Nong, Orx Bram Vamilion sat on the throne, waiting for the children to come.

I called it in today to let the kids learn how to run the territory.

Most importantly, I let my sons choose the territory they want me to learn, so I don't know where I can learn.

Well, we chose it ourselves, so we won't complain. If you wear it, you can make up your mind there with a whale and a coin toss.

And wait, tens of minutes.

All the children came with Beryl's guidance.

The sons look like their mothers, or draw their blood to inherit part of their mother's race. There are exceptions, but generally speaking, I would say the son of Noun.

My daughter looked more like her mother than she looked like her grandfather.

Especially Miriam. She looks just like Noon's father.

Seeing him grow up, he was stunned because he came to resemble his father in both words and deeds.

Well, they're all coming in, so do we talk?

"It's good to be here. You guys."

When Non said that, everyone has been thankful.

"Well, I told you more than that at the same time. It's about territory. I want to know where you're going."

Non sent a signal to Beryl and made him send out a map.

We should look at the territorial map of the demonic kingdom and tell them where we chose them.

First of all, it's Lewie, my last son.

This child is the exception among the sons of Non. Whatever it is, it doesn't resemble a mother or a father.

Lewie's mother, Non's wife, said, "You look just like me when I was a child," but it was a lie. For once, I said to my wife, "Are you sure you're the son of Noon?" When I heard it, I was caged.

Ugh, the fear of that time when I remember it, blurb.

Calm down, calm down. Non. I didn't say anything profound, and I'm sure she's a pretty girl, and even if she hadn't really drawn the blood of Non, it wouldn't have changed what happened to Non's son if she had been born out of his wife's belly.

When I told my wife, "Then don't ask me that," she slapped me on the back. Afterwards, the red leaves didn't disappear on my back for a while.

Now, to this extent, is it time to ask Lewie?

"It's Lewie."

"Yes, it wasn't a deal, Father."

Hmm, Dad? In an official setting, let's just say to Sophidia, the nanny, to make her thorough as she calls her father.

To be honest, Lewie is a reward for having such a super milky nanny.

Nanny Noon has tentacles in her lower body and an old woman's demon in her upper body.

Compared to that, there's a difference between heaven and earth.

Besides, even if Non becomes the Demon King, he treats him like a child, and I'm still saying "boy".

I can't help but be glad that such an old woman called me that.


Whoa, that was too much of a joke.

"Cohon, it's Lewie. Where does your lord want to learn how to run a territory?

That said, I'm picking up where I can learn to run my territory without any problems even in Lewie beforehand, and writing it on paper to his dairy brother Altina and giving it to him.

I'd pick the spot that his nanny recommended. I don't know the details, but he said his nanny was a former Home Secretary, so I'm relieved to be able to talk to him and give him opinions on Home Affairs.

Well, where did you pick?

"I want to learn in Owe."

Yes? What did he say now?

"... I'm sorry, could you say that again?

"I want to go to Owe."

haha ⁉ then ⁉ "Owe"

You want to go somewhere so despicable, this guy is ⁉

And are you insane? Or did your brothers threaten you to stay here?

But when I saw my sons, I heard Lewie speak, and they were all confused.

No one seems to have threatened to see this reaction.

What are you thinking about choosing "Owe" rather than "Noe"?

Ha ⁉ I feel murderous from somewhere ⁉

Following that killing spirit, Isadora is still staring at me for not killing him.

Yeah? Don't say anything with your mouth shut.

How many times do I have to tell you? I'd like to know that.

That's what I think, I move my lips to tell them something again.

This time, we'll have to do it again. That's right.

I don't know. Non shakes his neck to the side, meaning he didn't do that.

This guy is the scariest of all the kids, and he's of poor quality.

He's smart, and besides, he's a powerful man who can easily defeat even Non if he's serious. Furthermore, we are moving the politics of the demonic kingdom in one hand, so it is easy to chase down Nong at any time.

I won't because I'm not interested in the throne.

Since Lewie was born, the cat was adorable enough that Isadora, who didn't take much care of her younger brothers because she was cute or because she felt some talent, didn't hurt to put it in her eyes.

I don't want to go too far, but Lewie doesn't seem to dislike it either, so I made him like it.

He looked at Isadora with his eyes that were about to strike him again.

It doesn't taste good. As it is, Noon could be killed.

Here, at any rate, we have to defy Lewie's idea.

"It's Lewie. I don't think it's going to be easy for the Lord here. Can we make it somewhere else?

"I like it here."


"I like it here!

Ugh, when you say it with such beautiful eyes, can't you say anything?

I don't know what to do, he said he was bothering his head.


A loud noise suddenly sounded during the silent and ruled gaze.

When I looked ahead to the sound, Izadra was stepping on the floor and making a loud noise.

The floors I stepped on had cracks and bulges everywhere when I fell into them.

"... Father"

"Ha, ha."

"Why don't you take a break?


"Lewie and a little (...) have to (...) and (...), so let's take a break"

"No, all of a sudden, you don't have to take a break"

"Did you say something?

Hii⁉ Don't look at my father, Non, with his eyes that are still going to strike you.

"Wow, okay. Let's take a break."

"Yeah, that's right"

I smiled.

"Come on, Lewie. I need to talk to you a little bit, so let's go that way."

Izadra smiled and grabbed Lewie's shoulder, leaving between glances.

After that, Rosettita, Fer, Hermine and Migliaria ran after him.

Between the sights, there was an unspeakable air.

"Eh, Cohon. Often, it shall be a break. When you're ready, I'll call you back, so wait in the waiting room. Above"

That's what Non says, standing on the throne.

Ha, I want to give this seat to someone soon.

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