On the Seven Towers

Chapter 867: The End of the King

The first time Xiao Chen saw Franco and Gram face to face was in the stronghold on the nameless valley road.

It was already dawn, and the one-sided killing in the valley had ended for an hour. Franco and Gram were both covered in blood. The blood came not only from the enemies they had killed, but also from the many wounds on their bodies. After they killed the emperor, they also fought with the surrounding black guards who wanted to kill them to avenge the emperor. In this battle, the black guards loyal to the emperor showed a momentum of facing death. Although their realms were not as good as Franco and Gram, they basically fought all the family elites they brought, and injured both brothers.

However, Xiao Chen was also busy all night, and now he had the opportunity to meet them.

A few hours ago, Xiao Chen was actually outside the valley. Of course, he would not put all the tasks of destroying the enemy's living forces on Luo Ling and Mao Kai. In fact, the great wizard team he led had long concealed their figures and followed the imperials. Behind them were the tireless spirit servants and ghost warriors.

When the magic flames rose in the valley, they did not hesitate to attack the imperial army from behind. Because the Franco brothers in front had shouted the news of "the emperor is dead" very early, fear quickly spread among the imperial army. The imperials collapsed quickly under the multiple blows of morale, terrain and combat effectiveness. Of course, some imperial warriors chose to fight to the end, but these people only slightly delayed the time of failure. When the group led by Chang Yujie caught up, they saw the imperial warriors fleeing all over the mountains.

It took Xiao Chen and others less than an hour to defeat the imperial army, but it took a whole night to chase and capture the fleeing imperial warriors.

Now the pursuit and capture operations outside are still going on, but Xiao Chen, as the acting chairman of the Tower of China, must deal with the battlefield uprising of the Franco and Gram brothers. He specially transferred Duke Weber from Heimuguan to meet with the Franco brothers.

The hall of the stronghold on the top of the mountain is a bit small, and more than a dozen people gathered inside.

"Meet Chairman Xiao Chen, Saint Liu Yisheng, other gentlemen, and father." Franco and Gram respectfully saluted Xiao Chen and others. However, they had just killed the emperor, and their spirits were still in a very excited state. Xiao Chen could clearly feel the agitation of their mental power.

"Sir Franco, Sir Gram, I didn't expect that because of your father's letter, we would meet again in our current identities so soon." Xiao Chen said, "But don't you need to treat your injuries first?"

Gram said: "Chairman Xiao, please don't care about our injuries. The most important thing now is how to take advantage of the situation where the emperor is dead."

Franco raised a ring in his hand and said: "Yes, the tyrant Alfred is now dead in our hands, in this storage ring. Do you need to verify his identity now?"

"Okay." Xiao Chen answered briefly. He knew that Liu Yisheng and Luo Ling had seen how Emperor Alfred died, but in the magic world, there were too many things that could deceive the senses. Even he himself could use the meditation world to forge a scene that was indistinguishable from the real thing. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the identity of the emperor, and whether the emperor is dead or not is related to a series of actions of the Tower of China.

Luo Ling said: "Let's go to the yard outside. I saw that he died miserably. It's better not to stay in the room."

Franco walked a few steps to the door, put out the headless body of Emperor Alfred, and put the half head that was torn off on the side. A bloody smell came to his face. Even if the people present had seen various big scenes. But seeing the emperor who ruled an empire lying there like a puddle of mud, there was a sense of sighing.

Even Franco himself was stunned for a moment, and the excitement, excitement and a bit of arrogance in his emotions just now subsided.

Duke Weber walked over and sighed softly: "Your Majesty..."

Luo Ling waved her hand lightly, and a human-shaped image appeared beside her. Under the astonished gaze of Weber and his son, it slowly turned into the appearance of the Black Guard Commander Morlet. Since the existence of the spirit servant requires the host's mental power, the overall situation of the battle was decided before, and they returned to the meditation world of their respective hosts. Morlett was summoned again and said calmly, "Mr. Luo Ling, Chairman Xiao, colleagues... and Duke Weber, Franco and Gram. Did you summon me here to confirm the identity of this body?"

"Yes." Luo Ling said.

Morlett walked towards the emperor's body lying on the ground, holding up the half head regardless of the blood stains, and used his hands to push away the emperor's blood-soaked hair stuck to his face.

The emperor's face had no chin, his forehead and cheekbones were broken, and his eyes were like two bulging blood bubbles, completely losing his previous handsome appearance. But Morlett still recognized the person he had been serving. Even though he was scolded by him, abandoned by him, and finally switched to the camp, he still couldn't help but shed tears.

"Yes, this is him, His Majesty Emperor Alfred, the ruler of the Purple Eagle Empire." Morlett looked up at Gram, "I didn't expect that my words would really lead to such a result in the end."

Gram opened his mouth, but couldn't spit out a word, and finally turned his head away.

Xiao Chen said: "Since his identity has been confirmed, let's take him away. Whether it is returned to the empire or handled by us, that is a matter for the future."

"Now I want to know the reason why Franco and Gram revolted on the battlefield. After all, you have always been noble officials of the empire, and you are still fighting with us during the day. And what do you want to get from the Tower of China through this uprising?" Xiao Chen asked very directly.

"Emperor Alfred is a very young monarch. Maybe his problems have not been exposed before, but this war has exposed the terrible part of his character. Because of a series of failures before, he no longer trusts my father, us, and our entire family. My father was thrown off the roof by him before, and Gram was almost thrown into jail by him after the failure of the previous city gate battle. After this war, our family is in danger. We can't let the final fate be in his hands." Franco said: "We both received a letter from our father after he was captured by you. Let us surrender to the Tower of China. But after discussing with my brother, I feel that surrender is not a good idea. We should be able to do more!"

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