On the Seven Towers

Chapter 980 Arrival at the Capital

After walking out of this main road, Xiao Chen finally followed Ansaldo to the dwarf capital.

"This is our royal capital: the great lava city of Ravapolis." Ansaldo has been here countless times, but this is the first time he has brought a human here, and there is still pride in his voice. .

In front of Xiao Chen's eyes was a magnificent fiery red canyon, and they were standing at the top of the canyon. The canyon stretched out in a winding way, like a new world unfolding in front of them. The canyon is deep and long, with a faint mist steaming up from below. At the deepest bottom, there is a red river dividing the canyon in half. The cliffs on both sides of the canyon were carved by the dwarves into terraces, and on each step there were many houses made of rocks spread out layer by layer. Occasionally the wind blows, bringing with it a warm breath. There was also the sound of hammering coming from a distant place. The sound had a strange rhythm, like countless forging hammers beating on the iron felt. The drumbeat in the heart gives people a feeling of excitement.

People who came here for the first time, whether they were humans or dwarves, were shocked by this scene. Farrell, who had been away from this place for a long time, stared blankly at the familiar scene that had appeared in his dreams countless times, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

He knelt on the ground, kissed the rock under his feet, and then struck the ground with his hands following the sound of hammers in the distance.

His two sons followed from behind, doing the same thing as him.

A rough song sounded from here:

"A river of lava, boiling and rolling,

The flames dance and cast my soul.

Valley of Ten Thousand Hammers, Sounds of Rising and Falling

The struggle of steel has forged my foundation..."

The dwarves brought by Xiao Chen were quickly infected by the singing and sang it together.

Later even Ansaldo's guards sang along.

After singing the hammer-forging hymn, Farrell wiped his face with his sleeves and stood up from the ground, saying to Xiao Chen: "I'm sorry, I can't control myself. I've been thinking about this place for too long."

Xiao Chen said: "If I go back to my hometown for so long, I will definitely do the same thing as you."

Ansaldo said: "Farrell, you are not the only one singing the praises of the hammer here. I have seen this scene several times. No matter where we dwarves go, our roots are here."

"I originally just wanted to come in quietly, but when I saw the river of lava and heard the sound of the Valley of Hammers, I just wanted to kiss the ground." Farrell said.

"There is a river of magma below, is it the river of lava you are talking about?" Umedada asked. Even though part of her soul had experienced so many things and heard countless rumors, she had never been here. These dwarves have been ignored in past battles.

"Yes. That is the lava river, the mother river of the dwarves. You can feel her hot breath even standing here. When a dwarf dies, no matter where he is, his last wish must be to throw his body into the lava. River," Farrell said.

He pointed to the distant direction of the valley, where the sound of hammers seemed to come from, "Across this valley, behind the turning cliff, is the Valley of Ten Thousand Hammers, where countless workshops are building every day. All kinds of stuff, that’s where I used to work. It’s such a nice sound.”

Xiao Chen said: "In the next few days, we still need to wait for Governor Ansaldo's arrangements. You should have time to walk around. Then you can go back to your family to visit."

Farrell said: "Before I came here, all I could think about was how to impress those old guys. Now that I see the scene in my hometown again, I suddenly just want to go back to my family to take a look."

Ansaldo took Xiao Chen and his party along a road to the bottom of the canyon. They were able to see the situation in the dwarf capital more clearly. Going up from the lava river, the houses on both sides become shabby and short as you go up, and the houses get taller and taller as you go down. The grandest houses are located a few hundred meters from the lava river. However, both the palaces and bungalows in the valley are made of light red stone, which blends in with the color of the canyon itself and looks very harmonious.

Farrell said: "For the dwarves, the closer they are to the river of lava, the more likely they are to be blessed by the God of Forging. Therefore, the nobles get a location close to the river of lava according to their class. The royal palace and the forging temple naturally They are the two buildings closest to the lava river. Next are the houses of the six major families. Above them are various public buildings, such as arenas, libraries, and material warehouses. Above them are the houses of small nobles. Continuing upward are the houses of soldiers, merchants, and craftsmen, and the top is where farmers and slaves live. "

"Are there farmers in the royal capital? But what can be grown underground?" Xiao Chen asked.

Ansaldo said: "On the top of the canyon, there are fields where a kind of crop called rock rice is planted. It can grow without sunlight. It absorbs the heat from the air and the rocks. The smell of it It’s unpalatable, but it’s enough to feed the common people and slaves. As for the food the nobles eat, it’s all brought in from outside.”

As the group talked, they walked down the road. Xiao Chen found that the light source of the entire dwarf capital, in addition to the light emitted by the lava river and the reflections around it, also came from the lighting crystals inlaid on the layers of rock walls. The white light emitted by those crystals and the red light of the lava river intertwined to form the color tone of the entire capital.

Walking down a little bit, Xiao Chen found that although he was getting closer and closer to the lava river, the temperature around him did not rise much. He looked around and found that many magic arrays were engraved in the rocks, which could isolate heat and absorb this heat into some kind of energy.

Dwarves are not a heat-resistant race. At least they are also carbon-based creatures, and the basic structure of their bodies follows the same standards as humans. So to survive in such a position, these magic arrays are indispensable.

Xiao Chen carefully observed the lines of those magic arrays and found that some of them became the energy source of the lighting crystals. Some other lines led to the house. He guessed that they could provide energy for some tools in the room.

From this, it can be seen that it is not a coincidence that the dwarves live here. They actually use geothermal energy to build their country. It is not an exaggeration to call the Lava River their mother river. I am afraid that they will use the energy of the Lava River in many aspects of their lives.

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