We were all already waiting when we got to the courtyard when we were ready to leave. Apparently, I'm the last.

"Sorry I'm late!

We're still in a hurry, but we're all early.

When I was thankful, Sister Helmine, Sister Fell and Brother Ardra waved me to the side as if it were nothing.

But only Sister Izadra was, for some reason, faceless.

"Sister Izadra?

When I asked, Sister Izadra came to me.

"Lewie. Remember what Fell said earlier?


Why are you asking me that?

"Fell told me to come to the Devil's Capital immediately. Do you have any idea what that means?

"What, yeah..."

I don't get it.

"Don't you see? Okay, let me tell you something. He called us to tell us what was important."

Well, if you weren't, I wouldn't call you.

"In other words, it has something to do with our future. Even though you are the Prince at the bottom, you are royal and have the right to inherit the throne. Which means he's qualified to take over the throne."

Sure, yeah.

"Then you should have a sense of standing over people. And yet, what is it? This is the last proof that you, the youngest of all, are not conscious of the royal family, nor of being a prince."

I can't deny a little clinginess, but, well, to be honest, I guess I'm right.

"Oh, sorry"

Let's be honest here.

What, the target is sister Izadra.

Apologize and you'll forgive me.

I thought so, but I didn't.

"You can't. If you apologize, you'll forgive me."

Ugh, sharp.

"This looks like you should study a little until you get to the Devil's Capital."

"Ben today?

Who will teach in the carriage?

I'd be drowsy if I could. I want you to study.

"Then let me teach you how to study Lewi until I reach the Devil's Capital"

Yeah? I wonder what. Something catches on.

"Bye, Lewie. Until you get to my demonic capital, I'll teach you everything in the carriage. on my lap ♥"

Ah ⁉ This is fitted!

Looks like he sold one play to prevent me from riding another carriage.

"Just my sister. Then there are things you won't understand, and I'll ride with you in the carriage."

"Me, too."

Besides, he had Sister Fell and Sister Hermione on his side.

When I get in the carriage with the three of them, I'm in a pillow condition until I get to the Devil's City.

I don't like boulders like that.

Let me get my brother a rescue ship out here.

I appeal to my brother with my eyes, asking him to help me.

But my brother ruthlessly shakes his head sideways.

What's more, he's saying something with his mouth pounding.

Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on.

"Come on, Lewie. Your sister will teach you everything."

That said, Sister Izadra lifted me in her arms.

Damn, it's getting bigger fast.

If I did, I wouldn't be able to lift it like this.

Tina and I got into a carriage where I was supposed to be, without saying anything, whether they knew about us in the boulder.

At least I was hoping Arian or so would say something, but Arian smiled off at me being taken.

Thin Love ⁉

I screamed in my heart.

And when I got into the carriage with my sisters, I was attacked by a spoil in the name of study.

Specifically, he was turned into a pillow or a dressing doll.

The sisters say they're trying to pick a dress to show the fathers.

A few days after leaving the castle.

We have arrived in the Devil's City.

When you look at the township, it resembled the capital of the demon tribe you saw in your previous life.

After all, no matter how many years have passed, the nation's own culture remains the same.

Going down the road, I saw the palace.

"That's the Gallable Demon Palace. Lewie."

Sister Izadra taught me while knitting three of my places. [M]

"Will the Rosettita sisters be here already?

"Maybe we're already there."

Sister Helmine talks while she trims my hair and Sister Fell talks about me wearing makeup.

All three of you, you can do it well in a swinging carriage.

When impressed, the carriage stopped.

"Apparently, we're here."

"Right. Uh-oh, show me your face."

I looked up as I was told. [M]

The three of them looked at me and shook their whole bodies with a pull.

"Uh... what's up?

Because I won't say anything. I tilted my neck.

"" Oh, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. ""

That's what my sisters have said and held me tight.

Ha, something's always the same ~.

I got out of the carriage.

When I got off, my brother put his hand on my shoulder.

That's like saying, well endured.

Brother, if you want to work by now, help me from the beginning.

As soon as we got off the carriage, the guide arrived and we were put through while we were away.

There was Sister Rosettita and Sister Migliaria.

There were people who had never seen it.

There are about fourteen of us.

All men, of course.

My guess, I thought they were all my brothers.

When I thought I should introduce myself, the three of them came to me.

"Are you Lewie?

Asking so gave the impression that he seemed warm with a soft face.

Red clothes made from good fabric.

Shoulders elephant of dragons.

White horn extending from the side head.

Brown eyes.

I felt like I saw it, and I thought you were the brother that people looked good to me.

"Yes, it is."

"Right. Nice to meet you. I'm your brother. It's third when you go in sequence. His name is Yumil."

"Nice to meet you."

Besides my brother, he's the first brother I've ever seen.

I think it's perfect to call you brother, so let's call you Brother Yumil next time.

"Right. You."

The other looked at me with cold, icy eyes.

I use the same good fabric as Brother Yumil, but this one is blue.

Blue eyes with three white eyes.

I tie it to one black hair.

He was growing blue horns from his forehead.

He was weaving a white cape on his back.

"Hmm. For drawing your father's blood, a lovely face was born."

"Ha, you sure do. But Brother Soavigo. I'll give you a proper name."


Anyone called Soavigo looks at me.

"It's Soavigo the Crown Prince. Remember that."

When you say Crown Prince, are you the eldest son?

Let's call this man Brother Soar.

"Then I'm next."

Yes, the third person came forward.

He had green hair cut all over his shoulder.

I was growing red horns on my forehead.

Large green eyes the same color as your hair.

Unlike the two previous ones, the clothes worn by this man, on top of being disintegrated, were pictured as some animal with gold thread.

I don't know from the look of it, but for now, I only know that it mimics some kind of animal.

He had yellow and black striped fur wrapped around his waist.

"I'm Orvendo. It's the fifteenth in sequence, so it's your older brother. Say hello."

Orvendo introduced himself as he stroked my head.

Hmm. This guy feels comfortable, so let's call him Brother Orr.

Talk to me. Okay, but the man here is apparently my brother.

Let's remember to ask Brother Ol, who seems nervous, to remember his face by name.

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