"Hey, I found a lot of interesting stuff in the West End market before this."

My sister, Fell, invites me to walk in the North End.

He said he was offering tourist guidance.

"See you later. Uh-huh. It was amazing. What am I supposed to do? He beat a bigger opponent than himself in a game based on a different world of competition."

Fell is eating food sold to an outdoor store while talking about a match he had at the market a few days ago.

I feel it goes with the eating walk rather than the guidance.

Well, it's all the time, so I don't care.

Me and Fell are treated as sisters in the formal arena, but they are actually the same age because the day of their birth is the same.

That happened because my father had spoken about women in various places.

So, as a matter of fact, with the other brothers, the age remains the same.

Does Fell know that, too? "You don't have to put your sister on," he says.

So I'm not wearing it.

"Helmine. How's it going? Enjoying yourself?"

Of course.

Thus, listening to someone, listening to them, is fun.

I'm a lousy mouth, so I prefer to listen to it to talk.

Lewie also speaks well to me, knowing it.

"Nevertheless, your femininity gets better every time you get older."


"Yeah, even now, Tina, Sophie, Shalu, and Amartya, Carmilla, Altria, you've been suspicious lately, too."

A lot of women like you. It must be your father's blood.

"After that, it's like someone like Deane is also powdered."

Kids don't have to look at their parents' backs.

Walking with that in mind.

I heard an object called Gashan crack.

"What's that noise?

"... let's go"

We go where the sound is heard.

After a short walk, what seemed to have happened and the crowd was ready.

As we scratch the crowd, we move forward.

And not until we get out of the crowd.

A middle-aged man was clinging to the feet of a young man.

"Please. Return my daughters and the letter of rights to the store."

"No. You owed money to Crazy Bear, not just Blue Falcon. I thought the repayment deadline was until today, but if I can't, I told you I'd get a letter of entitlement for my daughters and the store."

"So, though. Well, I can't just give you back the interest."

Then give up the store and the girls.

"Oh, no, at least wait three days."

A man pleaded young.


The man kicked a man in the stomach.



It must be the daughters of men, speaking to men kicked in tears in their eyes.

"Whoa, you guys are this way."

When a young man pulls the women's arms, he deposits them with his men nearby.

"You guys, show it to me. Break this shop down."

"" Whoa, whoa, whoa ""

When a young man says so, his men have a hammer or something.

There's more to the boulder than that.

I will come forward.


"Am I right?"

When I hit one of my men who was nearby, I lost my mind with one shot.

Pity. You don't seem to be working out.

"What." [T] hey! "

"What team are you on?


What can I say in this case?

Uh-huh. Should we identify ourselves? Or should I use a pseudonym?

What am I supposed to do?

He said it was bothering his head.

"You don't have a name."

To put it that way, Fell faints his men one after another.

You're kidding me.

"First, do these guys."

My men attacked me.

But in a few minutes of things.

"Yes, stay. Yeah..."


All the young man's men were down on the ground.

Isn't that a little too weak?

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

That's what the young man said and tried to escape, but Fell did.


I took a whip from somewhere and wrapped it around the young man's neck.


"Run away, you can't. I need you to be a witness."

Fell looked like the kid who found the toy.

Please, don't torture me. You have to take a good look.

Because of this noise, in the meantime, the guards will come.

Let's talk about the situation then.

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