In the dark.

My consciousness is shaped.

And I remember who I was.

(That's right. At that time, I was, but my body moves, right?

I haven't opened my eyes yet, but my arms and fingers seem to move because of the feeling.

(After I died, was it also developed in the magic of resurrection of the dead?

But this feels different.

Even in the sense of confirming it, I decided it was time to open my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, it was an invisible ceiling.

I moved my neck and looked around and found myself in a cage somewhere.

(Why are you here?

I didn't know why I was there, and I tried to get up, but I couldn't move my torso.

I wonder why, when I look at my body.

It was the baby's body that got into view.


I blinked my eyes and looked again, but it was the baby's body no matter how I saw it.

(Ko, this could be, I'm a baby now ⁉)

When I was so surprised, I heard the door open.

Looks like someone's here.

With that in mind, it was a woman who came in.

But it wasn't just a woman.

Snowy white skin. Crimson eyes. Slightly dripping eye area.

Silver-like hair. There was something like a red horn growing over his head.

(Demon Race ⁉)

I fought the Demon King until earlier, so when I see the Demon Nation, I can help myself.

But that woman glances at my face.

Looking straight at my face, he stretched his finger and poked me in the cheek.

Is it funny to stick your cheek up, or you stick it up without getting tired of smiling?

"Heh heh, cute"

The woman raised her voice for the first time.

And the woman stopped poking me in the cheek and held me up.

"Ha ha, good boy and chiu ~, woo. Your sister is expensive and expensive."

The woman lifted me up, saying, "High and high."

Slowly, but moving to please the child.

Highly expensive, I thought about my situation.

(From what I just saw, apparently I was getting smaller. At that point, the only thing I can think of is, like some boy detective, either his body is smaller, or he's reborn and he's a baby.)

Well, whatever you think, I think it's obviously the latter.

Because I don't know any demons when I'm alive.

From that point of view, I seem to have been reincarnated into a demon clan.

(Because I was reincarnated, it must have been quite a few months since I died. I need to know what's going on with me right now so I can know.)

When I think so while being tall, I glance at my face when a woman stops raising it high.

When I thought I peered in, I suddenly hugged me.

"Uh-huh. Cute ~, already. If you've been so cute since you were a baby, you'll just have to look at each other when you grow up, and you'll be a girl who brings a woman to life ~"

The woman comes cheeky with a hug.

Does that use some kind of magic, rather than femininity?

Or is that human?

With that in mind, the door opened again.

"Fell, how long have you been doing that?"

It was also a woman who shouted that way.

Golden eyes on white skin. Crisp eyes.

Purple hair stretched to the waist. Four horns had grown on his forehead, on his ears, and in total.

"It's training time, but I was wondering where you were going, and I was here."

"Oh, Sister Izadra"

The woman called Fell, holding me in her arms, turned only towards the woman named Isadora.

"Come on, Lewie down."

"Yeah, that's good. Because she's so cute."

Excuse me. It's time to put it down.

I haven't put that much effort into hugging you, but I'm suffering from being pressed in the chest.

Or this Mr. Izadra has a big chest, too.

"Come on, hurry up"

That said, Mr. Isadora forcibly took me from a woman named Fell.

He gave me away and put me back in the shaking cage.

"Mmm, Sister Izadra's Kechi"

"I'll hear your complaints later. Here we go."

When they left, the room suddenly quieted down.

Apparently, I was reborn into a demon clan. Well, come on, you know what kind of family it is.

I thought so. I fell asleep.

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