Once I dismantled my skills in different worlds, my cheesy daughter-in-law multiplied - the structur

Episode 156: Travel by Metastatic Magic (Except Partially) and Rita's Secret Plan

Before going out, Finn drew a magic formation between the back of the mansion.

This is the magic team that I got last time to activate the Metastatic Mullet. The fact that Finn can 'connect' beyond space with another magic formation by activating the amulet confirms that people can safely transfer during the 'Vale' incident.

This time, let's use it for a trip.

Transition magic activation is scheduled for the next day when Eine, Leticia and Feen arrive at the 'Maintenance Site Mishrilla' and put in a day off. Until then, we are ready to travel at home. [M]

By the way, Illis and Raphilia are scheduled to come another day after they clean up their errands.

So if you're waiting for the Transfer Magic to be ready while you inspect your luggage or something...

"I'm here. Nagi!"

Around noon that day, Cecil knocked on my room door.

"I feel the magic of starting a magic formation. Looks like we're ready."

"All right."

I opened the door.

I was in the hallway with Cecil during "Magic Sensing" activation and Rita with her luggage.

"Then let's inspect the house one last time. Check the fire and see if you forgot anything."

Roger that, Nagi! "" It's a pleasure!

Me, Cecil, and Rita will split up and make sure the fire source and the door are tight.

My room is fine. The hallway window is closed, too. Aine and Cutlass's room... can't we just go in on our own? The windows were closed when I checked from outside the house, so let's do a good thing.

"Ah, Nagi. Are you okay over there?

I watched the doorknob on the ground floor and I saw Rita and I coming down the stairs.

"I saw everything downstairs. What about the doors in everyone's room?

"I made sure of it all. No problem."

Rita looked me straight in the eye and nodded.

"By the way... is Rita feeling all right? You're not tired or sick, are you?

I thought of it, and I asked Rita.

I forgot. I had to check this out with Rita.

"My health?

"Yeah. I'm going to put a strain on Rita's body, 'cause I might"

"Huh, take the burden!?

Rita opened her cherry blossom eyes.

And then I held my chest down, and I took a deep breath and...

"Nagi, put a strain on my body...!? That's..."

─ ─ He sounds surprised.

Was there a lack of explanation? I'm still immature as your husband, too.

We should have talked about this in good detail to see what Rita wanted to do. It involves Rita's body, even though it's important.

I'm not trying to force Rita. [M]

"Yeah. It could be a little hard. That's why I wanted to make sure Rita was feeling better."

"... na, nagi..."

"You can't be selfish with me and strain my dear companions. If it seems difficult, I'll think of a way for Rita to accept it."

"... wah, wah. Wow."

Rita looks at me with a pompous face.

Then, Gyu, close your eyes, face up,

"Na, nagi. Me, me, me..."

"So if you're afraid of 'metamagic', say it right. Rita didn't like the magic of changing or transferring spaces, did she?

"... Huh?

When I said it, Rita turned into a puffy face.

Is that it? Rita, you forgot? That thing.

Because it was our first quest, I remember it very well.

That was just as soon as we got to the commercial city of Metecal.

The "Wizard's Hall" exploration quest once triggered a "Spatial Variant" trap that changed the shape of the room.

At that time, Rita was so sick. That's when I found out that Rita, who has a developed triple tube, doesn't like to get caught up in distorted or changed spaces.

That's why I was wondering if this "metastatic magic" could be a burden to Rita as well.

I explained to Rita that...

"Oh, yeah."

For some reason, Rita is nodding with a distracted face.

".................. hey, nah. That's the thing......"

"What did you think it was about?

"Ugh, yeah. Hey, nothing! It's nothing!

Rita shook her golden hair, probably, and shook her head.

"But... it is. Nagi, my weak cousin, he remembered me..."

"You bet."

"Thank you. But I'm glad to hear it!



"I forbid it's impossible. Our party is mottled to do what we can't do."

Plus now we're adding, "We'll make peace around ourselves as much as possible."

Going to see Mr. Delilah is also about that.

"If we can't make the transfer, we can just take a carriage. That sounds like fun."

"Also, already. Nagi is a worry."

Rita turned her chest away and looked at me.

"When I say I'm okay, I'm okay. Cecil, I'm waiting for you, so let's go, master."

That said, Rita pulled my hand.

"Yes, Nagi, tell me one thing"

On the way down the hall, Rita looked back.

"This trip is also a continuation of" Employee Travel, "right?


"... that means, yeah. Are you sure you want to 'shake it up' this time too...?

"Of course."

I nodded.

"The other day, Rita and I were worried about the fact that I was exposed. And with that apology."

"Don't forget that word, okay?

Rita exhaled, "Hmm," and then laughed.

"... wah, me, good luck. I'll show your husband what Rita-Melpheus really means..."

For some reason she turned away from me and Rita declared that.

- And then a dozen minutes later...

"Na... nagi, no... my sight goes round."

"Are you okay, Rita?"

"... Kibo sucks. When will the transfer be over..."

"Hold on. You've already reached the maintenance site, haven't you?

"... wow. Where is your husband?

"'Cause I'm next door, see"

"... a little more..."

"Like this?"


"Here. Stop rubbing your cheeks."

"... you calm down when you're doing this"

"There, behind my ear. And that's your hair."

"... I'm just checking the nagi's heels. Next to Nagi is where I am. If I don't make sure your husband's on your side, I'm not comfortable. This is the best slave ever..."

Rita looked up.

My eyes met mine.

Rita was confused, and I looked beside her.

Cecil and I got eyes on each other.

And then Rita looked around and realized that she was sitting on top of the magic team, hugging me, that this was Michelilla's villa.

And finally, watching us around, looking at Eine, Leticia, Katras...

"Ko, kohon"

Do something to deceive me once.

And I put my hands on my hips, and I nodded, and then...

"That's Finn's" Amulet of Metastasis "! No. It's amazing how easy it is to move us this far. Kampeii. That's" Artifact Dominance Skills "made by Nagi!

"... I think it's too late to put it on now, Rita"


Rita knocked down her beast ear and held her head. Cute.

"I'm sorry. I guess I made it impossible."

"It's not impossible. This, this is nothing to me. Nagi doesn't care too much about me!

I said, Rita puffed, and turned to the side.

I did Rita's head. [M] I'm pretty sure I made it impossible.

... I figured you might want to dedicate 'metamagic' to emergencies only.

"So, Feen. How do you feel about using a transfer artifact?

"You're not magically efficient."

Kneeling next to the magic formation, Fern said.

I can tell by the color of my eyes and my outfit that I'm not a cutlass. Finn is fluffy, because he likes thin clothes. Right now, what she's wearing is a white piece with a bow. I guess it was Eine who chose it. "Eh," he says, straining his chest.

"Poor magic efficiency, huh? This is a land area where magic is easy to gather."

"Perhaps you choose a user. This still needs research, doesn't it? Which one?"

"Is it possible to metastasize Iris and Rafilia?

"That's okay. In the name of Fern-Mutran."

"Okay. Let me hear more about that later."

"Yes, sir."

Finn pinched the hem of the piece and bowed deeply.

'Metastatic amulet' is a cheat item in the cheat, so I wonder if it needs some more research.

"Speaking of which, were all three of you okay during your trip? Weren't you hurt or something? Looks like we got ourselves into a fight."

"No problem at all."

"Mr. Cutlass was very helpful."

"Well, you don't have a problem if you leave it to Katras!

Leticia, Eine, and Feen will answer my question.

"I'm just worried that the streets are getting insecure. Caused by…"

"..." Demi Human Struggle. "

Rita took over Eine's words.

And then Rita looked at me, and she looked down and...

"... I'm sorry. I wish I had more information on Ilgafa's Adventurer Alliance."

'Cause that guild over there is still dysfunctional.'

I'll leave it to Natalia to rebuild it.

I did everything I could with Ilis and Rafilia.

"Let's find out if there's any information over here later."

"Eine will gather information later on the Adventurer's Guild in the Maintenance Area (here)."

Aine slapped her hand "Pan" like she was going to get her mind back on it.

"Heh heh... Eine and Iris have made me say heh heh heh heh heh the guild here before?

Speaking of which, that happened too...

Eine, a former 'Common Guild' master apprentice, is familiar with the rules of the guild and the rules behind it.

Looks like Eine should take care of collecting Alliance intelligence.

"Well, it's just a precaution when it comes to investigation... Because I knew I was worried."

When I said it, everyone nodded in unison.

What worries me, of course, is not about street security, but about 'Demihuman's feud' itself - you look anxious next door, Rita. Probably everyone else, too. Cecil, Eine, Leticia and Fern are watching Rita with tender eyes.

Apparently, "Demi Human Conflict" is happening in the woods. Speaking of subhumans living in the woods, beasts and elves are famous. Rafilia is' made of ancient elves', so it doesn't matter if the elves contend, but Rita comes from a tribe of beasts.

So I guess I'm really worried about The Demi Human Struggle.

(... but even if the Beast Man was involved, it wouldn't matter to Rita anymore)

Rita is left behind in a tribe of beasts and picked up by the Order of the Goddess of Mercy. She was in a tribe of beasts when she was a little kid. Whatever it is, it has nothing to do with Rita.

Rita is already one of us.

So it's only 'just in case' to investigate the matter.

Since it won't be "I knew I should have looked into it" later, I want to investigate it, just in case, to finish the story here. That's all.

"Then we can help Katras, too."

Next to Leticia, Finn raised his hand.

"There is a merchant I know, Mr. Dolgore, in this maintenance area. Cutlass couldn't be a knight -- not exactly -- but I have to report that. Next, let's gather information from Merchant Side."

"Thanks, Feen"

"Because it's for my dear companion."

That's what Finn laughed at.

Me and Rita will be relieved.

"Bye, Rita."

"... ugh, yeah. Nagi."

"If you feel better, let's have dinner"

I touched Rita's beast ear.

"Let's start by eating full stomach and go shopping when we calm down. I heard there's something weird that can only be caught in this sanctuary, so eat it and we'll meet Mr. Delilah tomorrow."

"... your husband"

Rita looked me straight in the eye and then nodded loudly.

"Right. That's how serious it gets."

"Yeah. Let's get this far"

Me and Rita looked at each other and laughed.

Cecil, Eine and Fine look like they're convinced of something, and Leticia looks away with a lit face, though.

"Then we'll have a meeting tomorrow. Take it easy. Have a cup of tea."

"I'm ready."

Eine, dressed in maid's clothes, put up one finger and said.

"That's Aine, you're ready"


"Yeah. Ray."

"Bye. I want a broom."

A broom?

That's unusual. Eine says that.

"Fine. Is that what you want?

"Not what I want, but I need someone to help me with my chores tomorrow while you guys go see the Virgin Delilah."

"Do you have chores?

"Really? I was away for about ten days, so I figured I'd be worried about dust or something. You can't let your dear husband and his slave companions live in filth."

"Then we can all clean up tomorrow."

─ No, shouldn't we reschedule too much?

There is the matter of "The Subhumans' Dispute". Even on the road to the Deliri-La Labyrinth, it's not always safe. You should see Mr. Delilah while you have time.

"Yes, then I will help Mr. Eine."

Shita, and Cecil raised her hand.

"I have a lot to teach Mr. Eine, too."

"It's an odd encounter. Eine has a lot to teach Cecil, too."

"You fit in."

"I feel good."

Pam, pam, and Cecil and Eine put their hands together.

If you two are convinced, okay.

"So it's me, Nagi and Rita who are going to the labyrinth of the Virgin."

Leticia said.

"I am also interested in the legendary Virgin."

That's what I meant.

Enough for war. I'm not going on a quest, and even if I meet a mighty enemy, I can get away with it.

"Okay. Then Rita and Leticia can hang out with Mr. Delilah tomorrow."

"Okay, I get it."

"... ugh, yeah. Fine."

Rita looks strangely at Cecil and Eine in a friendly pose.

Now we have an appointment.

Let's meet up with Deliri-La early and get the job done.

Because I want to keep it in a "just play" situation when Illis and Rafilia arrive.

─ ─ Rita viewpoint ─

Until we're done talking about Nagi and everyone's on their way to work...

─ ─ I've always wondered about Nagi and Cecil.

Because I felt kind of strange.

... It may be my fault, but lately, I feel like Nagi and Cecil are getting very close.

That's not a physical distance, it's like a distance in your mind.

Cecil feels so relaxed by the nagi.

Of course, it's not like Cecil was nervous by the nagi... somehow, it feels so natural now. I feel like my breath fits perfectly, like I'm moving more than before.

Something, do you have two secrets? Not for me, you mean to keep it to yourself?

Yeah...... no, right?

Cecil won't hide anything from me. Because even the Demons are as good as they taught me.

Just like I think of Cecil like a sister, Cecil must think of me like a sister. Sometimes I think I'm overconfident, but I feel my heart connected.

If that Cecil were to tell me something... it must be Nagi's... our husband.

Something happened between you two?

Between Cecil and Nagi...

You know, the kind of thing that you two have to keep a secret...

Cecil was so relieved.

I mean, that means Cecil's dreams are about to come true.

─ ─ Me.

"Wow. Whoo-hoo!

Back in my room, I accidentally grabbed the floor, grabbed it.

Wow. I imagined that.

Nagi and Cecil stick together, hug each other, and...

Oh, my God!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Easy, me. Don't light me. Be prepared, me.

Because if Nagi and Cecil did (...) then that's a very natural thing.

It's embarrassing to imagine, but sometimes my heart seems so frightened, but, you know, it warms up in the back of my chest. 'Cause that's what Cecil's always wanted, and that's what she thought she'd do someday. Besides, I-- I--

"─ Wow. Wow."

When he noticed, he hugged his pillow and fluffed his end. No, no, Eine's gonna piss me off.

But... what should I do?

Because it's about Cecil... what happened... you'll tell me when you ask me, won't you? You're going to tell me...

And say it.

"Rita, too," as I said when I was "engaged with Nagi."

"What do I do... if I hear that... me"

... What am I supposed to do?

Do you want me to hold you straight to the nagi? I don't know... can I do that. I'm shy, I guess I'll run away. Then Nagi- - Your husband, you're in trouble. What if you think I don't like it? Even though that's definitely not the case. Oh, but... but!

"... Ha Ugh"

In the meantime, front seat on the floor.

And, Pam, slap me on the cheek, get back on your mind--

"The Virgin is first, isn't she?"

In the meantime, I've decided to send it forward.

So, 'cause I'm a Nagi slave. Your husband asked me to help you with your visit to the Virgin. Something personal about me has to be left behind.

"Yeah, yeah. That's the right way to do slavery."

... I know I'm getting away with something myself.

I'm not ready. Me.

When I'm connected to Nagi in "Capability Reconstruction," I can be honest...

But............... now on hold. That's what I decided.

'Cause both Eine and Katras are looking into' Demi Human Dispute '. I have to give priority to your work, too.

"... demihuman... if that were a tribe across the woods..."

That's really, if you're an animal man...

I shook my head in a panic.

Because it doesn't matter anymore.

Even if that was the 'Tribe of the Beast Man' I was in. I'm already Nagi's, and Cecil and the others are my family. That's for sure, absolutely flawless.

He said it was a nagi. He said it was only "just in case" to gather information.

Once the streets are sealed off, the logistics to the port town of Ilgafa will also be affected. Iris and the others can be annoying, and they're involved in what Nagi thinks of the 'Protecting the Tenryu' plan. That's why I look into the information, because I'm involved, for Nagi and my family.

So I don't really care that much when I hear about The Demi Human Struggle.

I have something more important to do.

That's why I don't have to worry about my head, worry about it, expect it to shine.

Nagi and Cecil, about the future with everyone.


"You know, the wrong kind of thing."

─ ─ Me.

No, no, no, no, no. Face, face, face. My thoughts are still coming back to the same place.

Ahhh. What should I do? Now, I've decided it's nothing.

Because -- assuming that's the case -- I don't know how to say that to Nagi, if I'm ready.

Because it's about me, because at the heart of it, I feel like I'm going to get confused and fail.

"... and somehow, if there's a way to tell it exactly..."

I feel like that's a higher level than "chisel".

"... let's wash our faces and calm down. Yeah."

When I left the room thinking about it...


"Is that it? Rita. Just fine."

Your husband (Nagi) stood in the hallway in front of the room.

I didn't realize because I was hitting on my thoughts.

What I touched was my shoulder. But that's where it gets hot. Overlapping the image that occupied my head until a moment ago, my heart starts to ring with great momentum. Nagi and gaze bump when you raise your face. My black eyes look straight at me, just like they always do. I know it's connected in "Soul About (Engage)," but you can't even read it to your heart, can you? "Consciousness Sharing (Mind Linkage)/Modification," you didn't, did you? It's all right, isn't it?

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!?

"? Yeah. Because if Eine was cleaning the garden, I found something weird. Thought we'd find out together."

"Weird stuff?

"Cecil said 'Message Golem'"

"Message Golem"

A golem encapsulated with words, created by a high-ranking surgeon.

Talk in response to the target's magic.

It is commonly used to convey secret messages, etc. Basically disposable.

It's not hard to break, so it can't be used for traps, etc.

"The Virgin's?

"It looks similar to the 'working golem' I was in the labyrinth, so I think so. I don't know for sure, but..."

"Ha-ha-ha! You're finally back! Your husband and his itchy friends!!


It was the Virgin.

Cecil, I wonder if I inadvertently started it.

The voice is heard from the living room. Not enough to sound outside, but loud enough to be heard by everyone. The hearing of the beast clearly shows that it is the voice of the Virgin.

Holy Virgin, I think I left a message for when we came back.

"But why? No way, it was an emergency, too?

"That's enough to purposefully plant a golem in the villa's garden."

'As you guys listen to this message, Delilah will be so bored!!

""... I lost it worrying about you!

'I beg you there. I want you to keep up with experiments on new items made by Deliri-La. That should probably help you fulfill your wishes, too. It's about you guys, so I guess you're enjoying your trip somehow, so I'm not gonna blame you, okay? Mr. Delilah, I'll be waiting forever. Bye!'

Pump, hence, the message is over.

"... Well, I'm glad Mr. Deliri-La looks good too"

"... but what do you mean, 'items that make a wish come true'...?

I stared at your husband and said:

Mr. Deliri-La is still a high-ranking surgeon, a man in the position of Virgin.

So...... maybe I created a really awesome magic item.

"Let's actually go and make sure."

"Oh, yeah."

All right, now I could say it in a normal voice.

My face... it's getting hot again though.

Nagi, you haven't noticed...?

That even though it's only my first day on the trip, my heart is on occasion. Do you want to keep it until the end of your journey - so worrying?

"─ The Virgin's item."

If that's what you really wish for...

"... you know, your husband"

I snuck up and took Nagi's hand.

"Don't you think experimenting with a prototype magic item or something like that is slave work?

"I can't let that happen."

"Oh, no!

"Why are you mad at me for fast-tracking!?

Well, that's fine.

Everything is tomorrow. The battle is coming.

"Well, let's meet." Message Golem "also needs Cecil to 'appraise'"

And one more time, because I want to hear Mr. Delilah's message too.

There may be some leaks.

"Let's just get this difficult thing over with, and let's just relax, shall we? Your husband."

That said, I, Rita-Melpheus, held your husband's hand.

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