We took Kirin back to the line.

Back in formation, the soldiers' gaze pierces us.

That would happen yesterday if I had the guy my brothers failed to catch.

In the eyes of such curiosity, my brother came.

"Hey, Lewie. What's wrong with him?

My brother asked me, pointing to the warcraft he had brought in.

"I was washing my face in the lake, and he showed up and said he wanted to talk to my brother, and I brought him in."

"Talk to me? The Warcraft?

My boulder brother was also confused.

As we talked, Kirin came forward.

'You, right? Yesterday, you tried to catch me.'

"Oh, yeah, but is there a problem too?

"Because I do, I'm here."

"Ha, finally, that means you came to protest me for trying to catch you?


"Funny, it's nice to slap me in the mouth like that when it comes to the Warcraft."

My brother took a fighting stance, fisting.

But Kirin does nothing.

"Stupid. Honestly apologize, I thought I'd forgive you. '

"Big mouth beating at Warcraft's minute means catching him and never slapping him like that again."

My brother flew to Kirin.


When Kirin said so, he shook the white corner of his forehead and made a sound.

The sound was a beautiful tone, like a bell.

"Beautiful sound"

Tina was also overheard by the sound, but her brother was different.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. ⁉"

My brother was suffering while keeping his head down.

When I looked around, I was divided into two streets: those who were flat when I heard the tone and those who were falling and suffering.

On a closer look, it was the men whom my brother had brought, and not the men whom my sisters had brought, who were suffering.

"This is, the hell..."

"The sound waves emanating from this corner are special sonic waves that afflict only those whom I recognize as enemies. This is the punishment for trying to catch me. Suffer thus for a while. '

Brothers suffering from the sound waves emitted by Kirin.

It looks a little pathetic because it looks too painful.

"Dear Kirin, I'm sorry that my brother tried to catch you for his interest, but since you suffer like this, can you forgive me?

I begged Kirin. [M]

Kirin looks at me jitterily. [M]

"Hmm. You were this man's brother. Did it break your heart to see your brother suffer?

"That's right. Since this is all my brother suffers, will you please forgive me? If there's anything you want me to do instead, I'll do whatever I can."

'... okay. Fine.'

Did my plea work, Kirin stopped shaking the horns?

The noise stopped, so my brother stood up with his face closed.

"Come on, I still have a head."

'You thank your brother. Because I was going to do this for the next thirty minutes.'

"Whew, that's a break. Sister Izadra's sermon is still better."

My brother looked like he didn't want to eat anymore.

"Whose sermon is better?

My brother heard Sister Izadra's voice and shook her spine in a vicious manner.

Turn around, pulling your face together.

"Oh, oh, sister, good morning. It's a beautiful day. Ha-ha."

"Right. By the way, whose sermon is it?

My brother tried to deceive me, but Sister Isadora couldn't deceive me.

"Well, as for that later,"

Sister Izadra looks to Kirin.

"You're a warcraft I've never seen. Is this the warcraft Adora tried to catch yesterday?

"Oh, yes, I am."

Sister Izadra sees Kirin as a giro.

Kirin was flat, even though he looked at it as if he were going to take a price step.

"Hmm. This is a pretty powerful warcraft, isn't it? If you do poorly, you may be able to destroy one country."

When Sister Izadra said that, they were all flabbergasted.

'Cheng Cheng, you have good eyes. It's a little radical to destroy the country, but you can't help it.'

Doesn't that mean you can do it if you want?

The boulder is a divine beast. Scary.

"By the way, are you done with your errands?

"No, I still have one"

Do you still have it?

I hope you don't do any more damage.

If you think so, Kirin looks at me.

"You, what's your name?

It's Lewie.

Why do you ask my name?

"Is it Lewie? I've liked you since I first saw you. I'd like to make a deal with you."


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