On the Seven Towers

Chapter 896 Searching for Secrets

The last part of what Yvette said matched what Nina had seen, but he saw the process more clearly inside the maze. Xiao Chen asked: "So, you and your companions got together later?"

"Yes." As Yvette spoke, he was very tired from fighting. He cut off the claws of a hydralisk, then lowered his head while it was in pain, and cut off its head with a sword. He took a few steps back and drew his sword. Zhu was lying on the ground, gasping: "I have said everything I should say, can you let me go."

"Are you sure you have nothing to say?" Xiao Chen asked.

"No, I have told you everything I know. Let me go." Yvette said. According to his strength, it would be easy to escape on his own.

Xiao Chen sized up the situation and said, "I've said before that these monsters are not under my control."

He smashed a red light ball in his hand in front of Yvette. The light ball shattered into more than a dozen small light groups and flew into the bodies of the Zerg. As a result, the remaining monsters seemed to have been affected by a huge force. With the stimulation, their muscles and bones made creaking sounds, and each muscle bulged, and even the skeleton was a little taller. They howled and rushed towards Yvette.

"Asshole! I knew you weren't so kind. You despicable outsiders have no credibility at all." Yvette felt that the magic Xiao Chen had just cast was much more powerful than the buff magic he had cast on those monsters before. The strength of those monsters has simply doubled.

Xiao Chen raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Do you think I don't know that you have concealed a lot of things? How can you say that I didn't abide by the agreement? Since you, the living, don't speak, then you can only let the dead speak."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yvette had no choice but to ignore her companions and forcefully break out of the encirclement of the monsters. He knew that he had no chance to stay here, so he could only try his best to see if he could break through the obstacles of the people in front of him.

He stepped on the head of a hydralisk, bursting out his fighting energy with all his strength, trying to get over the heads of Xiao Chen and others.

Seeing him rushing towards him, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, and a spider web formed by magical power covered Yvette's body. Several people behind him also took action at the same time. Yvette was first tied up by the spider web, and then hit by magic one after another. Inevitably it slowed down. Mollet saw the opportunity and jumped up, followed by Ackley and Kalanda. The three warriors swarmed up and stopped Yvette, whose strength had been weakened to the lowest point. Yvette faced the siege of three people and barely resisted for a few times. Finally, he was stabbed through the heart by Mollett in the air and died on the ground.

At this time, the remaining two temple knights had already been torn into pieces by the crazy monsters.

While Xiao Chen released the soul light ball to absorb the soul fragments here, he walked to Yvette, put his hand on his forehead, and released the soul interpretation magic.

After a moment, he stood up and said: "This guy has concealed a lot of things. They came here to arrest Li Jia, not on a temporary basis, but with a plan in advance. And this order came from Golden Bough Priest Fahs, who He is currently the leader of the Advent Sect. It was this priest who made a deal with Queen Laura to capture the city of Lagos before handing it over to her. He became quite interested in us, so he sent people to arrest us. Li Jia probably wanted to obtain information related to us, but at that time they believed that Li Jia was a high-level mage, so they thought it was enough for them to send a team led by two masters. They didn't expect that Li Jia would actually do it later. There was such a movement.”

Luo Ling asked: "Is Fahs's decision related to the incident involving Priest Margaret?"

Xiao Chen nodded: "Yes, maybe I was a little reckless in Holy Sword City at that time, but as long as we develop to a certain level, it is inevitable to expose our strength and intentions. The other party should be wary of our rise now. ”

Chen Hansheng said: "These are things that cannot be changed. We just need to be prepared and act with caution. The problem now is to continue to find Li Jia."

Xiao Chen said: "I found the direction in which the silver-leaf priest Ferrario teleported from Yvette's memory. In addition, more and more soul fragments are accumulated now, and my ability to perceive other soul fragments has also been greatly enhanced. Yes, I should be able to find him."

Xiao Chen once again took away the souls of the monsters still alive on the battlefield, and then added them to the light group. The original crazy and cruel Zerg monsters were like obedient kittens and puppies in front of him. Let him take away the souls and then fall down one by one.

The soul light ball became larger. Xiao Chen released the light ball according to the direction in the memory. Sure enough, something attracted it in this direction, causing it to slowly float there.

Xiao Chen led everyone to move forward, but Luo Ling had just taken a few steps when she received a message from Xiao Chen through the Bridge of Souls.

"I just read a strange thing in the memory of the Temple Knight, but it's not suitable to talk about it now, so I didn't mention it." Xiao Chen said.

"What kind of strange thing?" Luo Ling glanced at Xiao Chen unconsciously, but found that he was not looking at her, but was walking forward seriously.

Xiao Chen's voice said in her mind: "The Golden Branch Priest Fahs just mentioned, in fact, before they set off, he and several Silver Leaf Priests from the sub-temple, several commanders of the Temple Guard Army, and several The leader of the Shadow Group held a secret meeting. Everyone who participated in this meeting was a close associate of Fahs. During the meeting, Fahs mentioned the word 'City of God'."

"God's City? Aren't those the people who appeared before the awakening of the God of Nature and fought Liu Yisheng many times?" Luo Ling said.

"Yes, Fahs asked them to cooperate with Queen Laura to prepare for the arrival of the God's City." Xiao Chen said.

"Queen Laura?"

"Yes. I suspect that the Temple of Nature is willing to help Queen Laura because Queen Laura is willing to pay a certain price to serve the God's City." Xiao Chen paused and said, "There is no doubt that there are many ancient saints in the God's City. These people will consume a lot of resources whether they are practicing or fighting. The economic strength of the God's Coming Sect is much worse than that of the Present World Sect, so it is very important to find a secular kingdom willing to support them. Queen Laura is probably ready now, and when the God's City arrives, her kingdom will become a vassal of the God's City."

"Did Fahs say when the God's City will appear?"

"No. Yvette only knows a general situation, and he doesn't know more specific details. But the arrival of the God's City is a problem that we must prepare for immediately."

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