On the Seven Towers

Chapter 96: A Plan to Start a Fire

Wang Jiyuan turned around and saw Morey, wearing a white coat and looking like a scientific researcher, walking into the headquarters. He pulled Morey to the window, put the telescope into his hand, pointed to the high platform in the distance and asked, "Look, what are they doing?"

Morey held up the telescope to observe. After a while, he judged: "This is a wild mage. He doesn't seem to be very skilled. He built this high platform with the help of the scroll. I guess he wants to launch an attack on us from the high platform." magic."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, many people climbed up to the high platform one after another. They erected a flagpole on the high platform and hung a bloody scimitar flag. The figure in robes held another scroll. Appear and start casting spells. This time the spot of light revealed was red.

"What he wants to release is a siege magic. This kind of magic is released very slowly, but it is very powerful." He pulled up his sleeve slightly, revealing a mechanical watch, "It will take about twenty minutes to fully release this magic. "

"Siege magic? How powerful is it?" Ji Xun asked.

"Judging from this magic pattern... it should be a large, multiple bursting fireball." Morey looked grim. "This magic can probably cover the size of the entire playground. If it hits the position, it will be enough to kill everyone in the position in an instant. If it hits this building, it will burn the whole building."

"This has already caught up with the bomb. A few more of our positions will be in danger." Wang Jiyuan frowned.

Morey said: "One is already the limit. Judging from his gestures and the speed at which the magic pattern was completed, he was really reluctant to use this scroll. Once this magic is released, his mental power will definitely be exhausted. Moreover, this kind of Scrolls of siege magic are very rare, and most nobles may not have a few in their hands. It’s really strange that a wild mage would use such a scroll against us. I don’t believe he can take out a second one.”

"Then can the defensive magic array you arranged in advance be able to withstand it?" Wang Jiyuan asked.

"As long as I control the defensive magic circle myself, it should be OK." Morey nodded slightly, "But due to time and materials constraints, the magic circle only covers the main area at the gate. Other places cannot be taken into account. For example, you Not the headquarters.”

"Do we need people from other positions to withdraw first?" Ji Xun looked anxiously at the magic pattern that was still flashing red, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

"We can't retreat! The enemy may want us to do this. What if the horse thieves make a surprise attack while we are retreating?" Wang Jiyuan objected.

"But if that thing falls on our head, we can't afford such losses. We must at least withdraw the main force. Leave one or two observation posts in each position. If the enemy makes a surprise attack, we can regain the position." Ji Xun argued road.

Wang Jiyuan frowned and lowered his head, thinking, "Maybe we can find another way..."

"Are you going to send someone to raid that mage? This is a way. Although the person who carries out the raid is very dangerous, it is better than putting everyone in danger. Battalion Commander, let me lead the team!" Ji Xun He glanced at the horse thief scouts wandering around the school and said, "It is possible to sneak through the ditch on the roadside."

"What are you thinking about? This is a suicide. We have few people and few guns, and we cannot afford such consumption!" Wang Jiyuan raised his head and said, "We can think about it the other way around. Instead of avoiding it, it is better to force him to attack the main position, so that other positions Naturally everything is safe.”

Ji Xun touched his chin hard, looking puzzled. But Morey's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"You mean, give him a reason to attack the main position? For example, if there is an important target in the main position?" Morey narrowed his eyes and said, "This is a good idea. If there is magic to attack him on the main position, Master, he must attack there first, otherwise he will be in danger if another mage counterattacks."

"Can you do that?" Wang Jiyuan and Ji Xun looked at Morey together.

"That's right." Morey sneered, "No one knows how to pretend to be a powerful magician better than me."


Zhang Hong was wearing a gray linen shirt, with his back bent, standing next to Cadiz. He was not tall enough and lacked energy, coupled with the flattering energy in his eyes, he looked like a local dog next to the tall Caddis.

However, the situation is stronger than the people. He comforted himself over and over again, it would not be easy to survive.

His original clothes had long become Awan's trophies. The piece on his body was taken off by Awan from a knife-killed ghost. The dried blood stains on it took Zhang Hong a long time to wash. But no matter how he washed it, the dark red marks were still all over his body, just like the blood of his companions on his hands, which couldn't be washed away.

It was very cold on the high platform. A gust of cold wind blew, and Zhang Hong felt his chest was chilly. The crowds around him and the swaying firelight could not give him any warmth. He touched his heart with his right hand, which had its nails cut off. There was a hole in his clothes there. I heard that Awan had even taken out the heart of that damn ghost and eaten it.

Zhang Hong came back to his senses and glanced at the magician in front of him who was casting a spell. This bloated guy was named Andrew. Caddis paid a lot of money to invite him to release the scroll. The level is not high, but the person is very arrogant. But from what Awan and Orville said, this was already the wild mage with the highest level of magic they could find.

Zhang Hong was very close to him and could clearly see the bulging veins and beads of sweat on the magician's head.

For a moment, he thought about rushing up to the guy and interrupting his spell. The magician sternly warned the horse thieves that casting spells must not be interrupted, otherwise the backlash would be extremely terrifying.

Maybe dying with a magician would be a tolerable destination.

But soon, he smiled mockingly to himself. Ever since he strangled Hong Lifeng to death, he could no longer get along with the "hero". Just accept your fate and be a villain.

What's more...he couldn't break through the more than ten guards who were waiting for him.

"You said you never knew there was any defensive formation in this castle. I never believed it. It's time to find out now." Caddis interrupted Zhang Hong's imagination and tapped Zhang Hong's shoulder with his riding crop.

"Lord Caddis, it's not that I want to hide it from you. My status is not high enough and I really don't know those things. Maybe, maybe they made another one." Zhang Hong bent even lower, not daring to look into the other person's eyes.

"Hmph, this castle has to be taken down with or without the magic circle. In order to get this scroll, I paid the price of a mine. I hope it can help us open a big enough gap."

"Maybe... you can talk to them first. I am willing to be your representative. Maybe you can get what you want without losing any manpower." Zhang Hong tried.

Caddis turned his head and looked at Zhang Hong for a while like he was an idiot. Then he raised his hand and whipped him in the face. Before Zhang Hong screamed, he was pinched by Caddis. He held his neck and raised his head: "Don't play any tricks with me. Your poor little brain is useless in front of me. Use negotiation to get what I want? This kind of idea can only be thought of by a coward like you. I am a Horse thieves, horse thieves don't rely on words, they only rely on swords! The adults look down on me, and the untouchables hate me to death! But I will seize the entire magician's castle and make it its master, and I will make the people in the castle crawl. Under my feet, licking my boots to survive? Let the gossips die!"

Zhang Hong was choked so hard that he couldn't breathe, and spoke with difficulty: "I... I... just want your people to be less harmed by the magician. I... shouldn't talk too much. , please... spare, spare... me."

Caddis sneered: "Do you think I haven't killed a magician? A well-prepared magician may be very powerful, but as long as those mysterious things are ignored, magicians are just a bunch of weak chickens."

"Besides, am I afraid of dead people? Hahaha..." Cadiz threw Zhang Hong to the ground and told Orville beside him: "You should also be prepared. These three magic-breaking arrows cannot be wasted. . You also know how many people we lost while exploring that ruin. You must use them to kill all the magicians who come forward, otherwise I won’t let you go. Do you understand?”

Orville was dressed in black, riding on a black horse, with a big bow tied to his back. He carefully put three black arrows into the quiver. These arrows were made of meteorites from the sky and repel all magic. , unless the magician wears thick armor, ordinary magic shields cannot stop their breakthrough. Orville punched his chest with his fist, then hit the horse and disappeared into the darkness.

"Look, Orville is the best hunter under my command. He can draw the hardest bow with his fighting spirit. No one can avoid the arrows he shoots in the dark. As long as the magicians on the opposite side are led by my dear Mr. Andrew." Once they get out, their death will come," Caddis said, looking in the direction where Orville was speeding away.

At this time, Awan ran over and reported to Kadis in a low voice: "Boss, the leading group of horse thieves have been selected. Once the opening is opened, they will charge."

"They don't have any objections, right?"

"Everyone is shirtless and ready to charge. The price you gave is too good. Let them get 20% of all the treasures. For this, they are all ready to risk their lives."

"Okay. You and others will follow you in a while. If anyone tries to escape, kill them. We can't let a few cowards ruin everyone's morale."

Awan smiled with a smile on his face. He took off the big knife from his back, waved it in the air a few times, and stuck it on the ground in front of him.

Zhang Hong fell to the ground, holding his throat with his hands and coughing softly. He realized that he was nothing to Cadiz. He didn't even believe what he said. If he hadn't needed a witness to be conquered, he might have been dead.

This is a paranoid lunatic who wants to occupy the school. This has been the case from the beginning. Those thieves who were lured by his interests are nothing more than a group of cannon fodder.

Looking at the school in the distance, Zhang Hong's heart sank to the bottom.

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