On the Seven Towers

Chapter 930: The Clans in the Sea

Seeing Xiao Chen's surprised expression, Herrez said: "I know that in the kingdom they don't think of this emperor that way, they always say he is a tyrant or something like that.

But no matter how the kings and nobles of the Iliad Kingdom say bad things about him, Emperor Rick has a very high reputation in the southern city-state. We in the southern city-state have a deep memory of the invasion of the sea tribe. Even though the people at that time have died for many years, you can see the traces of the war on the walls of any town.

The southern city-state alone could not resist that war. If it weren't for Rick Emperor Rick brought his golem army to the south to fight. I am afraid that half of the southern city-states will be captured by the sea people in that battle.

Moreover, Emperor Rick also used his golem, the electric-winged silver dragon, to kill the Sea King at that time, which completely destroyed the most powerful tribe where the Sea King was. This made the Sea People return to a loose state, and they have not recovered until now. This is why we have had a relatively peaceful life for hundreds of years. "

Xiao Chen turned and left the deck, calling Herez to follow him down. The two of them came to Xiao Chen's room, where a drawn map was hung on the wall.

The map on it was a sea composed of the Pearl Sea, the Violent Sea and the Ice and Snow Sea.

Herez found some small red flags nailed on it. According to his understanding, this should be the supply point preset by Xiao Chen and his team. Connecting these supply points together is naturally the route of their operation this time.

Xiao Chen said: "Heres, what kind of route do you think I should choose if I want to avoid conflicts with the sea people as much as possible?"

Heres said: "The route on this map is the most economical in terms of distance, and it also avoids reefs and areas with bad sea conditions, and basically includes all the places where the ghost ship legend appears. But if we follow this route, at least in the Pearl Sea, there will definitely be several conflicts."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"When you made this map, you must have referred to the opinions of some old captains, right?"

"That's right." Xiao Chen nodded.

"These old guys haven't been to the sea for a few years, and I'm afraid they have less contact with the sea people. They probably don't know much about some recent events." Heres said.

"Here." Heres pointed to an island on the way and said, "Enok Island was just looted by the army of Bailang City more than half a year ago. And your ship participated in the battle at that time. At that time, one of the sons of Lord Pelesi had just died in an attack by the Enok Island fleet, so he retaliated a little bit, breaking through the Ocean Temple on Enok Island and destroying the Sea Altar on Enok Island.

This is the greatest insult to the sea people. Therefore, the sea people on Enok Island have a mortal hatred for this ship.

But destroying the Sea Altar is too cruel. Neither Bailang City nor Enok Island publicized it, so most people don't know. I also heard it from a friend in Bailang City when he was drunk. He showed me a piece of the Sea Altar at that time."

"The Ocean Temple and the Sea Is the altar important to the sea tribe? "

"The sea tribe does not believe in gods. Most of them worship the ocean itself. They believe that their wisdom, strength and life are all given by the ocean. So the Ocean Temple is the place for worshiping the sea, and the Ocean Altar is the center of the Ocean Temple. It is the place where every sea tribe member grows up and comprehends the skills of the race. Destroying the Ocean Altar cuts off the source of a tribe to replenish powerful warriors. Those people on Enok Island were afraid that this shame would spread, so they did not tell other tribes, and Bailang City was also afraid that the trouble would expand and attract other sea tribes, so they also blocked the news, so the old guys gave you a bad idea. "

Xiao Chen said: "No wonder."

Heres walked to another position and sent out two positions with red flags.

"This is Mali Island and Rodno Island, the two islands on your supply line. However, if you go to Mali Island and then Rodno Island, you may not be welcomed by the latter.

The leaders of the two tribes have two children of the same age. Originally, they had a marriage contract, but the daughter of the leader of Mali Island was later favored by the younger son of the more powerful leader of Kamo Island. The leader of Mali Island wanted to establish a relationship with a larger tribe, so he ignored the original marriage contract and married his daughter to him.

The leader of Rodno Island naturally felt insulted. He did not dare to go to war with Mali Island directly, but only announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the other side and refused to accept all ships coming from Mali Island.

I also discovered this problem after traveling this route before. At that time, because we went to Mali Island to do business first, we were rejected by Rodno Island. We almost died of thirst because of running out of supplies before reaching the next island."

Heres pointed out five islands in a row, all of which had problems of one kind or another and were not suitable as stopovers.

Xiao Chen discovered that any humanoid race has countless internal conflicts. Perhaps this is the instinct of all intelligent life. He sighed: "It seems that the sea tribe is also not united."

"This is also due to the Southern City-State. Since the Sea King was defeated by Saint Rick, the Southern City-State has spent a lot of effort to win over and divide the tribes of the sea tribe. If we don't do this, we will be unlucky.

You must know that these people in the sea tribe are much better than us humans in terms of physical ability. The gap between them and us is greater than the gap between the beast tribe and us.

For example, the mermaids are natural water mages who can control the weather and waves, and can also control the animals in the water. Although they are rare, they are a big trouble if you encounter them.

The whales are huge, reaching more than 30 meters, like giants in the sea. Their strength is also terrifying, and they can overturn smaller warships with their bare hands. Adult whales have high-level strength. If it weren't for their difficulty in giving birth and their sparse population. We can't stop them from attacking the mainland.

There are also sharks, who are also seven or eight meters tall, and have mid-level strength when they are adults. In the last war, it was these guys who held off the magic elephant army of Saint Rick.

However, these sea people are very rare, and it is difficult for us to meet them in the sea. The most common are the scales. They are weaker than humans, but they give birth quickly and in large numbers. When the scales surge like a tide, it makes people's scalps numb.

There are quite a few people in the Armor Tribe, all wearing bone armor and strong defense. They are the most annoying enemy when we fight. Most of them are not afraid of bows and arrows, and you need to pierce the gaps in their shells in close combat to kill them. "

Herez told Xiao Chen a lot about the sea tribe, which opened Xiao Chen's eyes.

Xiao Chen picked up a few blue flags from the table and handed them to Herez: "Then give your advice. I have a feeling that this voyage will become more and more interesting. "

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