It is said by rumors and stories shared around this world belonged to Angels and to Humans. While Angels were rulers over the sky. Humans had all the riches of the ground for their command.

Sure you hear stories here and there about small fights, but overall world is in harmony. That's what I thought. Days changes for nights and other way around. I grew from boy to man and now I have my little heaven on the ground. There were angels which came to my workshop daily buying tools to carry them over the hill to another Village. They said other villages don't have blacksmith so I was crafting hoes, axes, and pickaxes for them. One night an odd request came from the young angelic boy. He might be at the age of fifteen, maybe a bit more.

He wanted me to craft a sword for him, well customer is a customer so I did as he requested. Angel came back to me on the fourth night and I gave him his sword. Once he paid me I had to ask.

"What for? Why do you need a sword?"

"It's for protection, a prophecy said demons will rise so I have to protect my family and humans i care about." In a world where we knew everyone I heard nothing about demons, So I decided not to act. Years passed and my village became poor, angels stopped visiting us to buy our tools and we haven't had enough fields to feed all necks in the village. So young ones left town and only our parents were the ones to stay here.

"Tauri why did you stay here?" my wife asked me.

"Because I knew my angel will come here for me." was my response to her. She indeed was an angel, her beautiful feathery wings glowing even in the night, but nothing was so bright as her smile which made me fall for her. I have never felt more complete than with her by my side until one night.

I hear a scream and through wooden planks on our window, I see light emitting from the village. I rush toward doors to see what is happening, maybe some of the nearby houses were caught on fire.

My can't be. From the sky as a rain thousands of angels throwing spears bathed in the fire to my village. The scream echoed in the woods as pain within it was spread in the alley. Voice of valkyries was barely heard through the agony of people caught on fire.

I went back to my house just to find my wife being held as hostage by the same boy I made the first weapon for.

"Boy put that sword down, she did nothing to you." my hands went up as i slowly walk toward him. I can feel fear and confusion filling up the room He alone didn't know why.

"I was told to, she is the reason... I was told to, she is the reason." he repeated and tightened his grip around the hilt of the sword.

"she has to die, and then demons won't come."

"Boy there are no demons on the surface, let my wife..." but my words disappeared in voiceless scream of my wife as he slit her throat, red blood soaking her chest, breasts as I watch life leaving her eyes. There is nothing, just wrath and anger boiling within me. Why she? Why did she had to die?

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I tried, I tried so badly to be calm, but it was split of a second and angel that killed my wife down on his knees next to my lifeless wife. "Please you have to understand..." he started his apology or whatever. But my hand reached for hammer and smashed him from the side when he fell onto clay that was on the ground I kept smashing until there was nothing than another corpse in my house.

Loud cracks of my bones must have alarmed every angel in the village as I saw first spear fly toward my house. From distance, they seemed to be bigger and more deadly, but now the thing that landed into my house was just a tiny stick with pointy end. Why is that? I asked myself but then I saw all those angels i admired. They were small, almost like ants. Why is that? Again that question. But there was just wrath and anger.

How many days is it? I grew bigger and bigger as my hatred took control over me. Did they want demons? No, the prophecy was wrong, there aren't demons. There is just one, Me and I will make them suffer the same pain as they brought to my brothers and sisters in the village i lived in.

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