On the Seven Towers

Chapter 946: Capturing Ghosts

In a sea area south of the Pearl Islands, a fleet of seamen slightly smaller than Trina's fleet was sailing through the waves.

This was one of the two fleets organized by Asino to capture the ghost fleet. The two fleets were led by Asino and his cousin Suniga respectively. Although the combat effectiveness of each fleet was slightly inferior to Trina's fleet, the combined combat effectiveness was much greater than hers. Because the ghost fleet's whereabouts were erratic and its speed was very fast, although Asino could sense the general position of the ghost fleet, it was repeatedly escaped by it using the terrain and climate.

So Asino divided his fleet into two two days ago, preparing to block the ghost fleet in a place called Solshi Strait. Coincidentally, the holy artifact Shining Shell is composed of two shells and can be split into two halves. Asino gave one of the halves to Suniga, so that they each carried one halves, and even if they ran into the ghost fleet alone, they would have the strength to fight.

Asino is also a great magician of the mermaid clan. He looked a little older than Trina. According to human standards, his right face was handsome and resolute, but his left face was a little creepy. There were several thick scars from the forehead to the left cheek. His eyebrows were twisted like snakes. His eyes had disappeared and his eyelids were glued together, completely destroying the beauty of this face.

If it were a human, he might use a mask to cover half of his face, but the sea people regarded this scar as honor.

This was a scar left when he fought against the human army in his early years. In that war with the southern city-state, he lost his father and was seriously injured. Therefore, among the many tribal leaders of the sea people, he was the one who hated humans the most. He fought against the southern city-state and never took prisoners.

Asino sat in his room. There was a conch and a compass on the table in front of him. He placed one hand on the conch, and the conch emitted a magical fluorescence. This conch was called the Ghost Conch. It came from the darkest and most gloomy place on the seabed and had the function of connecting souls. Now Asino was using it to track the two sea souls in the ghost ship. He used his sense of the soul to compare the direction on the compass to find the direction of the ghost ship.

There was also a Naga guard with six knives on his back beside him, who kept telling the captain the direction he reported, asking the captain to adjust the direction to chase the ghost fleet.

"Signal to the ships behind. We are about to catch up with the ghost ship. Let all ships speed up to the fastest speed." Asino raised his head and said, "The Mother Sea really favors our sea people. The storm in the east has forced them into a dead end, and there are reefs in the west. We finally blocked them in the Solshi Strait."

"Yes. Lord Asino." The Naga guard twisted his snake body and swam out of the room quickly.

Asino cast a floating spell on himself and came to the deck. From here, you can already see the land on both sides of the strait on the horizon.

The Solshi Strait is a narrow sea between two very close large islands. Unlike the ships of the sea clan, which are driven by a large number of scale clan slaves and can easily change direction, the ghost ship naturally slows down when it reaches the mouth of the strait. Therefore, with this terrain advantage, it is inevitable for Asino to catch up with the ghost ship. What's more, on the other side of the strait, Suniga has already rushed to the exit of the strait, and the ghost ship has nowhere to escape.

Asino looked from the deck and could vaguely see the sterns of the two ghost ships. He was a little proud. This was the result of his tracking for a month. Through bait and driving, he kept changing the opponent's route and drove them to such a deadly place.

"Lord Asino, the order has been passed down." The Naga guard reported.

Asino turned his head and looked behind him. All the warships raised their sails and sped up to follow.

Half an hour later, the ghost ship had appeared at the entrance of the strait. Asino could clearly see the heavy figures on the ships in front.

"What a weird thing." He frowned. There are more than ten ghost ships, two of which seem to be human-style ships, and the rest are sea-style. There are sailors on each ship operating the rudder and controlling the sails, but these people are translucent. Their images are the same as they were in life, but they give people a sense of lack of real existence.

"My lord, what's going on with these humans and sea-people?" Asino's guard asked.

"The souls have been materialized. I really don't know how the ghost queen did it." Asino murmured.

Those ghosts seemed to turn a blind eye to his fleet. No one was panicked or afraid. All the ghosts were just like they couldn't see the enemy and were always doing their own things.

Asino took out the shining shell and prepared to activate the power of this holy weapon when the ship got closer.

At this time, the ghosts on the ship in front of them took action. They looked up at Asino's fleet at the same time, and then some of the ghosts took steps to "walk" towards the sea-people fleet. They didn't stop when they reached the edge of the deck, and continued to move towards Asino on the air. The sight of more than a hundred ghosts walking in the air really scared many sea tribe warriors. None of them had ever really fought against a ghost ship, and the strange scene of the other party's attack was beyond their imagination. The speed of Asino's fleet slowed down a bit unconsciously.

Asino said to the captain of the flagship: "Don't be afraid, they are just some unconscious souls. When they get closer, I will use the holy weapon to destroy them."

Those souls were like drifting catkins, swaying and approaching. The speed did not seem fast, but in the blink of an eye, they were close enough to see their faces clearly. Asino and his soldiers saw the expressions of these souls, each of which was stagnant and distorted, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying before they died, and then their faces were frozen at that moment.

These people either had their mouths open, or their eyes bulged, and even their heads and necks twisted to unnatural positions.

Asino's heart skipped a beat when he saw these strange faces, and his men saw the terrifying appearance of these ghosts and started to talk about them, and there were commotions everywhere on the ship.

Asino took a deep breath, raised the shining shell in his hand, and prepared to activate his mental power to inject it into the half shell to make these ghosts disappear, but he did not expect that these ghosts suddenly put their hands around their mouths and screamed together.

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