On the Seven Towers

Chapter 975 Underground Entrance

Bobeni had no secrets for Ansaldo. Two hours later, Xiao Chen got the information at the Huojing family's mansion.

"Those are the envoys from the southern city-state Undertide City." Ansaldo relayed the information to Xiao Chen. "They arrived here two days earlier than us, so I didn't notice their situation."

"Do people from the southern city-states often visit the dwarf kingdom?" Xiao Chen asked.

"No, it's rare. However, Undertide City is an exception because their lord has some dwarf blood. Therefore, it is a city-state that has a closer relationship with the dwarf kingdom. This city-state even hired dwarf mercenaries in times of crisis." Ansaldo said.

"Then what are they doing here this time?"

"It is said that they want to develop an island on the outer sea together with the Dwarf Kingdom. They are in contact with the Black Rock Family, one of the six major families. So the specific content is difficult to find out. But in this way, they are also likely to go to the Royal Capital. , to meet the king." Ansaldo said, stroking his beard, "They will probably get permission to go down at the same time as us."

"This matter has a strange smell." Luo Ling said.

Xiao Chen also nodded in agreement: "At this time, there are also humans preparing to go to the dwarf kingdom. This matter must be guarded against."

"Is that island newly discovered?" Luo Ling asked Ansaldo.

"That's not true. It seems that it has always been under the control of Undertide City, but recently it is planned to be developed together with the Dwarf Kingdom as a transfer station for ships." Ansaldo gently tugged his beard twice, "However, by you It's indeed a bit strange to say that because the route from Undertide City is very easy, it seems that there is no need for this island to be a transit. Could it be that those who came here have other purposes? "

"Do they have the same purpose as us? They are also heading towards the Forging Tower." Luo Ling asked.

"Could it be those Gods from the Temple of Nature?" Xiao Chen guessed. He stood up and walked two steps. "It seems necessary to meet these people."

Ansaldo said anxiously: "You don't want to fight in this city, do you? That will definitely cause big trouble. Listen, the Black Rock Family is very powerful here. If you provoke their guests, you may It will affect your permission to enter the city."

Xiao Chen comforted him: "Your Excellency Governor, don't be nervous. All you have to do is to find out their specific information, and we will act accordingly later. There is nothing more important than meeting the high priest now, and we will not act rashly."

"That would be best," Ansaldo said.

In the following days, Xiao Chen and Luo Ling tried more than once to explore the situation of those people. However, since these people discovered Xiao Chen and his party, they hid in the Heiyan family's house and never showed up again. The Black Rock Family's defenses are also very tight, with various defense and detection arrays arranged around the house where they live. Xiao Chen found that there was no way to secretly observe them without breaking up. So I had to give up.

However, Ansaldo found out another piece of news, that is, there are six people in this team from Undertide City, and each of them seems to be a master, and there is more than one master among them.


Three days later, Ansaldo received permission from the Tower of China to enter the Dwarven Capital. He also received news that people from the Black Rock Family had also obtained permission, allowing them to lead those from Undertide City to the royal capital. And as soon as those people got the news, they immediately went underground.

Ansaldo said: "They seem to have deliberately set out ahead of the others. I heard that it only took an hour or two from the time they got permission to the time they set off underground. It seems they were well prepared. It's already passed before they go down. It’s been three hours. It would be difficult for us to chase them.”

Xiao Chen said: "Whether they are trying to gain the upper hand or avoiding us, it means they have something up their sleeves. Let's set out immediately. Now that we have encountered them, we will keep an eye on them. There will always be times when they reveal their flaws. "

Xiao Chen did not take the two dwarf marine companies around him with him. Instead, a platoon of elite dwarves was selected. These people all have beards, and after tying them again, they can dress up like ordinary soldiers of the dwarf kingdom. They will mix with Ansaldo's escort team and go to the royal capital with Xiao Chen. The remaining dwarf warriors are stationed in Bobeni, ready to respond at any time. If necessary, they will forcibly seize the entrance to the underground to ensure that those who follow Xiao Chen have a safe retreat channel.

The underground entrance is located in the north of Bobeni City, at the foot of a mountain range. There is a huge naturally formed cave under the foot of the mountain. Later, it was expanded by the dwarves and turned into a cave more than forty meters wide and ten meters high. The big hole.

Although Xiao Chen had seen many caves, tunnels and tunnels in that world. But when I saw this entrance, I still thought it was quite spectacular.

The entrance is like a monster's mouth, lying on the ground, open and waiting for others to enter. The stone pillars and stalagmites above and below are like the monster's fangs.

It was different from what Xiao Chen expected. There were no strict guards at the entrance. There were only dozens of dwarf guards standing lazily around the entrance holding long contradiction cards. It seemed that there had been no trouble here for many years.

There was a busy scene of traffic all around, and dwarf convoys were constantly passing through this opening from top to bottom or from bottom to top.

Only when Xiao Chen and the other humans and elves arrived at the entrance did the gatekeeper come over with a team of ten soldiers to check their pass.

However, Ansaldo was the governor of a big city and an important member of a big family. Seeing his humble and flattering attitude, the gatekeeper did not pay much attention to Xiao Chen and the others.

They did not search the luggage they carried, but just glanced at the permit and let them go.

A few dozen meters inside the entrance, it forked into several tunnels that went deep down. The wide road was more than ten meters wide, which was about wider than the two-lane road on Earth. The narrow road was about half of it.

"These roads are all roads leading to the various underground cities in the kingdom." Ansaldo pointed to the widest one and said, "This is the main road leading to the capital. Because this road needs to pass cars, it is not difficult for you humans to travel. But the branch roads below are not something you can get into.

We should be able to reach the capital after walking along this road for half a day."

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