"Father, why would you do that?

Brother Yumil asks his father.

Dad sees Brother Yumil.

"One of you will inherit the throne. Then it would be worse to get used to running the territory at all."

"Cheng Cheng"

Brother Yumil was convinced.

"Father, I don't mind if we join you, but Lewie is only ten years old. Isn't it a little too soon?

Sister Rosetita tells me as if to speak for what everyone here thinks.

"Let's not get too fast. There was a Tejodewan in our ancestors. At the age of only seven, he succeeded to the throne of the present Emperor, and he enlarged the territory of the demonic kingdom at the time, brilliantly assembling the country. The ancestors were born, and it would be strange for Lewie, the descendant, to be able to run the territory."


"It's a matter of decision. I'll let you choose as much territory to rule over as boulders."

Dad tells his brothers as he strokes my head.

"Well, we're done here. Back off, but good."

Dad says to put me down and leave the room. We leave as we are told.

"At all, he's also a troubled man for his father. I didn't know you'd inflict so much suffering on such a cute Lewie."

Sister Izadra was pumping and angry as she put me on her lap.

There was a reason why I was on my sister's lap.

When we left the room, we were led to the prepared room.

I sat in a chair and tried to catch a breath, and the door knocked.

I wondered who was here, and Sister Izadra, Sister Hermine, Sister Rosettita and Sister Fell came.

Sister Migliaria said she went somewhere by herself.

I knew immediately what my sisters were here for. [M] So I decided to let you like it here.

But I didn't know what it meant when I walked into the room and did junk for some reason.

Watching without understanding the translation, Sister Izadra won.

And most of all, when you sit in a chair, you slap yourself on the knee looking at me.

Now I know I'm telling you to get on your knees. I'll be right next to my sister.

As I approached her, my sister lifted me up and put me on her lap, cheeky.

Sister Hermine looks envious, but, well, now it's important to talk.

"Well, Father, he might be willing to let Lewie run the territory with the intention of letting the pretty boy travel,"

Sister Rosetita sits in her seat and says so sipping tea.

"Sister. Father doesn't feel that easy. Isn't this' Light Fail Stag Child Drop '"

Lightfail Stag Child Drop?

Don't ask me that first time. Over here?

"Hey, sister"

"What is it? Lewie."

"What's with that light failstag, what?

"It's a child drop. Lewie. When I say Lightfailstag, it's a demon who looks like a deer. As the name suggests, fur glows in cold light without heat. Gold, silver, green, purple, blue, red and many more. The demon lives in the mountains, but at high altitudes in the snow mountains."

Do you live in the mountains? Oh, somehow, but I see what it means to drop a child.

"The demon has the habit of having a child and running down a cliff when his body grows to some extent. If you can run down a stunning cliff, the child will be recognized as an adult. But if you can't run down, you die with your legs frustrated, or you fall and die."

After all, perhaps the word 'child drop' was born after seeing a child run down.

"They say that the child who survives that habit is to the extent that one of the two remains. If your father intends to do so, I have an idea."

Oh, there's light in Sister Izadra's eyes, the light's gone.

This place needs to calm down.

In the meantime, slap me on the cheek. Peppy.


All right, let's calm your mind with a nickel smile here.

"... (nickels)"

"... I wonder why it's so flat when it's all about you. This girl."

Sister Izadra smiles and hugs me.

All right, now calming down is a success.

"Well, I don't know what your father thinks, but he's got some ideas. Shall we expect Father's arms here? of"

Sister Rosettita tells me to expect her father to use any means, so the sisters nodded.

"So is that. I don't think my father would suddenly leave a dangerous region in his hands."

"Uhm. I'll leave you to your father"

Sister Fell and sister Helmine nodded.

"Phew, you have no choice. If that's what your sister says."

Sister Izadra is reluctant, but she convinced me.

Then the door was knocked again, so I wondered who was coming, and Brother Paymon came.

When I tried to invite my sisters shopping, they said they were all in my room, so let's come to my room.

I thought I'd finally be released, but now they took me shopping with it delivered in Sister Hermine's hands.

Well, Sister Hermine was happy, so let's do a good thing.

While shopping, I became a dressing doll.

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