On the Seven Towers

Chapter 837 Space Restart

In front of the battlefield, Xiao Chen, Gabriel, Metatron and Ye Zi stood among the groups of golems and spirit warriors, waiting for the enemy team to rush over. Behind them, there were high-level mages and warriors such as Glade, Maya, and Evelyn.

Marcus and Cynthia led the team. Seeing the support of Gabriel and others, they slowed down and would rather endure more gunfire and bombardment than advance.

Because even if he didn't know how strong others were, he knew the level of the two war angels with wings spread behind him. He had to wait until Stuart and Duke Weber in the back caught up, otherwise it would be dangerous to rush forward.

Although Marcus was usually irritable, he was extremely calm on the battlefield. He and the Chinese Tower team always kept a distance of more than 200 meters. He ordered his guards and beast troops to disperse on the spot and then fight back with bows and arrows. Because the beast soldiers were very powerful, the bows they used were much heavier than the bows of ordinary warriors, and the maximum range could exceed 300 meters. It can threaten Xiao Chen's spirit servants.

However, Xiao Chen and others did not give them a chance to breathe. The guns and cannons of the golems and spirit servants never stopped, and the mages behind him kept throwing magic at Marcus's team. In the team led by Marcus, there were constant explosions caused by pneumatic cannons, various elemental magics, and various mental magics and status magics.

This state of shooting lasted for less than five minutes. Marcus knew that although his side had more people, the result of such a stalemate would inevitably be that his side would collapse first, not to mention that the bows and arrows would not cause any damage to the opponent's golems and masters. Even those soldiers who looked ordinary had shields cast by the opponent's mages in front of them. The number of mages on his side was very limited. In addition to providing protection for his guards, they could not take care of ordinary soldiers at all.

"Father! Why don't we let the beasts charge first? Even if the losses will be great, there will always be people rushing up. Our number is many times that of the enemy, and we can overwhelm them with our numbers alone." Cynthia said.

"No, it's not like that. I originally had the same idea as you, but now, in front of the enemy, I found that it wouldn't work. If it were just those guns and cannons, the beasts could fill it with their cheap lives. But the enemy still has several masters and a large number of experts watching there.

Originally, if we could pin down their masters and high-levels, our beast warriors could rush up, but now the opponent has far more masters in the middle than us. If we go up, we can't come back. Do you want to sacrifice the elite of the family to cover those lowly people?"

"Father, we are the owners of the golden dragon bloodline, but we may not lose to these guys." Cynthia is still eager to try.

"Cynthia, on the battlefield, you can't just look at the situation at one time or one place, all parts are related." Marcus said, "Did you see that mage Xiao Chen, the great magician of the spiritual system! There are also two battle angels, they didn't make a move, just waiting for us to get close. Franco's side has been defeated, and the battle angel over there can come at any time. Gandas in the sky seems to have been suppressed by the opponent. Do you really think that the two of us are sure to escape from such a siege?"

"Then what should we do?" Cynthia asked.

"Of course, call for help!" Marcus called a guard beside him and said, "Quick, go and tell Stuart and Weber. The number of masters on the other side is beyond our expectations. Tell them to come up quickly, otherwise, I can't fight this battle. If I die, they will be the next to die."


"Marcus turned out to be a coward." Gabriel said disdainfully on the other side of the battlefield, "It seems that he doesn't dare to fight us unless he has an advantage in the number of masters."

"Time is on our side." Xiao Chen said, "My mental power is recovering quickly, and the battle in the sky is also under our control. The longer it takes, the fewer resources they have available."

Gabriel said to Ye Zi: "How is your control over the Arena?"

Ye Zi looked at the gun in his hand and said: "I have never activated it since He Xiaoxi used it last time. Since I punished the Shadow Gun, it rarely spoke to me on its own initiative. I don't know how much I can use it."

Gabriel said: "It doesn't matter. Artifacts are unruly things. You can only make them obey completely to give full play to their maximum ability. Now you are at the peak of the high level. Holding the Shadow Gun should be at the master level. So it is enough to absorb the opponent's master level into the Arena."

"Are you going to fight the opponent in the Arena?" Xiao Chen said.

"Why not? The battle between masters is a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, you will lose your life. Therefore, any favorable factors must be used. The Arena is a scene that we are more familiar with. Fighting in it will naturally gain advantages, and as long as you win, you can use the opponent's vitality to heal your wounds. There is no battlefield more suitable for dealing with those guys than this.

Moreover, after entering the Ares Arena, the possibility of the other party escaping is cut off. Unless all one party dies or surrenders, they will not be able to come out. The Imperials generally have far more masters than we do, but many of them are now distributed in the north to defend against the orcs, or in the east to fight against the Kingdom's army. We used all the power we could mobilize to gain a slight advantage on this battlefield. If one day they use all their power to fight us, it will be a big trouble. Therefore, if we have the opportunity to eliminate a master, we must eliminate him. "

"Yes, it is better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them. As long as we get through this hurdle, we will have more and more masters and even saints born, and then we will no longer have to worry about the empire." Xiao Chen nodded in agreement. .

Ye Zi asked: "But I don't know how to choose candidates to enter the Victory Arena."

Gabriel said: "You have reached a new realm. When you use the God of War Arena again, you will naturally understand. Remember, even if your realm improves, the number of people that the God of War Arena can accommodate is limited. Only select Their master comes in and doesn't care about the other warriors, leaving those people to Huang Zheng and Glade."

"Yes, I understand." Ye Zi raised the shadow gun and slowly communicated with it, preparing for the restart of the God of War Arena.

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