I, Izadra Excella Dragonia, had a pleasant cup of tea on the surface, even though I had heartless thoughts.

What doesn't make sense is that Father ordered us to be lords for a while in order to learn how to run our territory.

So, my pretty little brother Lewie says he's headed to Owe for some dangerous, not-so-big thing.

I know that my father found out about the territory in order to make him learn how to run it.

But some of the maids who take care of Lewie used to be home affairs officers.

So you know how dangerous and despicable Lewie's choice of "Owe" is.

There live a large number of descendants of indigenous peoples who did not meet our demons. If that's all it takes, no problem, but it raids from time to time. So the development of that 'owe' has not always progressed.

What's more, the north faces the sea there, but the south is completely inland, but there are plenty of them, so we can't even investigate what's buried in the mountain.

Hardly enough, there are several cities and villages where people can live.

On top of that, there is the 'Qinghai'. I'm saying the sea, but it's actually a big lake. However, nobody gets close to that lake because it is said that drinking the water from that lake will curse you on top of the fish not being inhabited.

So I don't even know what nature of water it is.

It's too unfit a place to learn how to run a territory.

Honestly, I thought your father forced you to push him.

But it wasn't. I asked him about it during the visit, but he didn't seem to know why he chose such a place.

Then I thought that the other brothers and sisters had threatened me, but I immediately understood that was not the same.

Anyway, it's Brother Soar who's interested in the throne, and all the other brothers and sisters are like, "Why don't you just do it if someone wants to?" in a state of mind. So I don't even have to threaten you.

Including that, when I tried to ask Lewie in a separate room, he apparently decided to think for himself.

I said stop because I can't do that over there on the boulder, and even though it was easy, the cute Lewie didn't listen hard enough.

Phew, that mean face is cute too, but I say no just this time.

I never have any desire to make it difficult because I miss choosing a distant territory to leave, to serve near where I was going to rule, or, if I could, a place where I could frequently show my face.

No, I want to go. Repeating the exchange, Sister Rosé came out of her mouth.

My sister said we should put Lewie in a dangerous position to grow.

That being said, I was also troubled.

I think it's good for cute Lewie to grow. But it's a little too dangerous for me to go this time, so I want you to work harder in a safer place.

As conflicting thoughts glued around my head, Lewie grabbed my arms and came looking up in tears.

Ugh, if you look at me like that, you're heartbroken by the boulders.

So I had no choice but to let Lewie go with the thought of a severance. I don't mean it, though.

Afterwards, the sisters discussed how much they would take to the escort, and they said that Fell would decline to talk about the territory and escort Lewie.

I certainly didn't think this story was bad and I agreed.

Because Fell has the best talent for pickpockets when it comes to other things than internal affairs, so he's also perfect for escorts.

It is unfortunate that with the talent of internal affairs, we can become a leading Demon King candidate.

He also says, "It seems boring to be a Demon King, and I'll like it ~" so he doesn't seem interested in the status of Demon King.

For that matter, battles, negotiations, etc. have uncalled for arms.

The Cavalry Regiment of the Magic Bow is an army that specializes in manoeuvre attacks. I saw the training once, but the degree of training and morale were all legions that could be described as very strong. It would also be perfect as an escort force.

As far as home affairs are concerned, it would be enough to have Sophidia, Lewie's nanny. I have also heard that you are excellent as a Home Affairs Officer.

Plus, there's a cute Lewie. This kid, at this age, had a medium internal affairs arm.

I can only say it's amazing because I think of one thing after another that can be described as brilliant, even though I have a different idea.

Honestly, I thought you were really pulling your father's blood.

His face does not resemble that of his father or that of Lewie's mother, and at this age he possesses considerably higher magic. Besides that, I also signed a contract with the Warcraft. This can only be called an anomaly anymore.

The boulder, my sweet Lewie, that's it, but it's impossible to think about it normally.

I can't believe you have such an amazing child from that father. It's really 'The Dragon Ya gives birth to the Dragon King'.

Well, maybe her mother's blood's just thick. Honestly, I can burn my hands.

"Sister Izadra, what's wrong?

Oops, I was confused and forgot about the cute Lewie opponent I was putting on my lap.

What I have done is unworthy.

"It's nothing. Lewie."

I stroke my pretty Lewie's head.

Then this child had her eyes narrowed and she looked comfortable.

Ha, she's really cute.

Just looking at this face heals me no matter how tired I am.

Phew, I honestly don't think I want this kid to go to 'Owe', but this is for this kid too, so let's do it.

Besides, if you stay away from me, you might see my hard taste. And when that happens, you won't have to say anything extraordinary this time. Then I can feel safe.

"Sister Rosettita. Take the sugar."


Oh? Sister Rose is mucking her face a little. Why not?

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. Sister Rosé, take the sugar."


Sister Rosé took care of herself and gave her a container with sugar.

Ha? Didn't you just say "Sister Rosé"?


"What? Sister Izadra"

"Didn't you just call Sister Rose" Sister Rose "?

"Yeah, that's what I decided to call it next time."

... ho, Cheng Cheng.

Really? Really? You agreed to let Lewie go to Owe when they said that, didn't you?

Totally my sister, you're somehow a pretty sister to say choroy or simple.

That's what Lewie said, and you can see her talking about Sister Rosé.

Where did you learn to root for this child? Well, now it's better than that.

And I put the cup on the table, and grabbed Lewie's face, and turned toward me.


"What? Sister Izadra"

"Isn't it slightly unfair to say 'sister' only to Sister Rosé?

As I inquired, I hunifed Lewie's cheek.

Enjoying that soft feeling, I expressed my dissatisfaction.

I'm not dissatisfied with what you rooted for Sister Rose, not me, but I told Sister Rose only because it's obviously unfair to say 'sister'.

I never wanted to be called that way either.

"Uh, well, what should Sister Izadra call you?

"Think for yourself."

I would prefer a graded, excellent and beautifully called way over 'sister' if I could.

"... give me some time to think"

"Great. Come up with it by tomorrow."

Well, if you can't think of it, you can huniff it as punishment.

"Eh, uh-huh. Don't we have them?

"Right. Liu, that's not fair."

Fell and Migliaria have complained, haven't they?

Is that it? It's weird that Hermine hasn't said anything.

At times like this, you say bossly, as you decide.

When I thought so and saw Hermine, he was drinking tea, looking somewhat sorry.

"Oh, helmine. You're not gonna say anything?

"Hey, what is it?

"That's right. Usually this place says, 'I want you to call me like your sisters, too,' but... oh, maybe."

Migliaria seems to have figured something out. Because this kid is the sharpest of the sisters.

You act incredibly, rubbing people's breasts, but it's accepted there as loving.

Once I asked why I rubbed it, I returned an unexplained and unexplained answer saying, "Because there's a chest there," so I stopped asking any more questions.

Every now and then, I rub the breasts of women with big breasts like me, Fell, Hermine, etc., but they all avoided and dealt with it.

"Maybe Lewie calls me 'Sister' like Sister Rose?

When Migliaria said so, Hermine turned her face unnaturally. Helmine, that's the same as you admit.

"Buh, Liu. If that's what you call your sisters, I will."

"Of course. Me, too. Uh-oh."

Well, isn't that good? Anyway, you won't come up with it that soon.

"Well, to Sister Miriam, with Sister Fell"

So, why do you two come up with it right away? Rebellion? Rebellion?

"Uh-huh. You're my sister, I've never been told before, so something's fresh."

"Sister Fell. Well, it's good."

"... Lewie"

"Hey, what?

I pulled both cheeks of Lewie.

"How can you two come up with it but I can't think of it right away?

"Yes, no."

"Is it rebellion? You're defying me, aren't you? Really? Really?"

I pull Lewie's cheeks as I swell them.

"For such a bad boy, it's a punishment. I'll let you pull my cheeks until I feel better."

"Hi-ha, hi-ha."

No, sir.

After that, I pulled Lewie's cheek until Beryl arrived.

Looking forward to hearing what you call it tomorrow.

If I can't think of one, shall I seriously stop you from letting 'Owe' go?

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