Once I dismantled my skills in different worlds, my cheesy daughter-in-law multiplied - the structur

Episode 125: The Battle of the Cheat Dowry Separate Task Force - Gathering Information and Operation

The queue of Lord Ilgafa families with Illis on board safely reached their homeland.

"Arriving soon, my lord Illis."

Iris, voiced by a soldier through a carriage window, nods small.

A familiar mansion can be seen.

The carriage is protected by the soldiers. You should be able to get to the mansion without any problems.

The same carriage is also boarded by Eine and his master, Lafilia.

You two probably think the same thing.

Eventually, the carriage hits the uphill slope. Lordship Ilgafa and the forest in front of it.

I followed him around the corner.

"Let's go, Iris."

"I'll be with you, Iris. Well"

"Then let's go home. Eine, master."

Eine, Raphilia, and Iris opened the carriage door, and let it go, and

"Wait a minute, Illis. Your house is over there! That would be the maids' house!?"

─ ─ Englis was stopped by desperate soldiers when he jumped and tried to return to Nagichi.

"... boo"

"Well, you can't help it. Let's get to work."

Inflating his cheeks, Iris was walking down the corridor of the Lordship with Rafilia.

Eine is in Iris' own room, checking her escape route when she has to.

My lord, my father Iris, is afraid of the Nagi, the hero of the sea dragon, but he is forbidden to be cautious.

"... because this is the mission of the Iris"

On the face of it, Illis was called to a face-to-face meeting with the next Lord of the Lords, but blah, blah, blah. I don't care about that. I don't care as much as the heavens and the earth flip.

It was to protect Nagi's whereabouts that Illis honestly listened to his father's orders.

Nagi - - Britain's brother is steadily getting ready for a 'life without work'.

In keeping with that, the Iris and the slave girls are also (and are) in the process of consulting on family planning. Specifically, the plan is to help your brother change his clothes in the rotation or accidentally bat in the bath.

Your husband is smart. And be careful. If I put it on my face, I might be taken.

So you'd be right to talk to him while he's acting differently this way and boil the plan down.

It is up to the Illis to make such a plan.

Because only Ilis can stand on equal footing with your husband.

"But the problem is, it's all in your head right away."

"Don't read in your heart, Master!

"Iris, you were in my mouth, okay?


Illis accidentally turns bright red and holds his face down.

You shouldn't.

"But no matter how hard you try, I don't think you're going to beat the master, hey"

"Sure, your brother's ability to plan is way out in this world..."

"No, I'm not."

Raphilia, walking quite a bit, grinned and shook her neck to the side.

"Because I'm in love."


"Iris, Cecil, Rita and Eine fell in love with the master so much that there was no more. So there's no way you can beat a master for turning around any conspiracy. This is the law of the universe!

"What about masters like that?

Once again, Iris swelled his cheeks, puffing.

"Even Master, you love your brother, don't you?

"Yes, that's why I've already surrendered completely to my master."

"Full surrender?

"It is. So, no more, you can't lose. If the master wants to... with me, I'll accept it, and if you don't want to, I'll stay with you. But that's what you do if you want to stick around. Well, somehow, I'm at the master's disposal on the spot without a plan."

"Isn't that in a way the strongest..."

At times like this, Illis naturally thinks' Master Wow '.

Sure, if you don't think about it, your brother won't even read you the operation. Wow.

"A talent like a master is something not found in Illis..."

"That's why me and Iris are so comfortable."

"Sure, Illis loves his master"

"I love you, too, Iris."

"... Master"



Unexpectedly hugging each other, two slave girls. But one looks like a lady, and one looks like a maid. Iris, dressed from that height difference to be pinched in the head by Rafilia's big tits, reaffirms once again the master's awesomeness. I even remember fierce jealousy at the same time.

If we don't take a bath together today and find out the secrets of this little thing - and I decide so to my heart - then I stop to realize that I was passing my father's room at some point. Emergency exit ahead.

Both Illis and Raphilia want to go home to Nagi's house as if it were a nesting instinct.

""... do you want to do your job!

You two look at each other, turn right.

He headed to the lord's room, the guardian so far and the mighty enemy.

"Oh, you're late, Illis"

Lord Ilgafa was waiting for Iris in his chamber.

After my brother's rebellion, he seemed to be able to slow down a little with hard work, but now he's recovering. Probably because the inheritance issue was resolved.

It would be a good thing, Ilis thinks.

It would be better if you stopped needing yourself like this.

"I'm sorry to call you on my journey. If they had accompanied you, wouldn't they have offended you?"

"That one's not as small of a vessel as he cares about that"

"Oh well. Sure, if you were that one, you would be..."

"I was wondering if you could introduce me to the two of you."

Iris turned his gaze to the boy beside the lord and to the big man.

The boy is probably a child taken from the branch. Are you still under ten years old? He lays his eyes down weakly, trying to hide from the man beside him.

Of course, Illis is new to him.

In Englis, who never stood on the table stage, there is no one who knows, whether it be a division, but a relative.

Next to the boy is a large, musculoskeletal, middle-aged man. I don't have a weapon, but I'm putting silver armor together. Cloak on the back. Practical, rather than ritual?

He grows a moustache and looks at Iris and Rafilia with his connected eyes. Is it the boy's escort?

"This boy is going to be our family, Royaldo. After the adoption ceremony, you will inherit Hafeumea's surname."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kaliu's witch."

Boy, Roield held on, bowing his head toward Illis.

"Roield-Hermalga, is. Best regards…"

"It's Iris-Hafeumea. The role of a sea dragon witch is like halfway down. You will not be called in an excessive name. The next princess."

Iris pinched the hem of the dress and gracefully gave it a toast.

The boy seems scared of Illis, but he doesn't seem like a bad boy. Because I'm laughing at Illis, though it's lame. I wish he would normally inherit the Lordship. Iris is no longer on the surface stage. I'm just gonna be present at this adoption ritual.

"May I introduce you, Father?"

Iris turned his gaze to the man standing next to Roield.

"Sent more than a branch, he's a Royal escort."

"Please call me Garungara"

The man in the escort put his hand on his chest and lowered his head toward Illis.

It was an official tribute to your lady when the knight arrived. Plus, not three times.

"Are you a knight, Mr. Garungara?

"Oh. That's the sea dragon witch. Well noticed."

No, you wanted me to notice, didn't you? I've done it three times.

Plus, I can't believe you put a crest on your armor shoulder. About a knight. It doesn't make sense to wear a cape indoors on purpose, does it? It's got a crest over there, and no matter what you think, you've come all the way out here to show it to me, right?

"............... this is not a good 'cool'"

Raphilia behind Iris, pounding, and crushing.

Ilis agrees. This isn't real 'cool'.

"Cool" is not a show off.

─ ─ Apprentice your brother.

─ ─ You're not trying to be cool, but you're trying to be more discreet, and no one's that cool, are you?

"A knight is more of a Royal escort. There's something wrong with him."

Suppressing the voice of his heart, Iris heard.

"No. I said knight, but I'm already retired. Because it's about to be about backwards guidance now."

A middle-aged man answers quickly with a beard.

"You're still young, but you're retired."

"I was originally a knight under His Majesty the King. But due to circumstances, Your Majesty has ordered me to serve the nobles. Then he fell all over the place and was wounded in battle where it was time to return to the king's capital. Then His Majesty tells me that I should be able to guide you backwards."

I won't stop.

The middle-aged former knight Garungara keeps talking about his profile.

Plus, it sucks. I repeat the same story.

Iris decided to listen on the way out and try to pull out only the main points.

-Garungara was a trusted knight of His Majesty the King.

-In that relationship, he was ordained to serve a nobleman who could also be considered to be near the king's side.

· He was injured in battle before returning to the King's Capital and retired from the Knight. After that I was to focus on raising a young knight.

-He escorts Roield because Garungara's hometown is near Roield's home. My wife died a long time ago, but I have 'educated correctly' to aim for a proper knight because I have children. He then asked his parents, Roield, whom he knew, to escort him to Ilgafa.

"... Uncle Garungara is a fine man... but a little frightened..."

"Damn, you haven't been a knight these days!

Whispering Roield's words, Garungara strained her chest.

"I've been your escort so far, Roield, but when the demon comes out, it moves on its own. Neither will I turn to my judgment. Ignore my instructions, too. I don't even keep the order to defeat demons!

"... Your uncle is my escort, not given command of the soldiers..."

"It's not going anyhow! It doesn't matter about reason or anything!

"... so, uncle..."

"Roield, you don't understand. I've been a knight for years! I didn't say I wasn't!

""... ha ""

─ ─ I'd like to go home (it is).

─ ─ I would like to see your brother (master) (Yes -).

─ ─ Do I have to stay in the mansion until the ceremony is over? Yah (so sooo).

With all the synchronization, Illis and Rafilia sighed.

"Therefore, until the ritual, Roield will be given rest in the mansion, after which he will receive an education worthy of the lord"

Finally, it felt like the father of Illis pinched his mouth.

"Garungara, which..."

"I can't help it, but I have to head to the King's Capital in a few days. You have a knight's qualification exam! They are entrusted with supervising and giving trials! Hey, too bad!

No, I'm not sorry about that.

In the first place, this is the place to introduce the next lord Ilgafa, Loield, and you're not the star, are you? You don't need to brag about it.

"Really? That's unfortunate."

What I thought was not in my mouth, and Illis floated a smile for the outer surface.

I've been with the Nagis lately, so I forgot how to just laugh at them.

"But if you're in a hurry, shouldn't you be on your way to the King's Capital soon?

"No, I have to exhort (clean) the candidates for the Knights on their way to King's Landing!

Former knight Garungara, his lips crouched, laughed.

"Not to mention that knights are often present on the battlefield. So much so that there are legends that dead knight spirits give trials to knight candidates who are caught off guard and heading to the king's capital! Whoa, it's just a legend!

"... legend?

"Yes. You're a legend!

The knight Garungara laughed and bearded.

"I just don't know what's going to happen in the world. It is also my mission to see the end of the knight candidates who have been sifted down there!

Ha ha ha ha, and throwing a giggling garungara out of consciousness, Iris activates his cheat skill, Conscious-Sharing (Mind Linkage) -Reformation. Attempt to send a message to Nagi. but no response.

Nagi said it was out of range.

─ ─ Let's organize the information.

This person, originally a knight, is the examiner of those who will be knights.

That's why we're aiming for the Wang Capital.

And I'm about to do something to a knight candidate who's on his way to the King's Capital.

I know by rule of thumb that nobility loves "that sort of thing". And if The Knight's Trial is just a legend, then there's no reason for former Knight Garungara to be here. I'm not sure. But...

─ ─ Your brother said. Said he helped the Knight candidate out of the demon. If you're still with him, just in case...

Somehow, we have to pass on the information.

I don't have time to brag. We need to get out of here.

When Iris thought that...

"... I was just... I was just! So sooo!"

At best, Rafilia made an odd noise.

"Master - No, Raphilia!?"

Reflectively, Iris looks back.

When I saw it, Rafilia held her stomach down and nodded.

"There he is... just..."

"Master no way...... have your brother's kid sometime!?

"That hasn't happened yet. Not really. Jibi Ginger... Jibi Ginger Fujitsu..."

Raphilia, as I say, punch, and look at Illis.

Immediately perceiving his intentions, Iris lifts his voice up against the Lords.

"I'm sorry. Looks like the maid developed the... uh, Oniichan Ass Bow Shaw. Let me take this place off for a moment. I'll be right back!

Before Lords, former knights Garungara and Roield say anything, Illis goes down the hallway supporting Rafilia. Whisper to Rafilia in a whisper, controlling other maids trying to lend a hand.

"Master, contact Eine immediately."

"It doesn't matter what the knights do, it's the slave knights who protect the master."

"Think of a way for you two to get in touch with your brother. Iris returns to his room after he has properly served the customer for the time being. Then tell Iris the result of your conversation with Eine."

"I understand that."

A knight is not the only one in the battlefield. Even slaves do.

This world is full of danger, and not necessarily when those who interrupt your brother's 'sloppy life' will show up.

In that case, it is the role of the slave to think in advance about helping to protect your husband.


Iris and Raffilia sneak in each other's hands and tap into each other to split left and right.

Iris goes to the center of the mansion.

Rafilia goes outside the mansion.

We walked out on each battlefield.

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