On the Seven Towers

Chapter 954: Seat of Immortality

Adriana's voice finally sounded again. Her voice was deeper than before: "As you wish, you have met me. Ha, they are all fresh and tender people."

Xiao Chen had dark vision. He saw the face below through the cloak and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The face was so weird that he was speechless. The upper part of the head was bulging much larger than a normal person's head. The eyes were as big as tennis balls, reflecting the extremely small chin, nose and mouth. The skin on the face is dark gray and covered with layers of wrinkles. The eyes are bloodshot and the pupils are so small that they are almost invisible. There was not a single hair on her head, and her scalp was as wrinkled as her face. He doesn't look like a human being, but he looks like an alien from a movie. Xiao Chen also noticed that the bottom of the robe seemed empty, as if her body was as thin as paper.

This face can no longer be described as ugly or ugly. It should only appear in horror movies or nightmares.

Those blood-red eyes saw Xiao Chen's expression and paused on him: "Young man, it seems you have seen my face."

When Xiao Chen heard Adriana's voice, he swallowed unconsciously and said, "Sage Adriana, what's the state of your body... right now?"

"Status? You have seen it. If you are not dead, you are not alive." Adriana would not move her mouth at all when she spoke. Xiao Chen guessed that she relied on her mental power to vibrate the air to speak. She said slowly: "For thousands of years, since I escaped to the sea, no one has seen my face... maybe a few. But they were all killed by me after seeing it. How could I allow myself to be like this? To stay in people's memory? I was not like this at that time, and I could no longer tolerate this, let alone what I am like now, and you actually asked to see me, you are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers."

After Adriana said this, the cloak on her head fell down by itself, and that terrifying face appeared in front of everyone.

No one dared to show any emotion, but the expressions everyone showed the moment they saw her still betrayed their thoughts. But just when everyone was not sure what Adriana was going to do, Glade, who was originally standing at the end of the team, quickly stepped forward and walked in front of her. He said with some excitement: "Sister Adriana, I finally see you again."

"Sister?" Adriana was stunned for a moment, and the venom in her words became less fierce. "Who are you? Who is qualified to call me sister now?"

Glad's elemental body suddenly dissipated and re-formed into a younger boy, "I am Glad. The book spirit of "The Book of Possession", the younger brother you have been teaching, you taught me and Over the years, Mirda has influenced us little by little, turning us from artificial souls who don’t understand anything into book spirits with emotions and ideas.”

Adriana completely changed her tone, no longer cold and sarcastic, but with a bit of excitement: "You, you are Uncle Alsa and Aunt Alyssa's little book spirit! My father helped your father make the two of you But didn’t Uncle Alsa and the others die in the battle? Why are you still here?”

Glade said: "Father and mother didn't take us to participate in that battle, just like Uncle Feyre and Brother Larios didn't let you participate in that battle, right? Later we moved to the Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire in our hands until the mages of the Tower of China saved us from the last Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire, Rick."

Adriana said: "I am different from you. You and Milda have no fighting ability, but I am different. I am a saint. Even my father and brother may not be able to defeat me. I told them, I also wanted to participate in the God-killing War, but what did they do? On the surface, they quietly agreed to me, but secretly used the Flower of Sleep to make me comatose. When I woke up, there was only one letter left for me. A few words of letter and the mission of protecting the Tower of Spirits.”

Glad said: "They just want to protect you, just like they did before."

"But I don't need it!" Adriana said loudly, with a very angry tone, "and they abandoned me and went to die themselves, and they also threw the cursed task of Guardian Spirit Tower on my head. , this will last for thousands of years.”

"I know, but you are the most powerful mage in the Spirit Tower. I know that other magic towers later made the same choice as Uncle Feyre, and handed over the inheritance tasks to those who may not be the most powerful, but are The most talented magician." Glade said, "And you are always too stubborn, so that's why they used this method, right?"

"Forget it, I have guessed all their thoughts, and even simulated their souls to talk to them. I have already said to them everything that needs to be said. I have hated them for thousands of years, but... I’ve thought about them for thousands of years.”

"Sister Adriana. Why are you like this?"

Adriana sighed and said: "This... is the price of protecting the Spirit Tower. Human beings... at least in the realm of saints, life is very limited. Even though the Spirit Tower where I am is good at life and death Even their magic cannot extend life for thousands of years, but the task they gave me requires me to wait until the day when the God of Nature awakens, so that the inheritance of my Spirit Tower can play its due role. . So I used the power of the Spirit Tower to freeze my body's functions. My life consumption became very small, and my aging became very, very slow. At the cost, my body became very very weak, and I almost lost my body. The power. So I can only inspire my mental power to complete what I originally needed my body to do. Over the past few thousand years, my body has almost degraded into stone, and my head has become bigger and bigger due to excessive use of mental power. . Later, I had no choice but to sacrifice the magic equipment around me to assemble the throne of immortality in front of you. Gradually, my body became inseparable from this device that kept me alive. Once I left it, I was afraid my body would collapse immediately. ”

"This...such a price is too terrible." Glade showed a look of regret on his face. Since communicating with Crete, he seems to be more and more able to understand human emotions.

"This is my own choice." Adriana glanced at Xiao Chen and others and said, "I know, even though you talk about all kinds of reasons, it doesn't matter whether you ask for help or ask me for advice. Okay, but after all, you want the Tower of Spirits, don’t you?”

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