On the Seven Towers

Chapter 982 Forging Temple

The Forge Temple is a building very close to the lava river. It has a typical dwarven architectural style, square and upright, like a big box. However, in terms of scale, it is not inferior to human palaces.

The pillars of dwarven buildings are different from those of humans. There are few round pillars, and most of them are built with huge square bricks. Here, the lava reflects a slightly flashing bright red, giving the whole building a fiery feeling.

Xiao Chen stood in front of the eight pillars in front of the temple, and still felt a very majestic momentum. Beside him were Luo Ling, Mei Tiantian and Evelyn, and Ansaldo who brought them here.

A middle-aged priest opened the side door of the temple. The dwarf priest of the Forge Temple wore a fiery red robe. The hem of the robe only reached the knees, and there were no sleeves, revealing the dwarf's strong arms. In contrast to the long robes of the Natural Temple, the priest robes of the Forge Temple are more like short clothes used for physical work. However, the gemstones inlaid on the robe and the seven strands of the priest's beard fully demonstrated his noble status.

The middle-aged priest saw Ansaldo and nodded to him and said, "Ansaldo, are these your human friends?"

"Yes, Borat, they have been waiting in the capital for two days. I received your message yesterday that the high priest was willing to meet with them for a talk, so I sent them here." Ansaldo said.

"The high priest read your father's secret letter and asked me to inform you. He should attach great importance to this matter and even prepare an altar for it." Priest Borat said in a low voice.

"In other words, he may pray for the oracle at any time?" Ansaldo opened his eyes wide.

"Yes. The high priest asked you to tell your father that your father made a very critical choice. The temple's subsequent actions still need the support of your family, so please prepare as soon as possible."

"Of course." Ansaldo said.

"Come with me." Priest Borat led a group of people into the side door, behind which was a courtyard in the temple. The courtyard was quite empty, with stone tablets erected around it. Xiao Chen glanced at them as he walked by. Most of them were names of believers who made great contributions to the temple, but they were basically members of the royal family and the six major families.

Borat led everyone to the door of a hall, looked back at the elite dwarf team behind Xiao Chen and said, "There should not be too many people to see the high priest, limited to three people. Others can stay in this courtyard and wait."

Ansaldo said, "Sir Xiao Chen, I won't go in. You can choose three people to go in together."

Finally, Xiao Chen, Luo Ling and Mei Tiantian followed the priest into the hall as representatives, but no one noticed that the earring on Luo Ling's ear was actually another great magician Glade. Evelyn and the dwarf elite warriors waited in the yard with Ansaldo.

Xiao Chen looked at the hall and found that most of it was embedded in the mountain wall. The hall itself was still simple and neat dwarf style, but compared with the outside, various reliefs began to appear on the walls on both sides.

These reliefs are delicate and vivid, telling the historical stories of dwarves. In the first few reliefs, there are no gods. In the first two reliefs, the dwarves live a simple and primitive life. In the grasslands and forests, they hunt with sticks, fight with wild beasts with bare hands, and collect fruits and food on the ground, which seems very ignorant. In the third relief, there are many dwarves gathered together. They planted flags on the hilltops and established a dwarf country. A dwarf wore a crown and became the king. He led the dwarves to build cities, work together, live together, and resist enemies together.

Later, two groups of people appeared in the dwarf country. One group appeared noble and great in the picture, and the other group appeared short and vulgar. The former was naturally the dwarf nobles, and the latter were civilians and slaves. The nobles began to use words to build palaces, while the civilians and slaves worked hard and presented their products to the king and nobles.

In the later reliefs, the dwarves began to tie different beards, and were divided into classes by the number of strands of beards.

At this time, the Dwarf Kingdom was divided into more groups. In addition to the king, nobles, civilians and slaves, there were soldiers holding axes, craftsmen holding hammers and scholars holding books.

But the Dwarf Kingdom at this time was still very weak. They started later than other races, and the enemies always had more powerful weapons and more powerful magic. Therefore, they always failed in the war with other races and were slowly driven from the plains into the mountains.

The living environment of the dwarves was getting worse and worse. In order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, they went into the cave and learned various skills of digging tunnels. But this did not give them the means to defeat the enemy.

At this time, a group of dwarves praying to the sky appeared.

These people held their hammers high and prayed to the sky for the help of the gods. Finally, a god responded to their request. It was a huge and blurred image, but he also held the same forging hammer as the dwarves in his hand. So he was called the God of Forging by the dwarves.

In the relief after the appearance of the God of Forging, the lives of the dwarves have changed a lot. The God of Forging taught them how to mine various minerals, how to smelt hard metals, and then create the best tools and weapons.

After the dwarves were given knowledge by the God of Forging, they began to arm themselves with sophisticated armor and weapons. They were finally able to defeat their enemies on the battlefield and protect their last remaining territory. Since then, they have established a stable kingdom in the west of the continent.

The God of Forging became the only god worshiped by the dwarves.

When Xiao Chen and others finished reading these reliefs, they had unknowingly reached the bottom of the hall's front hall.

"Is this set of reliefs to record how the God of Forging taught the dwarves the forging technique?" Umeda stopped in front of the last relief. On the relief, there is a tall but vague figure looking at a canyon from a high place. Countless dwarves stand on both sides of the canyon holding forging hammers high.

"Yes. The great God of Forging led us dwarves out of the days of ignorance and told us how to master the power of iron and fire." Priest Borat said, "These reliefs are for those who enter this temple. , Don’t forget what the God of Forging has done for us. Every year during the celebration, the temple will choose representatives from all walks of life to visit here. At this time, we priests will tell them the history of the dwarves.”

At this time, Xiao Chen stared at a relief sculpture of a war and observed it carefully. He asked: "Who are the enemies who appear in the depictions of these wars?"

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