nearby slope. Luo Ling, Mao Kai and Liu Yisheng were already waiting for him above. The three of them each stood on a corner of the slope, and together with Xiao Chen, they formed a diamond-shaped position.

Xiao Chen stood still at his position, under the unified command of Liu Yisheng, who was most familiar with the stardust annihilation magic, and they began to jointly cast spells on the city gate.

This is the first time that the four great magicians jointly cast spells in China Tower. Anyone around who was aware of magic could feel powerful magic surging between the four of them. Although these four people have just started to cooperate, their control over magic is not comparable to that of ordinary mages. Xiao Chen has overcome his mental instability, Luo Ling has healed her hidden wounds, Mao Kai has studied magic theory more deeply than anyone else, and Liu Yisheng turns out to be a great saint, and there is no need for anything between them. Passwords or commands can maintain the resonance between the four people in the best state.

Soon, little bits of light began to float around the four people. This is also the biggest feature of Star Tower magic. The magic special effects when casting spells always remind people of the brilliant starlight in the sky. These starlights began to slowly gather around Liu Yisheng, who was in the main control position. He pointed towards the city gate in the distance. Those light spots were like a streamer, running towards the city gate, spanning a distance of more than one kilometer, connecting him to the city gate.

After the test firing, the pneumatic cannon responsible for hitting the city gate had stopped, and there was no longer any magic fluctuation on the city gate. However, when these seemingly inconspicuous stars fell into the doorway, it was like a ladle of water being added to a hot oil pan, and the magic lines on it suddenly flashed.

Different from the magic halo triggered by the cannonball just now, the magic light now is no longer a stable spreading ripple, but a small and chaotic beat. Those inconspicuous starlights began to cut into the magic circle through the magic light on the door. They appeared in the middle of the magic lines and began to block the operation of the magic circle.

Although the ancient magic circle on this gate is very complete and has multiple lines that can supply energy, as time goes by, more and more channels are blocked, and some places even begin to erupt due to the blockage of magic channels. Clusters of sparks.

Ten minutes later, the magic circle on the door began to flicker, and sparks kept exploding from different locations. Obviously, there has been a serious problem with the energy supply of the magic circle. Wang Jiyuan put down the telescope in his hand and gave instructions to the artillerymen: "Start breaking down the city gate!"

More than thirty cannons, led by two 200mm pneumatic cannons, were equipped with armor-piercing projectiles and began to attack in batches. The situation this time was very different from previous test firings. As long as the cannonball hits the part of the magic circle where the light dims, it will actually hit the city gate and cause damage to the city gate. Although this door is made of very thick metal, if a cannonball hits it and explodes, a deep pit will appear. Without magic protection, it is only a matter of time before the door is smashed open. The impact caused by the shells continued to tear apart the connecting parts of the door. Both the door bolt and the hinges were not as strong as the door panel itself.

The cannonballs one after another were like drumsticks beating on the door, making loud noises. This was a sound that had not been heard in Heimuguan for thousands of years.

More than ten rounds of artillery shells had been fired, and in Wang Jiyuan's telescope, the door had been covered by rising smoke and dust.

He ordered the attack to stop. After a few minutes, the smoke and dust dissipated, and they saw that the doorway was beyond recognition. The door on the left had completely fallen to the ground, and the door on the right was twisted and deformed, and half of it fell off. From here you can already see the light on the other side of the doorway.

Wang Jiyuan's expression remained unchanged and he said to the messenger beside him: "Inform the reconnaissance troops and carefully observe the enemy's reaction in Heimu Pass."

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