"What about that?

Everyone roars when they hear about my operation.

"Sure, I might be able to drop the castle, but does it work that well?

"It doesn't always work that way."

The question is best. But as it stands, this is the most successful operation.

"This operation will definitely succeed."

I assured you.

"Hmm. If Baron Turbuxon says so, you'll be sure to do it first"

"Right. If that's what the piglets say, that's for sure."

Princess Aura and Miss Eliza say so, so each general thought a little but agreed.

"So the operation starts in five days, okay?

Everyone snorted at me.

"Let's get ready for the operation."

With that said, each general took their seats and headed to get ready.

I tried to leave the tent to prepare myself, but someone grabbed my hem.

I wondered who it would be, and when I turned around, Eliza lay down on my face and grabbed my hem.

"Oh, you know. Eliza, if they grabbed that hem, they wouldn't be ready."

Even if I did, Eliza wouldn't let me go.

And he looks at me with his face lying down. [M]

"Hey, are you sure you're doing well with that operation?

"Yes, I'm fine"

"Ugh, if the piglet says so, maybe so, but what if it's different?

"We'll set up an operation like that."

"... as always, don't let the measures come out next. You are."

Princess Aura says so, but, well, I think it's a boon to my profession.

"I think this is also a boon to my profession. Her Royal Highness."

In salute, Princess Aura waves.

"You will officially be my sister's son-in-law when this battle is over. You don't have to behave like that now."

What, ⁉ wasn't that Princess Celine's discretion?

Or was political marriage what you were after!

"The side chamber is fine if it's Eliza. If it's not enough, I don't mind a few more."

"No, no, on the boulder. That's"

"Right. What if there's more, like, four?

"Four? Oh, there were people close to the Baron."

"That's right. Well, there 'll be more in a little while."

"Well, that's all the baron's worth."

"That's what I expected, piglet."

Mr. Eliza, you can wear a doya face there, but why don't you stop saying that little piggy?

"Eliza, why don't you stop calling Baron Cunt a 'pig'?

"Kuh, it's become a habit, I can't!

"Are you still ashamed that we've been together? Come on, fix that personality."

"Ho, leave me alone!

That's what Mr. Eliza said and left the tent.

Princess Aura drops me off with a bitter smile, and looks at me.

"I can see your talent in this battle. Revive that wisdom fully, and give me victory."

"Yes, sir."

"Please. My future brother-in-law."

Princess Aura says the same, leaving the tent.

(... Princess Aura surprisingly has a good character)

With that in mind, I left the tent.

Five days later.

When the operation was ready, we came to the point where we could see the castle gate.

"Uh-huh. If you look close, it's a pretty big castle."

It seems about the size of Koshien.

We have a formation on the eastern side of Takatoral Castle.

"Are you ready?

"Yes, we're ready for this one"

It was General Alberto who answered that.

There were dozens of stone throwers and moving sights called siege towers, which were weapons of siege and applied this principle.

Well, we're ready to attack. Do we behave politely here and send a surrender messenger before we begin the fight?

"Anyone can do it, someone go to the front of the castle and make a surrender recommendation"

When I said that, General Alberto and General Dwaf spoke and sent the elves to the castle gate for about three.

While the elf rode his horse, he made a surrender recommendation toward the castle gate.

After a while, someone is coming out of the walls and shouting something.

I don't hear you very well from here, but I guess you're refusing to surrender. And he lifted up his hand, and a ball of fire was born out of his hand.

The fireball flew to the foot of the messenger and exploded. The fireball itself was small, so the impact was small and the horse was astonished.

The messengers hurried back to their heels, as those who faced the walls were about to unleash another round of magic.

I put words of labor on the returning messengers.

"Good luck."

"Ha, thank you"

"Did anyone who came out on the walls say anything?

"Yes. 'I am Mogonob, the Lord of this castle! I won't refuse to give in to the invaders!' He said. After that, we unleashed the magic of the fireball."

"Thank you. Rest in the back."

"" "Ha" "

The elves, who went to the messenger, saluted and left the place behind.

"What kind of person is that Mogonob who turned down this offer?

When I said that, Mr. Mircha next door explained it to me.

"Mogonob is the younger brother of the present demon king Tshikaryorouri. In the last invasion, he took over a few Allied generals."

"Do you have martial arts? I don't know about tactics."

"I hear Mogonob's personality is as if he cracked bamboo."

"... that means pigs, right?


"Oh, then you'll fit in with this measure."

"What am I also saying, does this measure really work?

"When I heard that the enemy general was a pig, I was convinced it would work."

"Whoa, the boulder is His Excellency the Baron. You haven't been told by Dada to be a great sage. I'm impressed."

To General Alberto's praise, I give instructions as he scratches his cheek.

"Okay, we'll start the operation. Command later, please."

"Ha, please"

General Alberto salutes and retraces the sword placed on his hips.

"Siege tower, push forward the catapult! Stop and attack in position as you should!

With General Alberto's decree, the horn sounds.

Together, the siege tower pulling warcraft set in motion, and the stone thrower also began to advance.

Both weapons stop about a thousand meters from the castle.

And the stone-throwing car is on the principle of being let go with a stone on it.

Huge masses arc and hit the walls.

The impact hit rocked the walls, and several stones released destroyed a large crossbow that was equipped for the walls.

Then the soldiers on the siege tower start shooting and shoot through the soldiers on the walls.

In the hands of the soldiers on the Siege Tower, they had demon bullets for long-range attacks, not bows.

I lectured and trained on how to use it in the last five days. I deal with it without any problems because of it.

Mr. Mircha had seen the soldiers fighting with demon bullets and had lost their words.

"Is that the demon bullet that was used in the battle against the Beasts? If the bow and arrow don't arrive, if it's a floor crossbow, even if it's within reach, I didn't know it had that much power."

"But I'm trying to keep my power down to increase my range."

"Still, I think it's amazing to be able to attack like that."

"If you ask me, is it natural to be surprised because guns are not developed for people in this world"

There was a model gun or something in my world, so I'm used to seeing it, but from people in this world, I guess it's an unknown tool.

"A boulder is a baron when it comes to making things like that. This will leave enemies and counterattacks unattended."

"Right. With that said, where did you find out that the enemy general was the brother of the present demon king?

"... examined on my own information network"

Cheng Cheng. Is it your own information network?

I'd like to ask you what kind of information network it is, but we need to focus on the fight now.

Attacks by siege weapons continued, and if they continued to attack, the enemy's walls would collapse and be attacked from there.

With that in mind, the castle gate opened. From there the cavalry came out. That's about five hundred.

"Hmm. The enemy is apparently going to send out soldiers to prevent the attack of a siege weapon"

"Baron, don't be impressed. Give me some instructions."

"I'm fine. I've already given General Alberto instructions."

Mr. Mircha thinks so, sees General Alberto, the General waved down his sword.

Then the soldiers, who had refrained from siege weapons, came forward and lined up side-by-side. The soldiers lined up on the side had demon bullets in their hands.

This one is made with a greater emphasis on power than range, and has a wider caliber.

An enemy cavalry storms this siege weapon. The soldiers pointed a gun at the cavalry and pulled the trigger.

Doorn [incomprehensible]

A flashy gunshot sounded on the battlefield.

The sound surprises the horse on which the enemy cavalry was riding. The cavalry is shot out by the horses and falls with a hole in his body.

Seeing it, the horse panicked even more surprisingly.

Seeing that state of confusion, the soldiers with demon bullets change their bullets and set their aim to pull the trigger.

The enemy general sees it and rings the bell of retreat. When the enemy cavalry was able to return to the site, there were only half of the five hundred left to go out.

"It's about time. Give me a signal."


A soldier nearby raises red wolf smoke.

Then suddenly a coalition of humans and sub-humans emerged from the north of the castle. Besides, he came as far as he could get to the walls.

"You win."

"Brilliant. Baron."

I saw the type of Jinglan bridge attached to the north wall and was convinced of the victory.

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