- Two days ago, in the living room of the villa...

We went back to the villa after we bought "Beauty's Damn" and we listened to the merchant's daughter, Mr. Hollia.

It was a consultation about adventurers taking part in the 'offensive quest' for the fort occupied by demons.

"Now the adventurer's party in this town is about to split."

"I have adventurer friends, too."

"She also got pushed off by her buddy who said, 'You can't miss your chance to be a regular royal soldier,' ordered the 'Fort Attack Quest,' and now she's 'waiting for the Inn'"

"She and the other adventurers are beginning to doubt it. I was wondering if maybe the" Fort Attack Quest "wouldn't really take place. But I can't."

"Her people say." Can I take responsibility if I miss my chance to become a regular soldier ". She can't just pull out the quest because she took it party-by-party."

"I'm killing time at the inn. Accommodation costs also go. It's just such a party. As it is, we will all be splattered."

"At least... if you know what's going on with that fort..."

"... don't you know anything about Illis? If you're a sea dragon Kelkatore witch, forget the information from the sea dragon. I'm sorry that the dragon knows about the land..."

That's what Mr. Hollia said, and he went home lonely.

"Inn standby" is not enforceable.

But if I break it, I buy the wrath of the nobility. You will also be charged a cancellation fee for your quest.

If you become a 'Royal Regular Soldier', you are expected to live a stable life. Even if you can't be, if you take a royal quest, you'll be foiled as an adventurer. To that end, they have obeyed the orders of the Viscount Lady.

Yet if I quit here, the cost I've ever paid will be wasted.

All the money I've paid for the 'Inn Standby' so far, all the time.

- I can't pull back any more.

An adventurer who says that and tries to push it off and an adventurer who still tries to cancel it.

Their fault is that they're at a party in this town right now.

"... brother. May I come into your room?"

After Mr. Hollia left, Illis came to my room.

Ilis sat down in a short room with his knees in his chair.

He's got a nervous face and he's messing with his long green hair.

"Please, I do"


"Can't I give all the adventurers some information about the 'fort' I got from Mr. Feilongs?

"Yeah, okay"

"Everyone who is often locked up in roles overlaps with the old Iris... I can't look at it. If you find that there are few demons in the fort, the adventurers will have room to negotiate as well. Of course, Illis is your brother's slave. In that position, please serve your brother properly. Brother, now, what?

"So to speak. You're just gonna publish the information, right?

What you can't see is the same for me.

I've had a hard time too because of a job offer I can't trust.

When I went to the interview based on information about the basic salary, transportation, and overtime, the story was completely different. Besides, I took a lot of time to interview him and even came out hard on the last one. After that pressure, the mysterious specification is to say, "Actually, salaries and overtime, unlike job offers, are..."

I didn't want to waste the time and effort I put into the interview, and over there, I said, "Are you letting me take this much time and say no? That's not what society is, is it?" He got angry and said the phone number of this school or something.

I tried working because I couldn't help it, it was black as I imagined, and I had a pretty hard time escaping......

That's what happened because I was right on my first part-time job then.

In this world the Adventurer Guild will check if the conditions of the quest that weren't - are correct, but the check feature isn't working right now. That's why adventurers are in trouble.

Then I can give you as much information as I can sneak up on the fort.

"Flow the information. That the demon in that abandoned fort is almost gone."

That way, you'll give me about a scout.

I'm just going to give you word of mouth about your place of work, so that's not a problem.

"I think this is accurate because this is the information Garfe of Feilongs gave me. He served Tenryu, and he treated us as superiors. Let's hide the information he gave us and sneak it through."


Kokun, and Illis nods with momentum.

"The question is, by what means?"

"Right. Words alone are not convincing."

"Let's put a map on it"

"Map, is it?

"Let's put on a quick map around the fort and set it up to be sure from the sky"

I stroked the "Heavenly Dragon Bracelet" I put on my desk.

"I don't know, Shilo. Can I borrow Tenryu's name?

"Munyamunya - Yi-Yi"

A sleepy voice returns.

'I thought I didn't have to cling. Auntie is Ciro's auntie. So Tenryu's next old man. I thought the old man's phrase was "Siro's."


"The old man... should have a jerk that is a nasty thing... muna"

Shiro's voice goes down. I think I fell asleep again.

"So let's add the signature 'Tenryu's proxy' to the information on the demons in the fort and the paper that wrote a brief map around. Tenryu confirmed the status of the fort from the sky."

"I see!"

Iris let his eyes shine and nodded.

"The information that we saw the shadow of the Tenryu in 'Misty Valley' is also passed on to this town. Maybe you can trust me."

"Let's then add the line" Tenryu's Bone "said in" Misty Valley ". To be realistic."

Speaking of which, it's like the Adventurer Guild had one I met in The Misty Valley.

I hope you noticed.

"And because of that, it feels like I'm going to appeal to my heart, so let's make it an emotional sentence"

I called Rafilia. [M]

"Yes. Master."

"I'm going to say, 'There's almost no more demons in the fort. Make the adventurers look like poems because I write a sentence. Like the words of a dragon, it feels majestic."

"Sounds good."

And then I'm going to stick this to the Adventurer Guild and the Inn. There's a good way...

I called Eine. [M]

"Yes, hey."

"I'm going to sneak up on the Adventurer Guild and the Inn with some tenry-looking suspicious documents, but I need you to figure out a way to make it hard on people and figure it out later."

"It's up to you. Then, according to Eine's work experience..."

That's about as good as this.

We just give information to the same adventurer.

Just so you can choose your job, why not?

The adventurers decide what to do with it.

"Brother, can you leave this operation to the Illis?

With an exciting face, Iris said.

"Let Illis do the job perfectly while your brothers are out"

"Okay. Please."

Once I heard about the Iris operation...

Besides, I gave you some advice.

And after me and Cecil, Rita and Leggy went out, the plans of the Iris were executed.

- A few days later. While the Nagis were attacking the Delilah Labyrinth...

· At Adventurer's Guild in Maintenance

The first to find that sticker was the Dwarf girls working in the guild.

"I wonder what this is, Sura"

"I wonder what this is, Leela."

As they were cleaning, unfamiliar parchment slipped through the gaps in the paper filling the quest board.

Short sentences and pictures-- no, it's got a map.

Written is a fort that's supposed to be 'occupied by demons' away from here. Map of its neighborhood.

The exact map, which I can only assume was seen from the sky, was noted on that paper.

"He who is given and does his job, there is no overtime"

The Dwarf girls read the words on the paper.

Every time I put it into words, my memories from a few days ago come back to life.

Like I heard somewhere. Is this word-- Could it possibly--?

"I tell the truth to those who hear my voice in the Misty Valley. ─ Tenryu's proxy, I write here- '

""... Tenryu!?

What was written on the paper was the words of the Tenryu heard in "Misty Valley".

It even has a detailed map of the scene of the "Fort Strategy Quest".

For the convenience of taking the quest, the Adventurer Guild also has a map. But I don't have this kind of detail. It's like "looking down from the sky".

In addition, the words that are added to it loom with weight.

"The fort has already been abandoned by the demons. Only a few goblins remain.

Explorer, make sure with my eyes. Look in its eyes and choose, without being distorted by the words of the nobility '

"" It's a lot! Alliance Master!!

The two look back at their employers. But he's not here.

The Alliance Master was there to discuss it with the Adventurers.

"You're not here." "Let's wait till we get back."

The Dwarf girls - Leela and Sura - put the paper on the table.

They stared at it, as fascinated.

"I'll grandpa. Do our ex-slaves work?

After a while, at the entrance to the guild, I heard a voice.

Countess Carmina and an old soldier under her command.

"Dear Carmina!" "Did you come to see me?!?

From Leela and Sula, who accidentally took her hand and jumped, Countess Carmina strayed her gaze.

"Shut up. I've just come to fulfill my 'contract'. Even though I freed myself from slavery, if anything happens to you guys, I might get caught up in the 'contract'. By the way...... what is this?

The Countess accidentally took the paper offered by the Dwarf girls.

"Look, Carmina!" "" The Fort Attack Quest, "he says, is a lie!

"Let me know more."

Countess Carmina runs her eyes on the suspicious documents.

"The Counts are not involved in that quest, so maybe in the means to get rid of Edengle... this is a map... and the surrounding information is accurate. This stuff...... who the hell is it?

"It's Tenryu!" "I met him in Misty Valley. He's a" Tenryu proxy "!

"Do something stupid. What... 'Tianlong sometimes sends messengers in the form of demons...?' ─!?

Demon god.

We met in "Misty Valley," a big shadow.

I beat all of Carmina's plans, that alien...


Countess Carmina's body trembles into small pieces.

Her head was made of "Misty Valley".

At that time "Tenryu's proxy" appeared before her in the form of a demon god. Only she and those who are really close know that.

"This is definitely from The Tenryu Proxy."

"Ma'am. Be careful!

"Dear Carmina!" "Hold on!

I can't hear Jiya or the Dwarf girls that I've been thinking cute lately.

If what's written here is true, then what's Edengle of the Viscount doing! Even though Tenryu may have been resurrected. Something like buying that anger!?



With white eyes peeled, Countess Carmina fell.

And the contents of "Tenryu's Monstrous Documents" spread to the whole town once in a while.

Hours later.

The Adventurers Guild had representatives from each party gathered.

The documents for "Tenryu's Agent" were also handed out to the Inn.

Many doubted the contents of the document. but the fact that the map was too detailed, the legend of the Tenryu still remaining in the land and the rumor that it was resurrected - above all the anxiety caused by the long 'Inn Standby' - was driving the adventurers.

That's why now.

The Adventurer Guild hall was filled with Adventurers, Guild Masters, and Viscount Lady Edengle and their subordinates.

"Is it true what it says here?

"Is there really a bunch of demons in the fort? Will 'Fort Attack Quest' really take place!?

"Countess Carmina, didn't you say you fell when you saw this! Are you sure this was written by an agent of transcendental existence?

"If the quest board doesn't say the right request, what's the point of the guild!?

The Alliance Master's face turns blue on the adventurers who scream at each other.

He hasn't heard anything accurate. I just believed in the status of 'nobility'. It's too late to regret it now. If things get screwed up so far, I can't take it alone. I guess we should leave judgment to the top here.

"Wow, I, on an exceptional basis, give this matter to the Viscount Lady"

"............... I'm uncomfortable"

Poop, and Viscount Lady Edengle snaps.

She was looking around at the adventurers so she didn't even know why she was here.

"Calm down, gentlemen"

"The Dawn Hound," the delegate said, looking around at the deliberate adventurers.

She's a famous woman in this town. He was a first-rate adventurer, using magic swords and magic.

The adventurers calm down.

"Dawn Hound" is the best party in town. They dust even 'Rock Lizard' with a few and fight 'Blackhound' on an equal footing. Even when I meet "Wyburn," I come back intact.

The adventurers accidentally corrected their posture to the representatives of the party who dusted all that martial arts.

"What are you going to do with me being kept in such a suspicious document? Aren't you all going for the Royal Regular?

In a stiff tone, the "Dawn Hound" woman told.

"'Inn standby' is also a test of your co-ordination and autonomy. Of course, I know it's a burden. But isn't that what work is all about?

She keeps talking pale.

"Besides, this fort offensive quest is also part of an exam to become a regular royal soldier. Some difficulty..."

"─ - Why am I in this place of nobility..."

"So! Edengle asks you to expedite your quest a little bit! Please, don't let the suspicious documents fool you, just calm down and... whoa!!

The 'Dawn Hound' woman screamed, as Edengle's words were dispelled.

To its desperate appearance, the adventurers just nod.

"… it is unusual for a nobleman to speak directly to you. So please understand how much I appreciate you guys and wait a little longer."

Saying so, the 'Dawn Hound' woman cut the words.

The adventurers gathered in the guild sighed in unison.

"A Little More," "Soon," "In a Few Days"

The explanation still goes on.

In the end, their options remain the same.

Do you want to continue to 'wait for accommodation' in anticipation of getting a reward commensurate with it, or pay a cancellation fee and decline the quest? Given the reward, the cancellation fee would also be significant. At the party now. Again, we have to discuss it.

With that in mind, it was time for the adventurers to leave the Great Hall.

"Uh, excuse me." If there's no justification for postponing the quest, you can borrow the cost of the Inn from the Adventurers Guild without interest. "

A beginner-like adventurer entered the Great Hall of the Adventurers Guild.


The Alliance Master's eyes dot a line that I don't even think about.

The gaze of the adventurers who were gathering in the hall, the 'Dawn Hounds', concentrates on the Alliance Master man. He looked around, left and right, like he was stuck...

"Ha, sure, I feel like that kind of rule used to exist. but I don't know if it still works. Besides, I need you to submit the paperwork."

"Yes. The paperwork is this. Adventurer Guild Detailed Rules, they say, special paragraph 12. The rule is that it should be the same as another town...... eh, Metecal's Adventurer Guild, so it hasn't been abolished yet. Can you look it up? No, that helps. Now you can wait for a while."

The adventurer said so and handed one piece of paper to the Alliance Master, leaving the Great Hall.

The Alliance Master runs his gaze on the paper.

It was perfect.

Format, Content, Requirements - There is not a single letter deficiency.

Guildmaster remembers. Indeed, such rules exist. It was built a long time ago for Adventurer Protection. I have not put it on the table now, but it has also not been abolished. Complexing the application should make it harder to offer.

".................. who gives a shit like this...?

"is a continuation of the story!

Next to the Alliance Master, the 'Dawn Hound' woman screams, as she has regained her mind.

"You are all appreciated! It's appreciated. Is it about the cost of accommodation? How much do you think the cancellation fee for your quest is?!? You know, it would be a waste to pay for that, wouldn't you? So..."

"I'm sorry. I heard," If there is a problem with the content of the quest, you can cancel the quest order without a cancellation fee, "so I would like to ask you. Yes, this is the paperwork"

Once again the door opens and another adventurer appears in the Great Hall.

"Sure, he says it's Adventurer Guild's 'Special Section 8 by Client Doubt'. This is the paperwork. The Alliance Master will stand between you and negotiate, won't he? No, thank you."

"Wait a minute! Who would do that?

"I was in that corner, I'm an insanely familiar slave with the Adventurer Alliance rules, though?

The Alliance Master stares at the documents he is given.

This was perfect too.

What applies is the rules that were created during the Adventurer Alliance's generation. I should have discussed and decided with the Adventurer Guild of the Commercial City Metecal. It does exist as an explicitly cultured rule, but an adventurer can't possibly know such detailed rules. Or I hid it so it wouldn't come out on the table. And yet...

"By whom? Who took this!? Why!?"

"Well, please. Bye."

That being said, the young adventurer left the Great Hall.

The party leaders who were gathering begin to bother. The 'Dawn Hound' screams again in an attempt to contain it.

"There can't be any doubt about the content of the quest!

Bang, and the 'Dawn Hound' woman slaps the wall.

"Exactly now, soldiers directly from the Viscount family are telling reconnaissance to the perimeter of the fort. Reports are coming up every day. There are a lot of demons in the fort, and crusading it will definitely raise your name. You need to doubt that."

"I'm sorry." The Alliance Master can ask you to investigate the contents of a questionable quest if there are more than one Adventurer's wishes. I have a guild for my research expenses. Adventurer Guild By-Laws, Section 138. "

"" Come on, who told you that?!?

The Alliance Master and the "Dawn Hound" woman shouted in silence.

The adventurer who came in, today, with a face.

"Huh? The Adventurer Alliance's..."

"You're an unusually familiar slave with the rules!? Where is he?

"I'm in an alley outside the guild." Adventurer's Free Rule Consultation Office "- abbreviated as" Adventurer's Garden (Terrace). "Could it be bullshit, this paperwork"

Look at the paperwork you've been given, and the Alliance Master's face turns bright blue.

Rules undoubtedly exist. The oldest, but still not obsolete.

Who did? From where? Who knows such detailed rules, etc!?

"... investigation... is"

"I like that! I'll look into it!

One of the adventurers screamed, whispering the voice of the Alliance Master.

"Much better than keeping waiting for the inn like this"

"All we need is the right information."

"Sure, there are too many puzzling things about this quest! The Alliance Master should ask us to investigate!

Words follow one after another.

"I guess you're looking to be regular soldiers! Yet you doubt the words of the aristocrats!?

A 'Dawn Hound' woman on the stage shouted.

"'There's no way nobles lie better'"

I just brought some paperwork -- still a teenager -- and the young adventurer there opened his mouth, pounding.

"'So this time, we're just going to send out an advance team of quests. We should go ahead and scout the fort with the eyes of the adventurer. It's better to do your job.'"

The Great Hall quiets down.

Young adventurers look around to see how they react.

"─ As I said, 'Somehow I was asked by a slave who was unusually familiar with the Adventurer Alliance'"

"... Follow him now"

A woman from "The Dawn Hound" whispers to her companions around.

Several swordsmen fly out into the Great Hall.

The remaining adventurers start making noise. About "Tenryu's proxy," information about the fort, suspicions about the quest, and the need for an investigation spoken for. The Alliance Master can't do anything.

"... Shut up, pay, about the cost of the inn. Hold this. That's why I need you to shut up."

Unexpectedly, the Viscount Lady Edengle said.

She never saw the adventurers, but through the back door of the hall, she left.

Take a few escorts.

Leave the glittering adventurer and the members of The Dawn Hound.

And the adventurers cheered.

The swordsmen of The Dawn Hound, who left The Adventurer's Guild, found a mellow stall in the alley.

As testified by the adventurers who brought the paperwork.

This is the Adventurer's Free Rules Consultation Room - abbreviated as Adventurer's Garden (Terrace).

No one. Sure, there must be someone wearing a black robe and a hood in sight.

The testimony didn't match whether he was a man, a woman or an old woman.

They fly out of the alley and look for someone in a black robe.

I looked around for a while and they found it.

Walk across the street, behind you in a black robe.

They run out in unison.

At the same time, chills run on their backs.

I have a bad feeling. It's an adventurer's intuition.

I feel like a force incompatible with ourselves is working for this town. That's the odd part. Whoever Tenryu's proxy is, there is one in this town who names it. We got ourselves a Viscount Lady, but was that really right - and what status do we want - to get?

Maybe you bought some kind of horrible rage.

Distracted from their fears, they draw a wave of people and approach the person of the robe. And...

"... you did something extra?


And a hand stretched out upon his back was paid out like a stick.

The person in the robe looks back.

My face is hooded to the depths of my eyes and I don't know.

He has a long stick in his hand. Is it a weapon? It's like I took the tip off a cleaning tool.

"We are the Dawn Hound. I want to know who you are. Shall I have you come?"

The Dawn Hound swordsmen try to surround Robe.


As if they were reading the movement, the hand, the foot, is paid with a wooden stick.

"─ Grr!?

Each time, numbness runs all over their bodies.

It was as if he was being beaten with magic.

"Who are you? What are you talking about?

"Stay away from me. Only your husband and his people can touch this body"

The Hood figure speaks out cold.

The Hounds of the Dawn cannot touch him. They are completely reading the motion. As soon as this one invests in the body, the opponent will preface and deal with the behavior. Every time they are poked with a stick, their body sounds a vibration that says, Shin.

Because of the crowd, the movement is restricted. But we're supposed to be top notch parties. And yet I can't believe I can't touch it.

What kind of abilities does this guy have?

They don't know.

The fact that a hooded girl used to be an Alliance Master apprentice.

To become a first-rate guild master, you have also been loading the rules of the Adventurer's Guild in every town.

And the "cheat skills" that she has become a slave.

"Motion Watch LV1"

'Identify' the 'tension' of the 'body' skill

You can read the muscle tension of the person in your sight.

It is also possible to use it to predict the movement of the target with a high probability.

Magic Bar LV1

'Increase' Damage dealt 'with' Sticks' and 'Magic' skills

Skills for treating stick related stuff as a weapon, such as rods, wands, hoeks and mops.

Increases the damage dealt to enemies by 10% + 10%.

Poking enemies with a stick that contains magic can bring the magic that resides into the target. The impact makes it possible to penetrate the protective equipment to inflict internal damage.

"Don't come. I don't want to be involved with someone who takes off his pants in public."


The knees of the "Dawn Hounds" who tried to chase him collapsed.

I can't move my legs. I thought it was magic, and my pants were falling to my knees. Soon, my pants belt is off. As if temporarily 'degraded'.

I accidentally do my hands on my hips. but there is no sword either. Even the sword that was lowered to his waist is falling.

The hardware that I had stopped came off. How did you...?

Put them away properly, the girl in the robe goes away.

I was confused by the crowd, the elf girl laughs' Hmm, so sooo '.

Nobody cares about her.

The skills she used so badly.

"Develop LV1"

'Value and Effectiveness' of 'Item' in 'Softening' Skills

Temporarily weakens the effect of the item.

If you touch the belt, you can loosen the clasp, or if you flush it with the sword, you can remove the connecting part after making the cut worse.

When I use it uninhabited, it's pretty hectic.

"Damn it! Somebody get him!!

The moment "The Dawn Hound" screamed - Robe's character split.

And the same robes, and the same hoods, shall be flooded in the way of the city. The number is dozens.

The swordsmen of "The Dawn Hound" tremble with fear.

It was probably dozens of seconds that I saw the fantasy of filling the space.

When it disappeared, the person in the robe earlier, not one of them was gone.

There are merchants, adventurers, maids, elves, green haired sheafs - that's about it.

The person in the black robe just now is nowhere to be found.

Did you hide? Did you change? But would it be easy to hide such a robe?

In the merchant's baggage? In a small leather bag...? Impossible.

"... we may be making a terrible mistake"

A swordsman from "The Dawn Hound" snapped small.

His companions, too, can only stand flat.

"Tenryu's Proxy," "Slave familiar with the Adventurer Guild," "Supporting It, Someone"

I don't know. I don't know.

I thought it would be safe to put it under the nobility............

Maybe we're just being missed at the whims of transcendental existence...?

The fear will eventually spread to their party and the Alliance.

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