On the Seven Towers

Chapter 910 Territory Weather

He Xiaoxi was still wearing the T-shirt and jeans of an urban girl. It was summer again. She looked very ordinary in Hewan New City. Because many people around her were dressed similarly. Although the material of their clothes was not as exquisite as the clothes she transformed with divine power, the quality and color far exceeded the clothes of people in other places in the world.

Walking here made He Xiaoxi feel very comfortable. After she gave instructions to her only pastor a few days ago, she finally appeared in the sphere of influence of the Tower of China again.

More than three years ago, when the countries on the mainland were fighting fiercely, He Xiaoxi was doing something very important. She was looking for the traces of the Seven Towers.

In the history of many parallel worlds in the past, she had never found or excavated the remains of the Seven Towers, but in this world, Xiao Chen discovered the sacred book of the Dream Tower, and Zhou He led the descendants of the Sword Tower, finally allowing her to collect the inheritance of the Seven Towers. With the help of Master Ikasa of the Spirit Eye Tower, she explored many ruins and secrets that she had never reached before, and even communicated with some other believers of the ancient gods, and discovered a series of clues to the existence of the Seven Towers.

According to the evidence she has found now, before the God-killing War, the Seven Towers should have been prepared for failure. They all hid the seven magic towers in various ways, but now He Xiaoxi has found the possibility of finding them from the dust of history.

She is now taking the risk to return to Hewan New City again, just to tell Xiao Chen and Liu Yisheng and others this information.

Three years is just a short moment for the gods, because in the past, many years will not produce much change. But now these three years are also three years of deep memories even for He Xiaoxi. In these three years, she has explored and discovered many things and traveled to many places in the world.

He Xiaoxi felt that she had spent three very fulfilling years, but after arriving at Hewan New City, she was surprised to find that the people in Hewan New City might have experienced more than her.

In terms of area, Hewan New City has expanded about five times. The original farmland has now become urban buildings. The blocks here are square and the roads are surprisingly wide. All the roads are paved with a gray material that she didn't recognize, which looks very delicate. Many areas in the city have built new factories, including factories that emit black and gray smoke and factories that look very clean. These factories often use cleaner and more efficient crystal energy, and their production capacity far exceeds that of the original coal-fired factories. Surrounding Hewan New City are farms one by one. These farms are neatly distributed around the city. The grains and vegetables grown are uniform and growing well. Many of the mountains and fields in the past have now become fertile fields. One third of the farmland here is covered with crystal clear houses. She can feel the magic inside. The houses are planted with off-season fruits and vegetables, as well as magical plants that grow in harsh environments.

Hewan New City has become taller. Three years ago, the tallest building in this city was only five or six stories high, but now there are several houses with more than twenty stories.

The style of these high-rise buildings is similar to that of the school that she traveled through. They are long and thin, straight up and down, with simple lines, and neat glass windows in the middle of the stone-faced exterior walls.

This is the most favorite architectural style of visitors from other worlds. He Xiaoxi has experienced many worlds and found that the Chinese always build their cities like this. However, the current Hewan New City is the largest city she has ever seen. However, apart from the size and height, in He Xiaoxi's view, this Hewan New City has a special sense of familiarity compared to similar cities in the past. She feels that the tall buildings in this city are where she has seen them before.

On the road between the houses, the number of crystal cars has increased many times. Not only are there large vehicles that can carry many people as in the past, but there are also many trucks that can carry goods and small vehicles that can only carry a few people. There are even crystal bicycles that are slightly larger than bicycles.

These large and small vehicles gather together to form a busy traffic flow. It's like the blood of Hewan New City.

He Xiaoxi walked on the road, feeling the spiritual power of all sizes passing by her. These spiritual powers are not particularly strong, but when they gather in a city, they are very spectacular. Other places simply cannot gather so many people with magical talents.

After five years of basic education, a large number of students in China Tower have been promoted from elementary school to middle school. And some of the people who originally went to middle school have been promoted to university, and a considerable number of them have been diverted to factories that need knowledge and technology, and have become apprentices in a part-time work and study mode.

And those farmers and workers who have exceeded the age of students have also supplemented their cultural knowledge in night schools and cram schools. Now the literacy rate of the entire Hewan New District has reached more than 95%.

He Xiaoxi knows very well that these talents are the most powerful part of China Tower.

These people, regardless of gender, age or status, have the opportunity to learn magic. Regardless of their talents, they can at least learn basic magic at the apprentice level in the Tower of China. With these magics, they can use magic in their lives, stimulate crystals, and become part of the entire crystal energy system. They can control crystal cars, use various equipment that uses crystals as energy, and operate weapons made of crystals to make the entire system work.

In any case, as long as the quantity exceeds the limit, a qualitative change can occur. He Xiaoxi put herself into a hostile state and found that the entire city could already give her a sense of threat.

Based on her own perception, He Xiaoxi walked to a building. She had just stood for a while when she saw Xiao Chen and Liu Yisheng walking out of the building.

Three years have left no trace on their faces, but their temperament looks a bit calmer than before.

Liu Yisheng took a few steps forward and took her hand without saying a word. But the longing between the eyebrows was expressed unabashedly.

Xiao Chen said: "Finally I see you again. In the past few years, I have been waiting for you to appear all the time."

He Xiaoxi said: "I want to minimize the time I spend with you. I am a god and you are outsiders. When we get together, the God of Nature can easily sense us. If the God of Nature wakes up a little, It is possible to notice those of us who gather together.

However, in the past three years, I have found many clues related to the Seven Towers. I have to come and talk to you anyway. "

Xiao Chen said: "So are we. Now that we have mastered some of the secrets of the gods, including the true origins of you and the God of Nature, I think you will be interested."

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